Friday, May 23, 2008

What happened Thud?

Do I really need to go there?


Anonymous said...

So on March 5, 2007, Thud admits that Edmund Ford is a scammer and that he is indeed up for BRIBES to get free rides for his broke ass.


From the Thud:

This afternoon I received a call from a very irate and cussing Dennis Churchwell the owner of the property that Edmund ford's funeral home is located. in fact he called me from 791-0309 which I found out is his cell number. Churchwell was upset about my posting on yesterday where developer Willie Nelson and another businessman had revealed to me that Churchwell had been bragging about how he had given ford free rent in return for his help in getting a special permit to open what looks like a junkyard just a mile from Graceland. This act by Churchwell is a federal crime of bribing an elected official.

Here is when Thud posted the TRUTH about Edmund Ford before he flip-flopped and began sucking on Ed's ass.

"Seeing that Ford is under indictment because of a zoning situation which involves Cooper, maybe that was not the first time that Cooper had used Ford to help with a zoning issue. Is it possible that Cooper went to Churchwell and cut a deal where Ford could get the property rent free in exchange for pushing a zoning permit through for Churchwell?

A council member that I spoke with today remembers Ford being very adamant about Churchwell receiving a "SPECIAL USE PERMIT" That council member remembers Ford telling the council that what Churchwell was proposing would be very similar to a John Deere Tractor business,and with him being right across the street from the proposed business that he would make sure that everything was on the up and up."

Thud's Line before he started living in Edmund Ford's ass:

Sunday, November 06, 2005
We Have The Best Poli-trick-Ans Money Can Buy - Written By Thuddeus "Master Flip-Flopper" Mudthews

It seems that the citizens of Memphis are being taken for a ride by poli-trick-ans who like Cadillac's and other gifts from rich developers.Rusty Hyneman whose name you will find on most political financial disclosures seems to have local pol-trick-ans bought and paid for.

Seems Shitty councilman Edmund Ford who has bad credit and filed bankruptcy in 1999,is driving a 2004 Cadillac SRX(which I told you about several months ago).Edmund was not able to qualify to purchase the car due to his poor credit.In walks Rusty Hyneman multimillionaire developer,who co-signs for a $50,000 car.Why? Why would rusty care if Ed drives a Cadillac or not? And better yet why with Ed's credit history would he sign for a$50,000 car?

Some may say Edmund needed the car for his funeral home.I doubt it.His hearse and Limo's are not cadillac's.but Lincoln's. The SRX is to small to carry a casket. If Ed needed a car why not lease it from the same place he leases his funeral cars? The car is registered to E.H. ford Mortuary.Ford says he pays his own note,and does not need any help with payments from Hyneman. In fact Ed wants to know what's the problem.

Well Ed,the problem is it seems you have been bought and paid for.Just after Ford received the caddy he voted for two major developments involving Hyneman. Ed wants us to believe that there was no connection.He says no one influences his vote.Bullsh@t.How can you vote against a man who just put his name on the line for you for $50,000? Was $50,000 the price of the two votes? Why not cash? Because you didn't want to put that much cash in the bank at one time.Even with a funeral home you would have to show the funeral contracts to the accountant to justify the $50,000,but better yet since the car is registered to the funeral home the lease payments become an deduction. At least you're not on camera stuffing your pockets with money. Are You?

Rusty Hyneman also bought Michael hooks Sr. A $1,200 airline ticket.this is while hooks was chairman of the county commission. The commission also approves development in Memphis and Shelby county. Its stated that the ticket was for hooks to fly to New York.You mean Commissioner Hooks whose also a business owner could not afford a $1,200 airline ticket?

A business partner of Hyneman arranged for hooks to receive a interest free $16,000 loan to be paid back in trade for services rendered. Hooks also through the years have voted for Hyneman developments. If you're broke how can you balance the people's budget? When Mike was running earlier this year for the state senate he did not live in the district,and was about to lease a house out east in the district,hmmmmm I wonder who owned that house.

To many of these poli-trick-ans think that they are elected to vote their consciences,but if they had a conscience they would not have this city in the financial shape that its in.They would not have made a gentleman's agreement with the mayor to lie to the city of Memphis about the budget,just to get re-elected.They would be in an uproar about having the city's books looked at by an outside source.

Memphis its time to clean house!!! I will be posting tomorrow about a meeting to be called to discuss the RECALL of the mayor and the CLEAN SWEEP of the Shitty Council and the planning and organizing to make it happen.

