Thursday, June 12, 2008

OH GIVE ME A BREAK! "Hack's" client is a THUG

Dray Davis is about to turn himself into police for more aggravated assault allegations against him.
Davis is the former Beale Street Security Guard indicted for nearly beating a man to death last summer at one of the check points.
Davis is expected to turn himself in on these recent allegations tomorrow.

(Memphis 6/12/2008) This time it happened on the road. Dray Davis' attorney Javier Bailey says his client was driving on Jackson Avenue last night when he says he was the victim of road rage. According to him, Davis was forced into the curb. Two men got out of the other car. Davis, fearing for himself and the children in his car sped off striking the two men.
"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said his attorney Javier Bailey.
They don't, not yet. Police are speaking with witnesses and victims now who we're told will be OK. Their next person to talk with will be Dray Davis who, on his own volition, is set to turn himself in.
"I've met with MPD this morning and the investigating officers. I've given them his side of the story and he intends to give a statement and let them take it from there."
MPD will determine whether to charge Davis.
Davis is the former Beale Street Security Guard facing aggravated assault charges for beating a man at one of the check points last summer. He then was caught by our camera resisting yet another arrest in the basement of the criminal justice center after a court appearance.
Two violent incidents already in his past and he plans to sit down with police to determine his future.
"I like this young man, he is my client and we've counseled him and so forth and he really isn't a bad guy. But until I find out what happened in this situation, I really can't tell you," said Bailey.
Can you believe this guy? And the former Security guy is a shitbag as well.
Hack is at it again. Apparently he thinks that the Memphis media believes him just because they give him an audience. He is CLUELESS that he is the laughing stock of the courts in Shelby and Crittenden Counties.
Yes, Dray Davis is a BAD PERSON. He deserves to be behind bars WITH HIS ATTORNEY AT HIS SIDE! Another story Thud won't cover....any guess as to why?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

Anonymous said...

me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

Anonymous said...

What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

Anonymous said...

Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

Anonymous said...

"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

Anonymous said...

Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

Anonymous said...

Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

Anonymous said...

NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

Anonymous said...

R. Kelly at his best:

Anonymous said...


R. Kelly

Anonymous said...

What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

MickeyWhite said...

Mike Flemming is no conservative

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

Anti-Thad said...

And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

Anonymous said...

So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

Anonymous said...

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

Anonymous said...

Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

Anonymous said...

Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

Anonymous said...

Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

Anonymous said...

Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

Anonymous said...

CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

Anonymous said...

Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

Anonymous said...

Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

Anonymous said...

To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

Anonymous said...

I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

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Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10 when he then went to work with his father in a machine shop that made speed equipment for carriages and repaired railroad equipment and machinery[1]. Woods studied other machine workers in different pieces of equipment and was said to have paid workers to teach him electrical concepts.[2] During his youth he was inspired by Lewis Latimer, and he also went to night school and took private lessons. Although he had to leave formal school at age ten, Woods realized that learning and education was essential to developing critical skills that would allow him to express his creativity with machinery.In 1872, Woods got a job as a fireman on the Danville and Southern Railroad in Missouri, eventually becoming an engineer. Surprisingly,we don't know exactly where he attended school but it is believed it was an eastern college.[3] He spent his spare time studying electronics. In 1874 Woods moved to Springfield, Illinois, and worked in a rolling mill. In 1878, he took a job aboard the Ironsides, a British steamer, and, within two years, became Chief Engineer of the steamer. Two years later he obtained employment with D&S Railroads, driving a steam locomotive. Unfortunately, despite his high aptitude and valuable education and expertise, Woods was denied opportunities and promotions because of the color of his skin. Out of frustration and a desire to promote his abilities, Woods, along with his brother Lyates, formed the Woods Railway Telegraph company in 1884. The company manufactured and sold telephone, telegraph and electrical equipment. Finally, his travels and experiences led him to settle in Cincinnati, Ohio.

[edit] Patents
#299,894, 6/3/1884, Steam boiler furnace
#308,817, 12/2/1884, Telephone transmitter
#315,368, 4/7/1885, Apparatus for transmissions of messages by electricity
#364,619, 6/7/1887, Relay instrument
#366,192, 7/5/1887, Polarized relay
#368,265, 8/16/1887, Electromechanical brake
#371,241, 10/11/1887, Telephone system and apparatus
#371,655, 10/18/1887, Electromagnetic brake apparatus
#373,383, 11/5/1887, Railway telegraphy
#373,915, 11/29/1887, Induction telegraph system
#383,844, 5/29/1888, Overhead conducting system for electric railways
#385,034, 6/26/1888, Electromotive railway
#386,282, 7/17/1888, Tunnel construction for electric railways
#387,839, 8/14/1888, Galvanic battery
#388,803, 8/28/1888, Railway telegraphy
#395,533, 1/1/1889, Automatic safety cut-out for electric circuits
#463,020, 11/10/1891, Electric railway system
#507,606, 10/31/1893, Electric railwaysupply system
#639,692, 12/19/1899, Amusement apparatus
#656,760, 8/28/1900, Incubator
#662,049, 11/20/1900, Automatic circuit-breaking apparatus
#681,768, 9/3/1901, Regulating and controlling electrical translating devices
#690,809, 1/7/1902, Apparatus for controlling electric motors or other electrical translating devices
#695,988, 3/25/1902, Electric railway
#701,981, 6/10/1902, Automatic air brake
#718,183, 1/13/1903, Electric railway system
#762,792, 6/14/1904, Electric-railway apparatus

May 12, 2008 1:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

There are more POOR WHITE PEOPLE in this country and they are NOT committing crimes in the name of poverty - they are poor but have a moral conscience that guides them.

May 12, 2008 1:45 PM

sun kiss chick said...
Fuck you to 1:08

May 12, 2008 1:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 1:47 PM

Anonymous said...
No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

IDIOT, ya did too. At least your spokesman said it and believes it and is spreading the lie to the ignorant black masses.

May 12, 2008 1:48 PM

Anonymous said...

His name is Micheal King.

May 12, 2008 1:49 PM

Anonymous said...
1:47(8), you foolish courtjester! Where is it posted ON THIS SITE. Don't try and sidetrack the shit.....where is it here? My concern ain't with the other blogs. Ooh you one foolish bliptee blip!!!

May 12, 2008 1:55 PM

I'm Rick James bitch said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black. Will you country motherfuckers EVER put a sock in it. This the same shit ya'll was talking about last night. I leave and comeback today and ya'll stupid ignorant folks on the same topic. I guess if I came back tomorrow ya'll still be on the same thing. One is much to blame as the other. Dam I can't believe this shit. Today today we need to speak on a better way and this tired madness down. I'm 20 and biracial and I have more sense than anybody on here. You assholes will be a dead horse!!!!!! Like I said last nite this site ain't nothing but a bunch of country hillbilly squared oppressed honkies and a bunch of jive talking jumping niggers. A dam 6 year. old nephew has more intelligient than this. Both blacks and whites have made good contributions to society bottom line. There is no way in the hell this shit should be going on like this. If ya'll so dam mad then cut the bs and meet somewhere and duke it out. That way someone with some sense can call 911 and send all and I do mean all ya'll raggedy can spitting asses to 201 wit the quickness. That'll settle this!!!! Stupid motherfuckers

May 12, 2008 2:09 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 2:14 PM

Anonymous said...
No one even said he was president in the first place. (YES YA DID) This is some crap you put up (THAD CRAPPEWS PUT UP THE LIE). Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me. (I SHOWED YOUR ASS NOW IT AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH - SO FUCK OFF ALREADY)

Next time, be more clear in your communication, asswipe.

As long as you aren't believing that BIG FAT LIE then why in the hell are we even talking about it and why is it even important.

There has never been a black president - that's the truth and that is all we need to know.

A Seventy Percenter

May 12, 2008 2:15 PM

Anonymous said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black.

So long as some black folk think they are OWED something, then the conversation will continue.

May 12, 2008 2:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black.

Thaddeus "Convicted Felon" Matthews wouldn't have nothing to talk about if he couldn't talk about white black white black...

Are you on his blog telling him to shut his fat racist trap? I didn't think so. So quit trying to silence somebody else who wants to talk about it. If you don't want to talk about - then LEAVE!

May 12, 2008 2:19 PM

I will charitably spot you Baldwin Hills, although it is a residential district of around 10,000, probably 70% Black. It is not a county or a city and there are also a concentration of whites that remained from the old days. It used be called "Pill Hill" for all the doctors there.

It was the section of the city given to isolate wealthy Blacks in the late-60s. High class-blockbusting. The Caucasians there are working class, which should tell you that it is a hardly a posh locale. The land is filled with abandoned oil wells and the air is pungent from it, which also lowers property values. Compared to White Beverly Hills it is a slum.

What's sad about Baldwin Hills is that it is surrounded by Crenshaw, Culver City Inglewood and South Central LA, where the Negroes aren't so high tone. My friend Damien Evans, president of the Academy of Computer Arts and Sciences, lives there and I've been to his home many times. He built my first website and he's Black.