By the way Ed the only person that believes you're not on the take is your wife.She once told me that when the building of the Fed-Ex Forum was before the council you were offered $40,000 for your vote,but you refused. I guess you voted for it because you thought it was the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Thaddeus isn't the Mayor who runs things........why go after him?

"Sack/Dust" the Mayor and shit changes overnight!

Was Ronnie Brasfield the only man in Memphis with the brass balls?

Anonymous said...

You might be right on occasion Anti-Thad, but this goof makes sense:

Some valuable friends called from the Sanitation Department and were wondering if you could take on a little of the cause for them to get a pension check off, put in place.

These people are only entitled to social security when they leave and that isn't much. A Republican goes in the Whitehouse and no telling how much of that is going to be cut.

A lot of the white folks have forgotten what it's like to haul your own garbage! These are human beings.......MEN! and they are entitled to be heard. They only want to be able to sit in a very little comfort when they retire, just like any other human being.
You have the Mayor appointing some to jobs in the multi- thousand dollar a year jobs while the little guys who pick up our waste, only receive the crumbs left on the table.

They can voice there concerns in one of two ways to be treated like humans: Violently or in peaceful protest. We all better pray they choose the latter.

Several of these multi-thousand dollar a year people are friends of yours down at MLG&W. How many of them are willing to buck "Mr. Willie" down at 125 North Main, and ask that the Sanitation workers be heard?

"I Gotz Mines!"

3:00 PM

Anonymous said...

These people are only entitled to social security when they leave and that isn't much. A Republican goes in the Whitehouse and no telling how much of that is going to be cut.


Uh duh! It's been the Dumbocrats that have fucked social security up to date.

What a dumb fucking ass.

Anti-Thad said...

The Dems do hold most of the blame for the Social Security situation. HOWEVER, the sanitation people need some benefits. They do a hard job and most of those guys are really down to earth hard working folks. I know several that have families and barely get by. Its definitely a problem.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what happened to Thud at his court appearance today? His blog has been SILENT...could he have finally been put away?

Anonymous said...

I was the "white devil" who called in at the beginning of the show today. The only thing more frustrating than a "grown" man ignoring the truth was the string of fellow idiots who called in after me saying how bad "Thudmebious gotstedzeds meees".

Oh, and I was the same guy who literally shut his show down for about 5 minutes on Monday. It seems that while "in da hood" over in "Left Memfri" he didn't have his trusty "oh crap here's a white guy making me look stupid again button' to hang up on me himself. So I just kept railing him on true facts until he became so irate that he was yelling at the guy in the studio to hang up on me. However the poor guy didn't know which button it was and all the sudden ......... "dead air...... for about 5 min's..... then when the show did come back on it was music".

Face it, the guy is a JOKE!!! This self proclaimed 'leader' of the black people is nothing more than a career criminal with a deep hatred for all things white.

PS> don't you just love when he gets so mad at me and others and says, "are you gunna shut the hell up?", "dis is mines show", "you a fool".

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! He is a total idiot but makes a great comedian though.

Hecate RavenMoon said...

To anonymous at 10:12pm--

We couldn't be THAT lucky.

Anonymous said...

Out of all the victims in Memphis, why does Thud escape?

Anonymous said...

Matthews wanted to know why no comments by David Kustoff and My Harrison. He won't publish this, so here's his answer:

Kustoff has stepped down as the Attorney General anyway. His comment would be moot.

My Harrison has been instructed by the FBI office of professional responsibilty to make no further comments to the press unless authorized by Washington. This goes for the entire Memphis Office.

This was due to her censure because of the photo you published with her "glamming" at some church event. Doing the vogue with a nefarious and notorious individual is serious with the FBI.

Anonymous said...

To 10:12 pm.....
We all need to write to the judicial committee and ask why this frog has been allowed to continue this activity. This makes 4 continuances. Anyone else would have had to go to jail or pay severe fines on the first trip. He is apparently intimidating Judge Broffett.


Booking # 08703490 Charge Group 01 RNI # 67712 Sex M Race B DOB 04/01/1957

Address 5300 MARISSA CO , MEMPHIS TN 381180000

Arresting Agency SO Officer SHELBY COUNTY Arrest Date/Time 02/14/2008 13:00
Releasable Y In Jail On Booking # 00000000 Status Date Assigned Court GS
Division 09 Session 9:00 a.m. Court Date 06/26/2008 For DISPOSITION Total Resets 04
Case Disposed N

Description Class Disposition Fine Amount

Anonymous said...