Right there, they have a Martin Luther King Blvd., known as "Sherm Alley" where the PCP heads go. If you ever go to a strange city and you're looking to score drugs and hookers, just find the Martin Luther King Blvd.

But you have made my point. Your entire brain trust works overtime and the best you can come up with is Baldwin Hills . . . Time to do better than Baldwin Hills.
There are a few other small residential districts similar in stature that are predominately Black, but they do not register a blip compared to the concentration of Thugs in Da'Hood from South Central, LA; East St. Louis; Harlem; the Southside of Chicago, West Memphis, AR, The Mound, Hickory Hood, Hollyhood, Watts, Washington D.C., Inglewood, Blackhaven etc . . . etc . . . Then there's Africa. These cities and a hundred like them that are overrun by the Black crime waves come to mind off the top of my head without a trip to google.

In my book AROUND ELVIS, I wrote about Whitehaven back in the days when it was called: "The Beverly Hills of Memphis". There used to only be one patrol car that cruised til 10:00 pm Sun-Thurs and til midnight on Fri-Sat. There were roughly the same number of PEOPLE here then as now, so why do we need a whole division on the move 24-7 to keep up with the Thugs? So what changed in Whitehaven between 1971 and now?

Please answer honestly so we can finally take our first baby step on the road to racial recovery.

Someone has already used my research to refute the Black Mythology claims, but there they are from the U.S. Patent Office not from the Black History department . . . even the Tuskeegee Airmen have had their myth grounded, and by some of their own.

Again, for every one of those names of splendid Negroes, I can match you a 100,00 hoodlums, so it's time to expand the list to include the Negro next door and down the street and yet to be born. These individual acheivements do not offset the detriment of Black culture to American society and does nothing to prosyletize the illiterate, so it is not an acceptable answers . . . we have some lovely parting gifts for you as you leave.

So I ask you again to search deeper to find ONE positive contribution made by Black Culture. If you can't find one then become one by demanding acocuntability and dismmissing excuses for crime and failure among your people.

The reason Negroes are stereotyped, is because when one commits a carjacking ten million crusade for him to be excused because of Angry Black Man Syndrome, or Jim Crow or poverty or slavery. Give up the funk and stop supporting your local hoodlum. Then maybe you can build the next Baldwin Hills instead of turning the next Whitehaven into another Blackhaven.

May 12, 2008 2:23 PM

cosby universe said...
Kingpin here again . . .

Have you ever wondered where on earth The Cosby Show was supposed to have taken place? Yeah, me too . . .

Well click the link to find out . . . it really was from a different world.

May 12, 2008 2:26 PM

first black prez? said...
Kingpin yet again . . .

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

I have provided the link here for you. Wait until you find out the Negro source for this disinformation.

The point will become clear and sharp as the irony pokes you.

It's my bed time, so do carry on without me.

May 12, 2008 2:32 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]


Besides it wasn't open heart surgery.

May 12, 2008 2:34 PM

Anonymous said...
To: 2:15 since I'm an asswipe you a funky bitch. Now you bitch your ass over to Thad's yard and kick beef wit him. Like I said no one claim was made over here. Douchehoe!

May 12, 2008 2:37 PM

Anonymous said...
Right there, they have a Martin Luther King Blvd., known as "Sherm Alley" where the PCP heads go. If you ever go to a strange city and you're looking to score drugs and hookers, just find the Martin Luther King Blvd.

That is so true!!! Just go up by the Civil Rights museum to score crack and hoz!

May 12, 2008 2:41 PM

Anonymous said...
At first I didn't get what that had to do with Cosby. who was the black guy on the call? LMFAO! This was great.

May 12, 2008 2:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Both blacks and whites have made good contributions to society bottom line. There is no way in the hell this shit should be going on like this.
The problem is that black contributions are few and their negatives are many. We have bad white people but we don't excuse them or stand up for them and until black people do the same they'll get no respect and no consideration. If you stand for thugs you stand with them.

Whites need to demand their rights to talk about racism openly because we're the ones being targeted. if you can't take hearing it stay over in Thud world where you can make excuses for killers and carjackers just because they black.

I never see blacks on blogs protest the murders in this city.

May 12, 2008 2:49 PM

Anonymous said...
You fucking up Thad's count over hear. He got 10 posts there and most of them are his wife filling the board with fake love notes.

I agree that we have to be more responsible as a community because white people still don't know how to deal with us. But we need to handle so they don't have to. I don't go out at night unless it's to a nice place. But it's getting bad around here allover so I don't know. But I know they won't care about my black skin no way so I don't play. These youngstors are rough and they don't give a shit so I'm off them.

May 12, 2008 2:59 PM

I'm rick james bitch said...
2:16 and 2:19 oooh weee like I said some country asses. Ya'll some hard headed motherfuckers that's for sure. Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better. As for you 2:19 wit you dumb shit starting trap I do go over to T's site. Hell I'll admit I call him and we agree and disagree. Just because you don't see my name over there like it appears over here does not mean I'm not presence. I visit hear for views and the same there. I am interested in what both my people (black and white) have to say. You dummies are hating not trying to make a better way. So for you shut the fuk up asstide reject! I go where I want. As I said ya'll are about the most ignorants folk I've read post to date. Ya'll still with that black white white black white black black white all day and night. This shit just ain't hitting on nothing. I am the generation of tomorrow and look who I have to look up to. Ya'll shit starting son of a bitchs. Like I saidf meet up and squash the shit so memphis finest can bust a cap in all ya'll small minded stuck in the past tricks. Wit that same ritger mor-rue! I'm going to let you dirty ignorant hoes have it go at it all night. I get more reason like I said out of my nephew. You pathetic, ignorant, fault finding, country ass oppress, depressed, no hope honkies, crackers, niggers, can have it. You all go for it because nobody is looking for positive solutions and nobody is listening to nobody. It's nothing like an old fool and all you bitches surely fit that description. Hopefully Ravenmoon will hex all ya'll asses into a fucking coma that way some of us people (white black pink and yellow) can make a better difference. Goodness knows ya'll but hole brains didn't. You all will be 90 yrs old in the nursing home still wit that same shit. Set of hardhead cock suckers. Proceed!!!! I'm out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 12, 2008 3:00 PM

Anonymous said...
I liked the Cosby thing but why don't you have that Thad show on there? I want to hear that show where you fucked Thad up. I hope you had that recorded. That was a sad moment for Thad yall. And it was about the black president thing too so you got to put that up there so everyone can hear it.

May 12, 2008 3:01 PM

Anonymous said...
who is running this blog that don't want to give there name? I heard it was Kingpin but i don't think so. I see he come here but it don't look like his blog with all the women. i know he not evr the police because he been to jail for dealing. So now is this the sespool guys? Ever one want to know who doing this blog. Why it is a secret?

I psot as anon but thats cool. i don't say no thing to hide but i don't want to get messed with.

May 12, 2008 3:06 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm rick james bitch said...
2:16 and 2:19 oooh weee like I said some country asses. Ya'll some hard headed motherfuckers that's for sure. Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better.


May 12, 2008 3:08 PM

Anonymous said...
Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better.

Now, get yourself one of those megaphones and have somebody drive you around through black neighborhoods across America and let them damn fools know THAT WHITE PEOPLE DON'T OWE THEM SHIT then maybe, just maybe we won't have to talk about white black white black white black.

Until black folks get off of our jockstraps harassing and trying to extort from white folks, then the conversation will continue. You see, we are tired of hearing that tired ass line being moaned in the hoods across the USA.

Teach your people what you already know.

May 12, 2008 3:08 PM

Anonymous said...
I agree that we have to be more responsible as a community because white people still don't know how to deal with us.

1. They are tired of "out of control" black crime.

2. They are tired of being blamed for something that they had no part of.

May 12, 2008 3:13 PM

Anonymous said...
If King was so peaceful then why did his marches become riots? it don't mater what he intended it only maters the outcome. King new the easyst way to bring blacks up was to take whites down and that's what he did and so did all his programs. None of them worked to help blacks because there worse off then ever. that's a fact!

May 12, 2008 3:24 PM

just the facts said...
Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar,a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro.)He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beastsabounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable


FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points,on average, below those of American Whites.

FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been demonstrated repeatedlyby every test ever conducted by every branch of the U.S. Military, everystate, county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of Education, etc.The same ratio of difference has held true over a 40 year period.

FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of Blacks score over 100, while half the White population does. The Negro overlap of White median I.Q.'s ranges from 10 to 25 percent-- equality would require 50 percent.

FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have I.Q.'s of 50 to 70which put them in the slow learner (retarded) category, while Whites areten times more likely to score 130 or over.