What reason is being given for these requests for continuances and why is Judge Broffit continuing to grant them?

It's not like this is a murder trial.

The fat racist fuck drove without a license AGAIN. He is a habitual offender. Time for him to pay the fine or go to jail.

Found the following on Turd's website. It appears that Thud has secrets on Judge Broffit, therefore the special privilege.

March 1, 2008

Secondly, didn't you wear Judge Broffit out a while back about fooling with a sexual deviant pedophile and a white man at that? Didn't you also state that she only dated white folks and didn't like black men? Want to guess who the judge of Division 9 is?

Take Javier with you on this one. It should be a cake walk.

"I Gotz Mines!"

Anonymous said...

Why is a drivers license and car insurance important?
Check this statement out by a sheriff's deputy after a fatal accident this morning:

"Sheriff's investigators believe the speed of the s motorcycle caused the crash and said there was no indication of alcohol use by either driver. But they did say that neither driver had a driver’s license.

Deputies say charges are pending against Cayetano for driving without a license and not having car insurance."

Thaddeus Matthews has a wreck and injures or kills someone and all he has to do is smile and turn his pockets inside out! It could be one of you, or your family members!

Anonymous said...

Continuances happen for a variety of reasons. Maybe, this one is because he knows he gonna serve time and is making arrangements. We can always hope.

Anonymous said...

I see that you have to copy pics from Thad's site to have a story

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I see that you have to copy pics from Thad's site to have a story

May 25, 2008 1:16 AM

Your point? Go back and drink some more of Thud's Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear Thudmebus's segment on credit? That fat fool kept saying "kredick"!!! I even thought the guy with him in his "studio" was going to say something.

And one other thing... Thud always loves to say that when blacks file for bankruptcy that they are low life's but when whites do it's called "re-skruktring". Someone needs to explain to the waste of skin that filing once would be restructuring but filing 4 or more times like his ass IS being a low life.

Anonymous said...

What if you file twice does that mean you bad?

Anonymous said...

Mrs Hecate RavenMoon:

Hello...I'm back in sweet America finally,I had a very nice and stressful trip,it was mostly business but I enjoyed every min.Hecate this blog is really something else,I started reading some posts on here after I got settled in last night.Nero couldn't wait for me to get to my computer,she is so excited about Anti Thad.I think I'm going to like over here,the people seem to be more mature and with thoughts and the blog is just more ALIVE. Love and Light....Black Queen:

Anti-Thad said...

anonymous 1:16,
I might have to copy pictures from Thud's site, but YOU have to come here to post a comment!

Anonymous said...

To Anti-Thad:
Hello,Thad I am so excited about your blog and all of the posters,and I look forward to talking with all of you.I will put up a picture and would really like to become a part of the family.This blog is a total turn around from Thaddeus's blog,I would love to settle here if you all would have me. Bye the way....I didn't drink the Kool-Aid,I just took a sip.

Anonymous said...

Continuances happen for a variety of reasons. Maybe, this one is because he knows he gonna serve time and is making arrangements. We can always hope.

May 24, 2008 9:39 PM

This is his 4th one since his arrest in February. How do you get 4 continuances on a driving without a license charge.

This is not a murder trial where the defense is having to perform extensive DNA tests and needs more time.

Looks like when it comes times for Thud to pay for his crime, he ain't up to the task. But he expects for everyone else to follow the rules and laws of the land (expect for black people, they don't count - but the evil whites must pay)

Anonymous said...

I see that you have to copy pics from Thad's site to have a story

May 25, 2008 1:16 AM

We will lift anything we want from Thud's website. No different than Thud thievery against society at large and his lifting of media reporter's photographs and stories and calling it his own.

Does it feel good Thud? Turn about is fair play. Hahahahahaha! Dumb fat societal misfit.

Anonymous said...

What if you file twice does that mean you bad?

May 25, 2008 7:29 AM

It means you are financially irresponsible.

If you file 4 times like Edmund Ford Senior has or 7 times like Thuddeus Crappews, that means you are a HABITUAL ABUSER of the bankruptcy system and that your GAME on the system will come to an end! The majority won't tolerate these types of thugs thievery on the system.

Anonymous said...

10:56......well now ain't this something! The Wolf raising hell about the Fox getting too much of his share!