FACT # 7: The U.S. government's PACE examination, given to 100,000university graduates who are prospective professional or administrativecivil-service employees each year, is passed with a score of 70 or aboveby 58% of the whites who take it but by only 12% of the Negroes. Among topscorers the difference between Negro and White performance is even morestriking: 16% of the white applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of one percent of a Negro applicants score as high as 90--a White/Black success ration of 80/1. (27)

FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White children increase with chronological age, the gap in performance being largest at the high schooland college levels.

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of environmental variations. But at least five studies that have attemptedto equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significantchange in relative results. As environment improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not decreased.
In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middleclasses.

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000 school children inVirginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested them for mentalaptitude. On average. full-blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high as Whites.Three-quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as high as Whites. One-half Negroes scored81.2% as high as Whites. One-quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as high as Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and considered themselves "Negroes."Their environments and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the same.

FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by the U.S. Army toover 386,000 illiterate soldiers in WWI showed Negro draftees to be "inferior to the Whites on all types of tests used in the Army." Additionally,tests were conducted upon pure Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons. It was found that "the lighter groups made better scores."

FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins raised apart inradically different environments provide conclusive evidence that over-allinfluence of heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of about 3 to 1.

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds,in terms of family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have averageI.Q. scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.smay be improved by environment, but they are still closer to their biological parents than their adoptive parents.

FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally.

FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in conditions far worse than American Blacks during their entire lives, still consistently outscorethem on I.Q. tests.

FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages tend to have lower I.Q.s than the white parent.

May 12, 2008 3:34 PM

Anonymous said...
The only things blacks make big money doing is running, jumping, singing and dancing. The don't get a name and money for thinking or building.

May 12, 2008 3:37 PM

Anonymous said...
if someone has a picture of the sorry white bitch married to butt Thugly we need to post it. Where is that jackass squatting at these days? he moved from down the road from Larry Godwin. He dosen't take out his woman much so it might be hard to get her photo. I saw the clip of Thug's old lady's on the news. Some hefferz! What does this white skank look like? How bad off does a girl have to be before Thug starts looking good?

May 12, 2008 3:42 PM

Anti-Thad said...
Now that this thread has gotten a bit off topic, I see the true colors of some of you, both Thud supporters and those that can't stand him as well.

I didn't intend on this being a time bomb with regard to races calling each other out and spreading the hate. It was meant to be a forum for people to sound off LOGICAL and INTELLIGENT opinions that Thud would refuse to post because it makes him out to be ignorant and misleading.

Those supporters of Thud are here on this blog inciting responses from everyone that fule the fire. DO NOT SINK TO THEIR LEVEL PEOPLE.

State your points, opinions, theories, etc. in a civil manner and let those idiots bash you. When they do, they make themsleves look like idiots, and we can hold our heads high knowing that we are better than that.

With that being said, ANYONE who posts on here, opens themselves up to being responded to, nicely or not. If you don't like it, don't post. We will all see the responses of those that get their asses handed to them by FACTS. They usually get so upset that they revert to name calling, insults, and end up lying about something to make them feel better. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING US!
You make yourselves look stupid, therefore, we laugh our asses off at your ignorance.

You want a friendly debate, then act friendly. Someone throws dirt at you, throw a gravel truck back at them.

May 12, 2008 3:45 PM

I'm rick james bitch said...
3:08 and 3:06. I live where I please. Slut while you talkin out the side of your dumb ass feebleminded needleside brain I reside w/ my father who is a white contractor exceeding in business in MS, Ark, and here in Memphis, my mom whom is black is an Attorney for 2 of the so-call biggest churchs in Memphis. So telling muah to move. Bitch shut up. Who are you with your tired broke down ass to tell me to move. Yes I will say anything for you 2 to shut the hell up. Now tellin me to get out of I guess your neighborhood and go into mine isn't anything but racial prejudice. I have no right tellin my neighbor to move and you surely don't have a right bringing that crap to me. I am young and you sound like you are old. 3:08 personally I don't even give a fuck what you think. You said as long as blacks are on your jstrap then you're continuing wit that black white black white. Well bitch the hate is consuming you not me so let me help you: black white white black black white white black white black black. Now you jock on those straps and go for it all night up in this blog. As I stated nobody is listening to nobody up in here. You all are just a bunch of scared asses who post your thoughts on a blog because nobody else will listen to that "no soltion shit". Whites need to worry about yourselves and blacks need to do the same. We all have some issues that we need to clear up in our own backyards. I tell this to both my white and black friends when their asses go faultfinding. So you see I don't come in this blog and not say what I'd say out to the world. Still some dumb motherfuckers you all are. 90 yrs. and your ass will be laid up in the Alzheimer's unit and then this crap won't even matter you know why because instead of talking to one another you talk down to one another. You won't remember shit because you argued and griped all during your youth and all the negativity will eat away at you. Ravenmoon spin some moondust on these old stale ass folks. I'm out to wolfchase mall. Proceed on white black black white. Dumb backward mind non solutionable hard headed hound dogs. No peace no order no hope no understanding no love no hope. Just hopeless. This you are! Proceed kingpin do your thing and you sorry asses go all night long. I gotta go.

May 12, 2008 3:55 PM

Anonymous said...
Now how crazy are you. I go to his site now I'm of lower class. Well I come here as well and have been for sometime. I see things for what they are and I don't know where these posts are coming from I ASSUME they simply come from humans who visit not just your site and his along. So don't say that people who go to his blog are like low or something because then you are stepping on toes whether they agree with him or not. I can't assume that everyone here is lowly. It's just so insane here and you as thev moderator should have shut this forum down sometime ago. To be honest with you this foolishness has been going on all day and if you think that Thad's viewers are kicking it up then your viewers are equally if not more pazazzed wit foolishness because they entertained it for over 24 hours or should I say you allowed yours to.

May 12, 2008 4:12 PM

Anonymous said...
Nevermind everybody I got a big bowl of popcorn. Whose going to shot the next insult. Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma. Don't stop now. This shit is bonified loony. Let's go I'm waiting to listening to some lessons in history from from you so call teachers. Lol

May 12, 2008 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...
Nevermind everybody I got a big bowl of popcorn. Whose going to shot the next insult. Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma. Don't stop now. This shit is bonified loony. Let's go I'm waiting to listening to some lessons in history from from you so call teachers. Lol

May 12, 2008 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...
Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma.

No, let's talk about Thud Crappews. That's why this Blog was let the whole world know that he is a scam artist and cannot be trusted.

May 12, 2008 4:39 PM

Anonymous said...
A shame a 20yr.old is smarter. We like you rick james bitch. You kept it real.

May 12, 2008 4:51 PM

Anonymous said...
A shame a 20yr.old is smarter. We like you rick james bitch. You kept it real.

May 12, 2008 4:52 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


Glad to see you over here. How have you been?

Hope you stay over here with JROOT.

Blessed be.


May 12, 2008 4:55 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Yeah--I agree 4:52pm--Rick James is pretty damn cool.

May 12, 2008 4:56 PM

WWF clash of whatever said...
4:39 talk about whatever you want. You all are some bizarre folk. Anti-thad I know that's you. It doesn't matter talk about Thad, niggers, peckerwoods, inventors, who did and didn't, King, gas and matches, goons, moons, witchs, al sharpo, honkies, mobsters, and monkies, king willie. I'm tired of waiting. Fire an insult. Eenie, meenie, miney, month!!!!

May 12, 2008 5:05 PM

Anonymous said...
Rick James is a damn fool.


Is that irony or what?

May 12, 2008 5:06 PM

Anonymous said...
This blog is anti-peace.

May 12, 2008 5:19 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 5:19pm--

Only if the rest of us stoop to the same level as the people who are trying to make it unpeaceful.

If the rest of the 'regular' people on this blog stay within the politeness that we know we have inside us and not respond to the people who are lashing out in hate and anger it will get better.

Chat with those of us who are NOT trying to promote the hate and anger--and the rest will eventually fade away.


May 12, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.


King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer.


By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.



May 12, 2008 6:39 PM

Anonymous said...
I Rick james bitch stuttered.... I live where I please. Slut while you talkin out the side of your dumb ass feebleminded needleside brain I reside w/ my father who is a white contractor exceeding in business in MS, Ark, and here in Memphis, my mom whom is black is an Attorney for 2 of the so-call biggest churchs in Memphis. So telling muah to move. Bitch shut up. Who are you with your tired broke down ass to tell me to move.



May 12, 2008 6:47 PM

Greecian diva said...
6:47 you are 1 fuck up hill of shit. This is a true representation of the elementary shit that births itself everyday on this blog. It took a dumb fuck to take up blog space like you just did.

May 12, 2008 7:11 PM

Anonymous said...
6:47 PO AZZ jealouz hoe. Iz yo' trick azz mad? I movez where u's move. I ain't hearin dat shit yo slangin. Yo azz ain't true youz a jealouz perpatratoah mad cuz bitchz don't luv u'z. Put dis shit in yo' angry pipe and smoke it homez. We don't liv in no bazement bitch that bes where you at. Next time u come out better jumpin off a bridge. Peace homes

May 12, 2008 7:24 PM

Sun Kiss Chick said...
I am going to stay off this site. It's too much off track stuff taking place. 6:47 I was taking notes to the previous post about MLK right before you posted that ???? And you say that to say what. If you are upset or bitter say that and talk like a civilize human being. Anti-thad are you shooting up because you really need to have some type of order on your blog. You guys have got to be on something some hash or something. What the hell? You dipshits are always sidetracking issues. Kingpin, raven, rick james, cosmos, all get straight to the point whereas the rest of you need will cut and paste a whole encyclopedia and/or put some soggy mess on that relates to personal issues you have. Get help. I got to take a break from this blog. Anti-thad please consider moderation. I promise you'll be glad you did and your site won't lose the flavor you want it to have. It'll just be more intune with whatever topic you post. Goodbye until I see order.

May 12, 2008 7:42 PM

you caused now you complain said...
6:39 well you shouldn't have been greedy, but no you had to come to Africa to get us. Now you cry because we are here. For all of you who gnasp your teeth because blacks are in America just remember since you stuck on "what used to be" we NEVER Ask to come to america. Whatever. We go where we please if you don't like it INVENT a time capsule and go back to 1940's. You take us from our home land.

May 12, 2008 9:08 PM

Anonymous said...
Anti-thad please consider moderation. I promise you'll be glad you did and your site won't lose the flavor you want it to have. It'll just be more intune with whatever topic you post. Goodbye until I see order.

Very sly. Don't buy into it Anti-Thad. The Thud Supporters are trying to make your blog suffer the same demise as is happening to Thaddeass' blog.

Thud was forced into moderation because he has a lot to hide and he doesn't like his readers to hear or know the other side about anything.

The conversations taking place here have to be had. The first step in understanding one another is to communicate. The idiots on both sides of the aisle will be here but maybe they'll learn something from the grownups here.

Please don't moderate.

May 12, 2008 9:13 PM

Anonymous said...
well you shouldn't have been greedy, but no you had to come to Africa to get us. Now you cry because we are here.

We cry because you live here as a criminal element of society. If you could ever learn how to feed yourself you could free yourself and live apart like Asians do and Arabs do and Italiands do and Mexicans do. But you can't make it on your own.

It's like Kingpen said there's not one city or one contribution from blacks.

May 13, 2008 4:14 AM

Anonymous said...
Why don't you ignorant fuckers learn to speak proper english? We've been trying to teach you for over 200 years and you still can't speak an intelligent sentence. Then you pass this ignorant speach onto your kids and wonder why they can't pass tests at school or get a job. Ebonics is lazy, ignorant speech, like most of you are. Most of you are fat and move slow like cattle, yet you hold most of the best city jobs. Your red bone daughters are pretty hot though, would love to make them my love "slave" bitches until they are to fat to fuck like their momma's.

May 14, 2008 2:22 AM

Anonymous said...
Hi ya’ll! Look, I know I got here late but I just got up. And, btw, I'm having trouble signing in to my account but my name is "Ima Mostly White Brat" just so you'll know who I am. I read this blog from time to time but usually don’t post. I’ve got some things to say this time though, mostly to Rick James ghetto Bitch, and maybe 1 or 2 comments to Sun Kissed chick.

First of all, Ms James, the word is “with” – that’s spelled w-i-t-h. Com’on now, say it with me, it’s w-i-t-h, emphasis on the “th” that you’re leaving off. I just hate it when I have to axe … I mean ask people to speak clearly who are claiming to be white, or half white, because it just makes them look more ghetto than they really are. You see, “wit” is a kind of humor, which you’re not funny. Maybe you are a little, I mean I laughed for quite a while! But wit is not with, I know that for sure. You need to carry your ass back to the school house and take English, and maybe a speech class, or quit running the streets in the hood where you’re picking up all this trash talk. Maybe they have a book on it at the Wolf Chase Mall, you could look while you’re there. I mean it just sounds terrible! Well, actually, it sounds kind of cool, but that’s beside the point. I wish I could talk that way. Hey, while you’re at the mall, see if they have a book there for me too.

Which, btw, having a white pappy doesn’t make you white enough to tell white folks to stay off this site. (And, btw, I think you got that backwards; I think it was your black pappy who got your white mammy knocked up then left.) Your own folks, the black ones, will tell you that having one drop of black blood makes you black. Period. I know this for sure because some folks, and I know they’re old and rusty but I still think it might be true, told me that I should call myself black because my grand-pappy is black, or at least he looked that way when I was up to visit him in the jail, or it could be that the liver failure made his skin look real dark, I don’t know for sure. But white folks have the right to go on any site they want to, even if it is this prejudice hate-haven cave, because it might be the last place on this planet that they can go to say what they really think and feel, and they shouldn’t have to listen to your whiny black ass telling them they’re honkies or need to get a sex life or whatever. Although, I think all the hate in here is really messed up.

BTW, not everyone needs a sex life just because you think yours is the answer to everything. You see, what that’s about is that black blood of yours telling you it’s time to breed again like animals do. It’s just nature. I know, because that drop of black blood in me flares up at times and I think I might want to kick it a little, but I just resist with all my might!! It works sometimes, too, you should try it!! Unless, of course, you need to pay your bills again and need another raise in your welfare checks, and then I understand, believe you me! I sure do wish I had more black blood in me so I’d have a sex life. I get bored a whole lot since school’s out and all.

BTW, some of these comments may be for the Sun Kissed chick, I get confused on who said what sometimes. But you know who you are! I know who you are too! You think you’re fooling me, but I’m no fool! My parents have money, lots of money, and I’m white enough to see what’s important! One thing I know is that it’s important for us white folks to have a place to go so we can talk about you black folks if we want to since it’s a free country. Well, it’s not free unless you’re black. If you’re white, you have to pay so it can be free for the black folks who have their hands out all the time, which they do. If I had more black blood, I could have my hand out a lot too. And another thing I could do is talk about white folks all the time because that’s what you do when it’s just black folks around, and talk out loud because it’s ok if you’re black. I should know.

So, Rick James Bitch, I hope I’ve answered some of your questions and cleared things up for you. Now, you don’t have to worry about black white white black black white all the time. You’re just black. Period. And I, too, would appreciate it if you stayed in your own neighborhood, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. The law today says you can move to any neighborhood you want to, and that’s a fact Jack! Ain’t America great?! I just love it here, although lately I think it might be nice to be Mexican, ever since I saw that movie “Wish I Was a Taco” that someone recommended. That would be too cool! But getting at mad at folks for just saying what they think never helps, so don’t get mad. Although I understand you because sometimes I get so mad that I think I’ll just stomp my little feet until the end of human history because I’m not all the way white and not all the way black either! It’s just not fair at all, you’re absolutely right! And it’s so very confusing, too.

Oh well, it’s time for my treatment now.

Bye ya’ll…

May 28, 2008 4:00 PM


In addition to getting himself arrested for Disorderly Conduct at a organized protest, the good old "Rev" seems to be in another jam. We all know that if we manipulated a few hundred on our taxes, or if we committed some other violation of the IRS Code, we would be in some SERIOUS trouble, go through an exhausting audit, and end up having to repay thousands in penalties and back taxes.
So how does being the most outspoken (I would use the term "loud mouthed" but that's just me) Civil Rights Activist get you a "free pass" with the IRS and FBI? Was it because he ran for President at one time? Could you imagine THAT Presidential Cabinet?

What Thud won't tell you is that his "special guest" on KWAM a few months back, (coincidentally that didn't show up, yeah, big surprise there) is under 2 Federal investigations that are being conducted by the IRS as well as the FBI.
Now, from the outside looking in, I can see that if the good "Rev" is indicted for any one of the multitude of violations he is being investigated for, Thud and a HUGE support group will cry that the Government is setting him up, and it's "RACIAL".

ANYONE with common sense knows this.

I have outlined a section of this report in red, bold type that I find to be somewhat important and revealing about the good "Rev". Is this why Thud does what he does? Since Al can get away with jumping on a bullshit story, made up about cops, then I can do the same thing?