Some of you white folks sure are funny.

You put the bankruptcy laws in place for you white folks' Enron and World com. Then raise hell when a black man uses the same system you created and put into place.

There weren't a lot of Afro-Americans testifying before Congress about the oil prices now were there? Sure aren't a lot of Afro-American colleges raising there tuition fees because of the speculators greed are there?

Like I told Matthews on his site....Bin Ladin and all of he Arab World ain't mad at colored folks. On 9/11 you didn't see one plane flown into the ghetto or low income areas now did you?

White folks, you need to wake up before it's really too late. The chickens have come home to roost!
Matthews ain't doing anything but holding a mirror up for you to look into.

"I Gotz Mines!"

Anti-Thad said...

You put the bankruptcy laws in place for you white folks' Enron and World com. Then raise hell when a black man uses the same system you created and put into place.


Obviously you are too damn stupid to understand what EXACTLY happened with those organizations you mentioned. You only make yourself look ignorant by posting uneducated responses about things you know little to nothing about.


Like I told Matthews on his site....Bin Ladin and all of he Arab World ain't mad at colored folks. On 9/11 you didn't see one plane flown into the ghetto or low income areas now did you?


They didn't fly planes into the ghettos or public housing because there would be little to no value of damage you asswipe! Who is going to miss "D-Bo" the drug dealer and "Sheniquius" his ho?

Again, you speak with low education to people who are superior in intelligence than you, and you end up getting owned on a BLOG. You know how dumb you have to be to get owned on a BLOG? Just ask Thud?

White folks, you need to wake up before it's really too late. The chickens have come home to roost!
Matthews ain't doing anything but holding a mirror up for you to look into.

Well, when those chickens show up, maybe you and fatboy can share some "yard eggs" you bumbling idiot! That mirror has got to be one BIG ASS MIRROR for Thud to see himself in.

3 times claiming Bankruptcy is an abuse. PERIOD!

Black, white, rich, poor, Indian, Japanese, President or Ghetto Pimp.
It is AN ABUSE of the system.

But unfortunately, people like Thud, and his pathetic kool aid drinking supporters, think it is a free govt. service that is provided as some sort of reparations for slavery, equal rights, etc.

The CEO's of Enron, WorldCom, and others are equally as spineless and need a good ass kicking in their jail cells. AND YEAH, THEY ARE WHITE.

But....the difference is, you won't hear me or any other WHITE MAN, defending these slugs.


Anonymous said...

Then raise hell when a black man uses the same system you created and put into place.

You mean when a black man ABUSES the system.

You stand corrected!!!

Anonymous said...

Like I told Matthews on his site....Bin Ladin and all of he Arab World ain't mad at colored folks.

Awww, don't fool yourself racist militant bastard! You are an AMERICAN, they hate your dumb asses too!!!!

And we have courageous black men and women fighting the good fight in the U.S. military!

I Gotz Mines Too & I'z Be's Whites!!!

Anonymous said...

Whites dont raise hell when another white man is caught by the police for messing up. If he did it, then prove it in court and sentence his ass to whatever is appropriate.

Thud and a few others, raise hell when a black man is caught by the police, raise hell when he goes to court declaring his innocence without knowing if he is or isn't, and raises hell when the sentence is handed down.

When a white man is acquitted for a crime, life goes on for whites. No parties, no boasting, no public displays of arrogance and aggravation.
When a black man is acquitted for a crime, Thud and others RAISE NINE KINDS OF HELL BOASTING ABOUT HOW THE BLACK MAN GOT OFF AND BEAT THE SYSTEM declaring that the authorities are "terrorists".

I could go on and on with this, but what good would it do.

"I HAD MINEZ, but it got 'jacked' at 3rd and McLemore."

Anonymous said...

"Like I told Matthews on his site....Bin Ladin and all of he Arab World ain't mad at colored folks."

Put all the hyphenations in front of your American citizenship all you want - you are still a PLAIN OLD AMERICAN and are hated by the extremist Muslims.

If they were to get a hold of you, they'd put you in their society as a water boy and other degrading positions. So don't start clapping so soon because they look down on you far worse than any white man could ever dream about!

As a matter of fact, there are Muslims in Africa right now that are slaving YOUR PEOPLE as I write this!!!! Whuuuttttt?

Your hatred of whites is going to eat you alive and be your downfall!

Your bad!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whites dont raise hell when another white man is caught by the police for messing up.