By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer Fri May 9, 7:35 PM ET
NEW YORK - Big corporations give him money. Presidential candidates seek his endorsement. He has influential friends in Congress and the governor's mansion. The Rev. Al Sharpton has emerged over the past decade as perhaps the nation's most prominent civil rights leader, a status that was demonstrated again this week when he led protests against police brutality that briefly shut down six of Manhattan's major bridges and tunnels.
But he still carries baggage from his early days as a fire-breathing agitator: Government records obtained by The Associated Press indicate that Sharpton and his business entities owe nearly $1.5 million in overdue taxes and associated penalties.
Now the U.S. attorney is investigating his nonprofit group, a probe that an undeterred Sharpton brushes off as the kind of annoyance that civil rights figures have come to expect from the government.
"Whatever retaliation they do on me, we never stop," he told the AP. "I think that that is why they try to intimidate us."
Over the past year, Sharpton's lawyers and the staff of his nonprofit group, the National Action Network, have been negotiating with the federal government over the size of his debt, which they dispute. The group has also been trying to pay off tens of thousands of dollars it owes for failing to properly maintain workers compensation and unemployment insurance.
Charlie King, the organization's interim executive director, said both Sharpton and the group he leads were unprepared for their rise in stature in recent years and had trouble dealing with big jumps in donations and income.
"The infrastructure was trying to keep up with that pace, and it was not a perfect fit," he told the AP on Friday. "The National Action Network may not have been perfect, but nothing was going on that was untoward."
He said the organization has new accountants and a new administrative team, and the group recently finally filed long-overdue tax returns.
Sharpton's own debts include $365,558 owed in New York City income tax and $931,397 in unpaid federal income tax, according to a lien filed by the Internal Revenue Service last spring. His for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owes the state another $175,962 in delinquent taxes.
As for Sharpton's personal tax debt, King said Sharpton has started paying it off but contends that faulty record-keeping by the National Action Network led the government to overestimate his tax liability.
Tax headaches are nothing new for Sharpton. The 53-year-old minister has been assailed over his career for running up big tax debts and failing to abide by rules governing his charities and election committees. He is perpetually being sued for failing to pay his bills.
In December, Sharpton revealed that as many as 10 of his associates had received grand jury subpoenas. A person familiar with the investigation told the AP that the FBI and IRS are probing whether Sharpton or his organization committed tax crimes or violations related to his 2004 presidential campaign, during which he was forced to return public matching funds for breaking fundraising rules.
If any of this worries Sharpton, you'd never know it. He is pressing ahead with his latest campaign — an effort to persuade the Justice Department to bring civil rights charges against New York City police detectives who fired 50 shots and killed an unarmed groom as he left his bachelor party.
Over the past few weeks, Sharpton has kept a high profile, promising to lead weekly demonstrations until new charges are brought against police detectives acquitted of manslaughter April 25 in the November 2006 death of Sean Bell.
"He is as focused as ever," said Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, a Queens Democrat who has also rallied for police reforms since the Bell case. "He is probably more effective now than he was in the past, than he has ever been."
Sharpton was arrested and spent a few hours in jail Wednesday for being among the marchers who blocked the Brooklyn Bridge to protest the verdict.
On Thursday, Sharpton said he may soon add another cause — the case of three shooting suspects who appeared to have been beaten and kicked by police during an arrest in Philadelphia.
Sharpton has been investigated before, and always walked away clean.
In 1990, he was acquitted of tax fraud and charges that he stole from one of his charities. He followed that up with what was essentially another victory in a tax case by pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failing to file a state return.
In the latest probe, the official overseeing the investigation is U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell — the same Brooklyn-based prosecutor whom Sharpton is urging to file criminal charges in the Bell shooting. Campbell's office has said it is reviewing the case but declined to comment further.
Sharpton's reputation has undergone a remarkable renaissance since the Tawana Brawley days in 1987, when he was accused of helping create a hoax in which the 15-year-old girl claimed she had been kidnapped and raped by a gang of whites that included a police officer and a prosecutor. A grand jury concluded that Brawley made the story up.
Since the late 1990s, his civil rights group has grown from a small outfit, with a few hundred thousand dollars in annual revenue, to an organization that now routinely takes in $1 million to $2 million per year, thanks partly to corporate support.
Donors have included beer giant Anheuser-Busch, which gave more than $100,000 last year, and Forest City Ratner, a real estate development company that courted black leaders for support of a plan to build an NBA arena in Brooklyn. PepsiCo, for several years, gave Sharpton a compensated position on one of its advisory boards.
The group also enjoys financial support from the state's top politicians.
New York Gov. David Paterson has transferred at least $28,000 from his own re-election committee to the National Action Network since 2001. Rep. Charles Rangel, a top Democrat in Congress, has been another major backer, giving at

Anonymous said...

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10 when he then went to work with his father in a machine shop that made speed equipment for carriages and repaired railroad equipment and machinery[1]. Woods studied other machine workers in different pieces of equipment and was said to have paid workers to teach him electrical concepts.[2] During his youth he was inspired by Lewis Latimer, and he also went to night school and took private lessons. Although he had to leave formal school at age ten, Woods realized that learning and education was essential to developing critical skills that would allow him to express his creativity with machinery.In 1872, Woods got a job as a fireman on the Danville and Southern Railroad in Missouri, eventually becoming an engineer. Surprisingly,we don't know exactly where he attended school but it is believed it was an eastern college.[3] He spent his spare time studying electronics. In 1874 Woods moved to Springfield, Illinois, and worked in a rolling mill. In 1878, he took a job aboard the Ironsides, a British steamer, and, within two years, became Chief Engineer of the steamer. Two years later he obtained employment with D&S Railroads, driving a steam locomotive. Unfortunately, despite his high aptitude and valuable education and expertise, Woods was denied opportunities and promotions because of the color of his skin. Out of frustration and a desire to promote his abilities, Woods, along with his brother Lyates, formed the Woods Railway Telegraph company in 1884. The company manufactured and sold telephone, telegraph and electrical equipment. Finally, his travels and experiences led him to settle in Cincinnati, Ohio.

[edit] Patents
#299,894, 6/3/1884, Steam boiler furnace
#308,817, 12/2/1884, Telephone transmitter
#315,368, 4/7/1885, Apparatus for transmissions of messages by electricity
#364,619, 6/7/1887, Relay instrument
#366,192, 7/5/1887, Polarized relay
#368,265, 8/16/1887, Electromechanical brake
#371,241, 10/11/1887, Telephone system and apparatus
#371,655, 10/18/1887, Electromagnetic brake apparatus
#373,383, 11/5/1887, Railway telegraphy
#373,915, 11/29/1887, Induction telegraph system
#383,844, 5/29/1888, Overhead conducting system for electric railways
#385,034, 6/26/1888, Electromotive railway
#386,282, 7/17/1888, Tunnel construction for electric railways
#387,839, 8/14/1888, Galvanic battery
#388,803, 8/28/1888, Railway telegraphy
#395,533, 1/1/1889, Automatic safety cut-out for electric circuits
#463,020, 11/10/1891, Electric railway system
#507,606, 10/31/1893, Electric railwaysupply system
#639,692, 12/19/1899, Amusement apparatus
#656,760, 8/28/1900, Incubator
#662,049, 11/20/1900, Automatic circuit-breaking apparatus
#681,768, 9/3/1901, Regulating and controlling electrical translating devices
#690,809, 1/7/1902, Apparatus for controlling electric motors or other electrical translating devices
#695,988, 3/25/1902, Electric railway
#701,981, 6/10/1902, Automatic air brake
#718,183, 1/13/1903, Electric railway system
#762,792, 6/14/1904, Electric-railway apparatus

May 12, 2008 1:45 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

There are more POOR WHITE PEOPLE in this country and they are NOT committing crimes in the name of poverty - they are poor but have a moral conscience that guides them.

May 12, 2008 1:45 PM

sun kiss chick said...
Fuck you to 1:08

May 12, 2008 1:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 1:47 PM

Anonymous said...
No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

IDIOT, ya did too. At least your spokesman said it and believes it and is spreading the lie to the ignorant black masses.

May 12, 2008 1:48 PM

Anonymous said...

His name is Micheal King.

May 12, 2008 1:49 PM

Anonymous said...
1:47(8), you foolish courtjester! Where is it posted ON THIS SITE. Don't try and sidetrack the shit.....where is it here? My concern ain't with the other blogs. Ooh you one foolish bliptee blip!!!

May 12, 2008 1:55 PM

I'm Rick James bitch said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black. Will you country motherfuckers EVER put a sock in it. This the same shit ya'll was talking about last night. I leave and comeback today and ya'll stupid ignorant folks on the same topic. I guess if I came back tomorrow ya'll still be on the same thing. One is much to blame as the other. Dam I can't believe this shit. Today today we need to speak on a better way and this tired madness down. I'm 20 and biracial and I have more sense than anybody on here. You assholes will be a dead horse!!!!!! Like I said last nite this site ain't nothing but a bunch of country hillbilly squared oppressed honkies and a bunch of jive talking jumping niggers. A dam 6 year. old nephew has more intelligient than this. Both blacks and whites have made good contributions to society bottom line. There is no way in the hell this shit should be going on like this. If ya'll so dam mad then cut the bs and meet somewhere and duke it out. That way someone with some sense can call 911 and send all and I do mean all ya'll raggedy can spitting asses to 201 wit the quickness. That'll settle this!!!! Stupid motherfuckers

May 12, 2008 2:09 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 2:14 PM

Anonymous said...
No one even said he was president in the first place. (YES YA DID) This is some crap you put up (THAD CRAPPEWS PUT UP THE LIE). Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me. (I SHOWED YOUR ASS NOW IT AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH - SO FUCK OFF ALREADY)

Next time, be more clear in your communication, asswipe.