Timothy McVeigh said BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

Another whiney negro trying to lie on good white people.

Anonymous said...

"I HAD MINEZ, but it got 'jacked' at 3rd and McLemore."

May 25, 2008 5:56 PM

I had minez tooz before the little thug bastards came and took it an d made it their own.

Reparations? Fuck that....theyz beenz getting theyz back for years with their disproportionate numbers of property crime and robberies.

I will never pay these people shit. I'd give the actual slaves some money if they were around, but not their arrogant, ignorant, offspring.

Theys going to have to work for it JUST LIKE ME!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok I posted about filing bankruptcy. Let me tell you my story real quickly. I filed almost 9 yrs ago (chapter 7) was keeping my bills paid but over the last year I got into some real financial woes. I'm not a jail bird or a person that does anything illegal. So I'm I bad for filing a ch. 7 again and this one I know will be my last time filing. I'm open to all answers . Thanks and who is the cheapest lawyer who'll file a 7 for me.

Anonymous said...

I mean am I a bad person for filing again?

Anonymous said...

You may not be able to file again so easily. Our legislators recently tightened the screws on those filing because of habitual abusers like Edmund Ford and Thuddeus Maffews running their GAME on the system.

People like these two screwed it up for decent people who seriously need it.

So thank those two playa's when the Court tells you NO.

Anonymous said...

Thanks and who is the cheapest lawyer who'll file a 7 for me.

You'll have to take a credit counseling class before you'll be allowed to file. That's part of the new law. Even then, your Chapter 7 may not be granted.

All the thanks goes to those who abused the system.

Anonymous said...

Who owns who Anti-Thad?
You created a whole website to go after one man. Guess old Thaddeus owned you then didn't he?

Question: Why is it that white folks have to resort to name calling when they get caught and shamed out?

Pay your taxes, IRS, State, Local and County, so that......

"I Gotz Mines!"

Anti-Thad said...

Who owns who Anti-Thad?
You created a whole website to go after one man. Guess old Thaddeus owned you then didn't he?

Question: Why is it that white folks have to resort to name calling when they get caught and shamed out?

Pay your taxes, IRS, State, Local and County, so that......

"I Gotz Mines!"

May 25, 2008 7:47 PM


First off, I apparently OWN YOU seeing as how you are over here on my jock.

Secondly, it's a BLOG, not a website. If that is too much for you to understand, take a basic computer course along with an economics and US History class, and get back with me before I OWN YOU SOME MORE!

Third, the BLOG (as opposed to the "website" you made reference to) was created to refute Thud's constant lying bullshit and racist agenda. The untruths and rhetoric he spews from his pie hole and his keyboard are ANYTHING but productive. Apparently you have ingested WAY too much of his Kool Aid. You need therapy and help my friend.

Now, if you can't play nice and act like you have at least a 4th grade education, then don't be offended when people on here put you in your place.

Do not come unprepared for a battle of intelligence or wits, otherwise, you leave wasted, abused, and feeling like a whore on 3rd and Mallory.

Anonymous said...

Oh I did my research I qualify according to the salary means test that TN goes by and I know about the class. I believe I qualify as a matter of fact I know I do but does anyone know who the cheapest lawyer is and also am I a bad person???

Anonymous said...

Javier Bailey is a cheap lawyer.

We don't know a thing about you so why are you asking us to judge you.

Anonymous said...

You created a whole website to go after one man.

And this ONE website will get the TRUTH out about Societal Misfit Thad Matthews just fine!

Why are you so worried! Afraid you won't have a place to practice your writing skills?

I Gotz Me Somez Too!

Anonymous said...

First off, I apparently OWN YOU seeing as how you are over here on my jock.

Yes you do, Anti-Thad! You OWN this "Gotz Mines" character. I guess this bastard got tired of Thud's bullshit lies and moderation too. Funny shit!

Anonymous said...

8:33 I just want to know am I a bad person for filing bankruptcy again?

Anonymous said...

Blogging at its best - I'm loving that Anti-Thad is mopping the floor with "I GOTZ MINES", ( who probably getz hiz thru govt hand-outs or worse.) Go Anti!

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

To Black Queen,
Hello, my name is Tameka, I am a very close friend and god-daughter of Ms. Ravenmoon.
She has told me so much about you and Nero. She also told me that you and she are friends on Yahoo 360. That is cool.
Ms. Ravenmoon and her husband Tommy are very dear to me. They have always been there for me, even after my mom passed away from a severe stroke 8 years ago.
Ms. Ravenmoon is at training class right now, but I will call her in a minute to let her know you are back in the States, ok?