As long as you aren't believing that BIG FAT LIE then why in the hell are we even talking about it and why is it even important.

There has never been a black president - that's the truth and that is all we need to know.

A Seventy Percenter

May 12, 2008 2:15 PM

Anonymous said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black.

So long as some black folk think they are OWED something, then the conversation will continue.

May 12, 2008 2:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Like I said last night ya'll asses still with that black white white black.

Thaddeus "Convicted Felon" Matthews wouldn't have nothing to talk about if he couldn't talk about white black white black...

Are you on his blog telling him to shut his fat racist trap? I didn't think so. So quit trying to silence somebody else who wants to talk about it. If you don't want to talk about - then LEAVE!

May 12, 2008 2:19 PM

I will charitably spot you Baldwin Hills, although it is a residential district of around 10,000, probably 70% Black. It is not a county or a city and there are also a concentration of whites that remained from the old days. It used be called "Pill Hill" for all the doctors there.

It was the section of the city given to isolate wealthy Blacks in the late-60s. High class-blockbusting. The Caucasians there are working class, which should tell you that it is a hardly a posh locale. The land is filled with abandoned oil wells and the air is pungent from it, which also lowers property values. Compared to White Beverly Hills it is a slum.

What's sad about Baldwin Hills is that it is surrounded by Crenshaw, Culver City Inglewood and South Central LA, where the Negroes aren't so high tone. My friend Damien Evans, president of the Academy of Computer Arts and Sciences, lives there and I've been to his home many times. He built my first website and he's Black.

Right there, they have a Martin Luther King Blvd., known as "Sherm Alley" where the PCP heads go. If you ever go to a strange city and you're looking to score drugs and hookers, just find the Martin Luther King Blvd.

But you have made my point. Your entire brain trust works overtime and the best you can come up with is Baldwin Hills . . . Time to do better than Baldwin Hills.
There are a few other small residential districts similar in stature that are predominately Black, but they do not register a blip compared to the concentration of Thugs in Da'Hood from South Central, LA; East St. Louis; Harlem; the Southside of Chicago, West Memphis, AR, The Mound, Hickory Hood, Hollyhood, Watts, Washington D.C., Inglewood, Blackhaven etc . . . etc . . . Then there's Africa. These cities and a hundred like them that are overrun by the Black crime waves come to mind off the top of my head without a trip to google.

In my book AROUND ELVIS, I wrote about Whitehaven back in the days when it was called: "The Beverly Hills of Memphis". There used to only be one patrol car that cruised til 10:00 pm Sun-Thurs and til midnight on Fri-Sat. There were roughly the same number of PEOPLE here then as now, so why do we need a whole division on the move 24-7 to keep up with the Thugs? So what changed in Whitehaven between 1971 and now?

Please answer honestly so we can finally take our first baby step on the road to racial recovery.

Someone has already used my research to refute the Black Mythology claims, but there they are from the U.S. Patent Office not from the Black History department . . . even the Tuskeegee Airmen have had their myth grounded, and by some of their own.

Again, for every one of those names of splendid Negroes, I can match you a 100,00 hoodlums, so it's time to expand the list to include the Negro next door and down the street and yet to be born. These individual acheivements do not offset the detriment of Black culture to American society and does nothing to prosyletize the illiterate, so it is not an acceptable answers . . . we have some lovely parting gifts for you as you leave.

So I ask you again to search deeper to find ONE positive contribution made by Black Culture. If you can't find one then become one by demanding acocuntability and dismmissing excuses for crime and failure among your people.

The reason Negroes are stereotyped, is because when one commits a carjacking ten million crusade for him to be excused because of Angry Black Man Syndrome, or Jim Crow or poverty or slavery. Give up the funk and stop supporting your local hoodlum. Then maybe you can build the next Baldwin Hills instead of turning the next Whitehaven into another Blackhaven.

May 12, 2008 2:23 PM

cosby universe said...
Kingpin here again . . .

Have you ever wondered where on earth The Cosby Show was supposed to have taken place? Yeah, me too . . .

Well click the link to find out . . . it really was from a different world.

May 12, 2008 2:26 PM

first black prez? said...
Kingpin yet again . . .

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

I have provided the link here for you. Wait until you find out the Negro source for this disinformation.

The point will become clear and sharp as the irony pokes you.

It's my bed time, so do carry on without me.

May 12, 2008 2:32 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]


Besides it wasn't open heart surgery.

May 12, 2008 2:34 PM

Anonymous said...
To: 2:15 since I'm an asswipe you a funky bitch. Now you bitch your ass over to Thad's yard and kick beef wit him. Like I said no one claim was made over here. Douchehoe!

May 12, 2008 2:37 PM

Anonymous said...
Right there, they have a Martin Luther King Blvd., known as "Sherm Alley" where the PCP heads go. If you ever go to a strange city and you're looking to score drugs and hookers, just find the Martin Luther King Blvd.

That is so true!!! Just go up by the Civil Rights museum to score crack and hoz!

May 12, 2008 2:41 PM

Anonymous said...
At first I didn't get what that had to do with Cosby. who was the black guy on the call? LMFAO! This was great.

May 12, 2008 2:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Both blacks and whites have made good contributions to society bottom line. There is no way in the hell this shit should be going on like this.
The problem is that black contributions are few and their negatives are many. We have bad white people but we don't excuse them or stand up for them and until black people do the same they'll get no respect and no consideration. If you stand for thugs you stand with them.

Whites need to demand their rights to talk about racism openly because we're the ones being targeted. if you can't take hearing it stay over in Thud world where you can make excuses for killers and carjackers just because they black.

I never see blacks on blogs protest the murders in this city.

May 12, 2008 2:49 PM

Anonymous said...
You fucking up Thad's count over hear. He got 10 posts there and most of them are his wife filling the board with fake love notes.

I agree that we have to be more responsible as a community because white people still don't know how to deal with us. But we need to handle so they don't have to. I don't go out at night unless it's to a nice place. But it's getting bad around here allover so I don't know. But I know they won't care about my black skin no way so I don't play. These youngstors are rough and they don't give a shit so I'm off them.

May 12, 2008 2:59 PM

I'm rick james bitch said...
2:16 and 2:19 oooh weee like I said some country asses. Ya'll some hard headed motherfuckers that's for sure. Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better. As for you 2:19 wit you dumb shit starting trap I do go over to T's site. Hell I'll admit I call him and we agree and disagree. Just because you don't see my name over there like it appears over here does not mean I'm not presence. I visit hear for views and the same there. I am interested in what both my people (black and white) have to say. You dummies are hating not trying to make a better way. So for you shut the fuk up asstide reject! I go where I want. As I said ya'll are about the most ignorants folk I've read post to date. Ya'll still with that black white white black white black black white all day and night. This shit just ain't hitting on nothing. I am the generation of tomorrow and look who I have to look up to. Ya'll shit starting son of a bitchs. Like I saidf meet up and squash the shit so memphis finest can bust a cap in all ya'll small minded stuck in the past tricks. Wit that same ritger mor-rue! I'm going to let you dirty ignorant hoes have it go at it all night. I get more reason like I said out of my nephew. You pathetic, ignorant, fault finding, country ass oppress, depressed, no hope honkies, crackers, niggers, can have it. You all go for it because nobody is looking for positive solutions and nobody is listening to nobody. It's nothing like an old fool and all you bitches surely fit that description. Hopefully Ravenmoon will hex all ya'll asses into a fucking coma that way some of us people (white black pink and yellow) can make a better difference. Goodness knows ya'll but hole brains didn't. You all will be 90 yrs old in the nursing home still wit that same shit. Set of hardhead cock suckers. Proceed!!!! I'm out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 12, 2008 3:00 PM

Anonymous said...
I liked the Cosby thing but why don't you have that Thad show on there? I want to hear that show where you fucked Thad up. I hope you had that recorded. That was a sad moment for Thad yall. And it was about the black president thing too so you got to put that up there so everyone can hear it.

May 12, 2008 3:01 PM

Anonymous said...
who is running this blog that don't want to give there name? I heard it was Kingpin but i don't think so. I see he come here but it don't look like his blog with all the women. i know he not evr the police because he been to jail for dealing. So now is this the sespool guys? Ever one want to know who doing this blog. Why it is a secret?

I psot as anon but thats cool. i don't say no thing to hide but i don't want to get messed with.

May 12, 2008 3:06 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm rick james bitch said...
2:16 and 2:19 oooh weee like I said some country asses. Ya'll some hard headed motherfuckers that's for sure. Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better.


May 12, 2008 3:08 PM

Anonymous said...
Got dam 2:16 don't no race owe the other race nothing. Got dam I'll say do you feel better.

Now, get yourself one of those megaphones and have somebody drive you around through black neighborhoods across America and let them damn fools know THAT WHITE PEOPLE DON'T OWE THEM SHIT then maybe, just maybe we won't have to talk about white black white black white black.

Until black folks get off of our jockstraps harassing and trying to extort from white folks, then the conversation will continue. You see, we are tired of hearing that tired ass line being moaned in the hoods across the USA.

Teach your people what you already know.

May 12, 2008 3:08 PM

Anonymous said...
I agree that we have to be more responsible as a community because white people still don't know how to deal with us.

1. They are tired of "out of control" black crime.

2. They are tired of being blamed for something that they had no part of.

May 12, 2008 3:13 PM

Anonymous said...
If King was so peaceful then why did his marches become riots? it don't mater what he intended it only maters the outcome. King new the easyst way to bring blacks up was to take whites down and that's what he did and so did all his programs. None of them worked to help blacks because there worse off then ever. that's a fact!

May 12, 2008 3:24 PM

just the facts said...
Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar,a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Negro.)He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beastsabounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable


FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points,on average, below those of American Whites.

FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been demonstrated repeatedlyby every test ever conducted by every branch of the U.S. Military, everystate, county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of Education, etc.The same ratio of difference has held true over a 40 year period.

FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of Blacks score over 100, while half the White population does. The Negro overlap of White median I.Q.'s ranges from 10 to 25 percent-- equality would require 50 percent.

FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have I.Q.'s of 50 to 70which put them in the slow learner (retarded) category, while Whites areten times more likely to score 130 or over.

FACT # 7: The U.S. government's PACE examination, given to 100,000university graduates who are prospective professional or administrativecivil-service employees each year, is passed with a score of 70 or aboveby 58% of the whites who take it but by only 12% of the Negroes. Among topscorers the difference between Negro and White performance is even morestriking: 16% of the white applicants make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of one percent of a Negro applicants score as high as 90--a White/Black success ration of 80/1. (27)

FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White children increase with chronological age, the gap in performance being largest at the high schooland college levels.

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of environmental variations. But at least five studies that have attemptedto equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races indicate no significantchange in relative results. As environment improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not decreased.
In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk, associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middleclasses.

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000 school children inVirginia, divided them into 5 racial categories, and tested them for mentalaptitude. On average. full-blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high as Whites.Three-quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as high as Whites. One-half Negroes scored81.2% as high as Whites. One-quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as high as Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and considered themselves "Negroes."Their environments and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the same.

FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by the U.S. Army toover 386,000 illiterate soldiers in WWI showed Negro draftees to be "inferior to the Whites on all types of tests used in the Army." Additionally,tests were conducted upon pure Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons. It was found that "the lighter groups made better scores."

FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins raised apart inradically different environments provide conclusive evidence that over-allinfluence of heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of about 3 to 1.

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds,in terms of family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have averageI.Q. scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.smay be improved by environment, but they are still closer to their biological parents than their adoptive parents.

FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are culturally biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been able to develop an intelligence test which shows Blacks and Whites scoring equally.

FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in conditions far worse than American Blacks during their entire lives, still consistently outscorethem on I.Q. tests.

FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages tend to have lower I.Q.s than the white parent.

May 12, 2008 3:34 PM

Anonymous said...
The only things blacks make big money doing is running, jumping, singing and dancing. The don't get a name and money for thinking or building.

May 12, 2008 3:37 PM

Anonymous said...
if someone has a picture of the sorry white bitch married to butt Thugly we need to post it. Where is that jackass squatting at these days? he moved from down the road from Larry Godwin. He dosen't take out his woman much so it might be hard to get her photo. I saw the clip of Thug's old lady's on the news. Some hefferz! What does this white skank look like? How bad off does a girl have to be before Thug starts looking good?

May 12, 2008 3:42 PM

Anti-Thad said...
Now that this thread has gotten a bit off topic, I see the true colors of some of you, both Thud supporters and those that can't stand him as well.

I didn't intend on this being a time bomb with regard to races calling each other out and spreading the hate. It was meant to be a forum for people to sound off LOGICAL and INTELLIGENT opinions that Thud would refuse to post because it makes him out to be ignorant and misleading.

Those supporters of Thud are here on this blog inciting responses from everyone that fule the fire. DO NOT SINK TO THEIR LEVEL PEOPLE.

State your points, opinions, theories, etc. in a civil manner and let those idiots bash you. When they do, they make themsleves look like idiots, and we can hold our heads high knowing that we are better than that.

With that being said, ANYONE who posts on here, opens themselves up to being responded to, nicely or not. If you don't like it, don't post. We will all see the responses of those that get their asses handed to them by FACTS. They usually get so upset that they revert to name calling, insults, and end up lying about something to make them feel better. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING US!
You make yourselves look stupid, therefore, we laugh our asses off at your ignorance.

You want a friendly debate, then act friendly. Someone throws dirt at you, throw a gravel truck back at them.

May 12, 2008 3:45 PM

I'm rick james bitch said...
3:08 and 3:06. I live where I please. Slut while you talkin out the side of your dumb ass feebleminded needleside brain I reside w/ my father who is a white contractor exceeding in business in MS, Ark, and here in Memphis, my mom whom is black is an Attorney for 2 of the so-call biggest churchs in Memphis. So telling muah to move. Bitch shut up. Who are you with your tired broke down ass to tell me to move. Yes I will say anything for you 2 to shut the hell up. Now tellin me to get out of I guess your neighborhood and go into mine isn't anything but racial prejudice. I have no right tellin my neighbor to move and you surely don't have a right bringing that crap to me. I am young and you sound like you are old. 3:08 personally I don't even give a fuck what you think. You said as long as blacks are on your jstrap then you're continuing wit that black white black white. Well bitch the hate is consuming you not me so let me help you: black white white black black white white black white black black. Now you jock on those straps and go for it all night up in this blog. As I stated nobody is listening to nobody up in here. You all are just a bunch of scared asses who post your thoughts on a blog because nobody else will listen to that "no soltion shit". Whites need to worry about yourselves and blacks need to do the same. We all have some issues that we need to clear up in our own backyards. I tell this to both my white and black friends when their asses go faultfinding. So you see I don't come in this blog and not say what I'd say out to the world. Still some dumb motherfuckers you all are. 90 yrs. and your ass will be laid up in the Alzheimer's unit and then this crap won't even matter you know why because instead of talking to one another you talk down to one another. You won't remember shit because you argued and griped all during your youth and all the negativity will eat away at you. Ravenmoon spin some moondust on these old stale ass folks. I'm out to wolfchase mall. Proceed on white black black white. Dumb backward mind non solutionable hard headed hound dogs. No peace no order no hope no understanding no love no hope. Just hopeless. This you are! Proceed kingpin do your thing and you sorry asses go all night long. I gotta go.

May 12, 2008 3:55 PM

Anonymous said...
Now how crazy are you. I go to his site now I'm of lower class. Well I come here as well and have been for sometime. I see things for what they are and I don't know where these posts are coming from I ASSUME they simply come from humans who visit not just your site and his along. So don't say that people who go to his blog are like low or something because then you are stepping on toes whether they agree with him or not. I can't assume that everyone here is lowly. It's just so insane here and you as thev moderator should have shut this forum down sometime ago. To be honest with you this foolishness has been going on all day and if you think that Thad's viewers are kicking it up then your viewers are equally if not more pazazzed wit foolishness because they entertained it for over 24 hours or should I say you allowed yours to.

May 12, 2008 4:12 PM

Anonymous said...
Nevermind everybody I got a big bowl of popcorn. Whose going to shot the next insult. Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma. Don't stop now. This shit is bonified loony. Let's go I'm waiting to listening to some lessons in history from from you so call teachers. Lol

May 12, 2008 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...
Nevermind everybody I got a big bowl of popcorn. Whose going to shot the next insult. Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma. Don't stop now. This shit is bonified loony. Let's go I'm waiting to listening to some lessons in history from from you so call teachers. Lol

May 12, 2008 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...
Come on let's rock n roll. Let's just talk about everybody and they grandma.

No, let's talk about Thud Crappews. That's why this Blog was let the whole world know that he is a scam artist and cannot be trusted.

May 12, 2008 4:39 PM

Anonymous said...
A shame a 20yr.old is smarter. We like you rick james bitch. You kept it real.

May 12, 2008 4:51 PM

Anonymous said...
A shame a 20yr.old is smarter. We like you rick james bitch. You kept it real.

May 12, 2008 4:52 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


Glad to see you over here. How have you been?

Hope you stay over here with JROOT.

Blessed be.


May 12, 2008 4:55 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Yeah--I agree 4:52pm--Rick James is pretty damn cool.

May 12, 2008 4:56 PM

WWF clash of whatever said...
4:39 talk about whatever you want. You all are some bizarre folk. Anti-thad I know that's you. It doesn't matter talk about Thad, niggers, peckerwoods, inventors, who did and didn't, King, gas and matches, goons, moons, witchs, al sharpo, honkies, mobsters, and monkies, king willie. I'm tired of waiting. Fire an insult. Eenie, meenie, miney, month!!!!