Anti-Thad said...


Don't know if you're a bad person or not. We don't know you. You could be the "2nd suspect" in the Lester Street Murders that Thud keeps talking about. You could be the FBI who Thud claims to be "terrorists".

So that might actually make you a bad person...I don't know.

If you are asking if filing Bankruptcy makes you a bad person, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Abusing the laws and the system to facilitate a bankruptcy however, would surely qualify.

Anonymous said...

Pay your taxes, IRS, State, Local and County, so that......

"I Gotz Mines!"

May 25, 2008 7:47 PM


Posted By Daralene Jones
Exclusive: More money troubles for Councilman Edmund Ford

Memphis- Edmund Ford doesn't own the building where his mortuary is housed. And it turns out he doesn't even totally own the property inside the family business he opened back in 2004. The government has leins on most of the office equipment inside used to keep E.H. Ford Mortuary afloat.

Tax records we dug up show Councilman Ford hasn't paid city or county taxes on the personal property inside since he opened three years ago. He owes the city and county at least $3,000 in personalty taxes for things like the desks, computers and other office equipment he uses to run the business. This is a tax charged to all business owners. We uncovered Councilman Ford is also behind on his property taxes for his nice Whitehaven home. Recent bills we obtained show he owes the city about $2400 in taxes and penalties from last year's tax bill due since August. Councilman Ford also hasn't paid about $2600 he owes in county taxes due at the end of February. "We operate for about a year trying to collect from them, second year we tell them we're about to put them in tax sale," County Trustee Bob Patterson explains.

Anti-Thad said...

Just say No 2 Thad,

That piece on your blog about Thaddeus being arrested for child support and the pics of his womenz is SICK girl.


Everyone needs to go witness that spectacle over there!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Javier Bailey is a cheap lawyer.

We don't know a thing about you so why are you asking us to judge you.

May 25, 2008 8:33 PM

Soon to be an unemployed, unlicensed lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Javier Bailey is a cheap lawyer.

We don't know a thing about you so why are you asking us to judge you.

May 25, 2008 8:33 PM

Soon to be an unemployed, unlicensed lawyer.

Keep watch on this site where you'll see Jav's chickens coming home to roost.

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

Glad you liked it.
By the way, did you get my response to you on my other topics?

Anonymous said...

Edmund Ford - LOSER
Thad Matthews - LOSER
Javier Bailey - LOSER
Albert Sharpton - LOSER
Victor Hill - LOSER
Hubert Bass - LOSER

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

To 9:48pm,
You got that shit right.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Bankruptcies and Foreclosures, Have you seen where Javier Bailey is facing foreclosure and is suing his mortgage company just to stall the process...

Funny how that shit works huh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks anti-t! I believe I am going to go on and file chapter 7 but I've sincerely learned my lesson about making bills. And no am not no dam suspect in the lester st. massacre nor do I have any kind of criminal record been working the same job for the 7 yrs.

Anonymous said...

just say no how is your mom lucille c. doing? Tell her Charles James said hi

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

To Charles,
My mother's name was Mattie. She passed away 8 years ago. We are originally from Nashville,TN. I just moved here 6 months ago.

Anonymous said...

Oh my bag you favor my daughter's friend at Rust.

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

No problem. They say everyone has a twin.

Anonymous said...

Edmund Ford - LOSER
Thad Matthews - LOSER
Javier Bailey - LOSER
Albert Sharpton - LOSER
Victor Hill - LOSER
Hubert Bass - LOSER

And these are the strong black men that don't have a pot to piss in are ones that these kool-aid drinkers are following?

Why is it that decent black men can't get a fair shake in the black community?

Why are so many attracted to such losers?

Anonymous said...

12:31, you left out Jesse Jackson ma man.

Anonymous said...

Hello Just say no 2 Thaddeus:
I read your post,oh and I feel that you are so sweet.Your GodMother is a friend that holds a special place in my heart.I promise to meet you both as soon as I can get a couple of free days from business.Please let Mrs RavenMoon know that where ever she walks,there will forever be light.Stay sweet and every day,just look up and catch a star,then put it in your pocket,and you will forever shine. Pure Love,The Queen:

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Black Queen--

Go visit your Yahoo 360 page--

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