May 12, 2008 5:05 PM

Anonymous said...
Rick James is a damn fool.


Is that irony or what?

May 12, 2008 5:06 PM

Anonymous said...
This blog is anti-peace.

May 12, 2008 5:19 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 5:19pm--

Only if the rest of us stoop to the same level as the people who are trying to make it unpeaceful.

If the rest of the 'regular' people on this blog stay within the politeness that we know we have inside us and not respond to the people who are lashing out in hate and anger it will get better.

Chat with those of us who are NOT trying to promote the hate and anger--and the rest will eventually fade away.


May 12, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.


King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer.


By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.



May 12, 2008 6:39 PM

Anonymous said...
I Rick james bitch stuttered.... I live where I please. Slut while you talkin out the side of your dumb ass feebleminded needleside brain I reside w/ my father who is a white contractor exceeding in business in MS, Ark, and here in Memphis, my mom whom is black is an Attorney for 2 of the so-call biggest churchs in Memphis. So telling muah to move. Bitch shut up. Who are you with your tired broke down ass to tell me to move.



May 12, 2008 6:47 PM

Greecian diva said...
6:47 you are 1 fuck up hill of shit. This is a true representation of the elementary shit that births itself everyday on this blog. It took a dumb fuck to take up blog space like you just did.

May 12, 2008 7:11 PM

Anonymous said...
6:47 PO AZZ jealouz hoe. Iz yo' trick azz mad? I movez where u's move. I ain't hearin dat shit yo slangin. Yo azz ain't true youz a jealouz perpatratoah mad cuz bitchz don't luv u'z. Put dis shit in yo' angry pipe and smoke it homez. We don't liv in no bazement bitch that bes where you at. Next time u come out better jumpin off a bridge. Peace homes

May 12, 2008 7:24 PM

Sun Kiss Chick said...
I am going to stay off this site. It's too much off track stuff taking place. 6:47 I was taking notes to the previous post about MLK right before you posted that ???? And you say that to say what. If you are upset or bitter say that and talk like a civilize human being. Anti-thad are you shooting up because you really need to have some type of order on your blog. You guys have got to be on something some hash or something. What the hell? You dipshits are always sidetracking issues. Kingpin, raven, rick james, cosmos, all get straight to the point whereas the rest of you need will cut and paste a whole encyclopedia and/or put some soggy mess on that relates to personal issues you have. Get help. I got to take a break from this blog. Anti-thad please consider moderation. I promise you'll be glad you did and your site won't lose the flavor you want it to have. It'll just be more intune with whatever topic you post. Goodbye until I see order.

May 12, 2008 7:42 PM

you caused now you complain said...
6:39 well you shouldn't have been greedy, but no you had to come to Africa to get us. Now you cry because we are here. For all of you who gnasp your teeth because blacks are in America just remember since you stuck on "what used to be" we NEVER Ask to come to america. Whatever. We go where we please if you don't like it INVENT a time capsule and go back to 1940's. You take us from our home land.

May 12, 2008 9:08 PM

Anonymous said...
Anti-thad please consider moderation. I promise you'll be glad you did and your site won't lose the flavor you want it to have. It'll just be more intune with whatever topic you post. Goodbye until I see order.

Very sly. Don't buy into it Anti-Thad. The Thud Supporters are trying to make your blog suffer the same demise as is happening to Thaddeass' blog.

Thud was forced into moderation because he has a lot to hide and he doesn't like his readers to hear or know the other side about anything.

The conversations taking place here have to be had. The first step in understanding one another is to communicate. The idiots on both sides of the aisle will be here but maybe they'll learn something from the grownups here.

Please don't moderate.

May 12, 2008 9:13 PM

Anonymous said...
well you shouldn't have been greedy, but no you had to come to Africa to get us. Now you cry because we are here.

We cry because you live here as a criminal element of society. If you could ever learn how to feed yourself you could free yourself and live apart like Asians do and Arabs do and Italiands do and Mexicans do. But you can't make it on your own.

It's like Kingpen said there's not one city or one contribution from blacks.

May 13, 2008 4:14 AM

Anonymous said...
Why don't you ignorant fuckers learn to speak proper english? We've been trying to teach you for over 200 years and you still can't speak an intelligent sentence. Then you pass this ignorant speach onto your kids and wonder why they can't pass tests at school or get a job. Ebonics is lazy, ignorant speech, like most of you are. Most of you are fat and move slow like cattle, yet you hold most of the best city jobs. Your red bone daughters are pretty hot though, would love to make them my love "slave" bitches until they are to fat to fuck like their momma's.

May 14, 2008 2:22 AM

Anonymous said...
Hi ya’ll! Look, I know I got here late but I just got up. And, btw, I'm having trouble signing in to my account but my name is "Ima Mostly White Brat" just so you'll know who I am. I read this blog from time to time but usually don’t post. I’ve got some things to say this time though, mostly to Rick James ghetto Bitch, and maybe 1 or 2 comments to Sun Kissed chick.

First of all, Ms James, the word is “with” – that’s spelled w-i-t-h. Com’on now, say it with me, it’s w-i-t-h, emphasis on the “th” that you’re leaving off. I just hate it when I have to axe … I mean ask people to speak clearly who are claiming to be white, or half white, because it just makes them look more ghetto than they really are. You see, “wit” is a kind of humor, which you’re not funny. Maybe you are a little, I mean I laughed for quite a while! But wit is not with, I know that for sure. You need to carry your ass back to the school house and take English, and maybe a speech class, or quit running the streets in the hood where you’re picking up all this trash talk. Maybe they have a book on it at the Wolf Chase Mall, you could look while you’re there. I mean it just sounds terrible! Well, actually, it sounds kind of cool, but that’s beside the point. I wish I could talk that way. Hey, while you’re at the mall, see if they have a book there for me too.

Which, btw, having a white pappy doesn’t make you white enough to tell white folks to stay off this site. (And, btw, I think you got that backwards; I think it was your black pappy who got your white mammy knocked up then left.) Your own folks, the black ones, will tell you that having one drop of black blood makes you black. Period. I know this for sure because some folks, and I know they’re old and rusty but I still think it might be true, told me that I should call myself black because my grand-pappy is black, or at least he looked that way when I was up to visit him in the jail, or it could be that the liver failure made his skin look real dark, I don’t know for sure. But white folks have the right to go on any site they want to, even if it is this prejudice hate-haven cave, because it might be the last place on this planet that they can go to say what they really think and feel, and they shouldn’t have to listen to your whiny black ass telling them they’re honkies or need to get a sex life or whatever. Although, I think all the hate in here is really messed up.

BTW, not everyone needs a sex life just because you think yours is the answer to everything. You see, what that’s about is that black blood of yours telling you it’s time to breed again like animals do. It’s just nature. I know, because that drop of black blood in me flares up at times and I think I might want to kick it a little, but I just resist with all my might!! It works sometimes, too, you should try it!! Unless, of course, you need to pay your bills again and need another raise in your welfare checks, and then I understand, believe you me! I sure do wish I had more black blood in me so I’d have a sex life. I get bored a whole lot since school’s out and all.

BTW, some of these comments may be for the Sun Kissed chick, I get confused on who said what sometimes. But you know who you are! I know who you are too! You think you’re fooling me, but I’m no fool! My parents have money, lots of money, and I’m white enough to see what’s important! One thing I know is that it’s important for us white folks to have a place to go so we can talk about you black folks if we want to since it’s a free country. Well, it’s not free unless you’re black. If you’re white, you have to pay so it can be free for the black folks who have their hands out all the time, which they do. If I had more black blood, I could have my hand out a lot too. And another thing I could do is talk about white folks all the time because that’s what you do when it’s just black folks around, and talk out loud because it’s ok if you’re black. I should know.

So, Rick James Bitch, I hope I’ve answered some of your questions and cleared things up for you. Now, you don’t have to worry about black white white black black white all the time. You’re just black. Period. And I, too, would appreciate it if you stayed in your own neighborhood, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. The law today says you can move to any neighborhood you want to, and that’s a fact Jack! Ain’t America great?! I just love it here, although lately I think it might be nice to be Mexican, ever since I saw that movie “Wish I Was a Taco” that someone recommended. That would be too cool! But getting at mad at folks for just saying what they think never helps, so don’t get mad. Although I understand you because sometimes I get so mad that I think I’ll just stomp my little feet until the end of human history because I’m not all the way white and not all the way black either! It’s just not fair at all, you’re absolutely right! And it’s so very confusing, too.

Oh well, it’s time for my treatment now.

Bye ya’ll…

May 28, 2008 4:00 PM


In addition to getting himself arrested for Disorderly Conduct at a organized protest, the good old "Rev" seems to be in another jam. We all know that if we manipulated a few hundred on our taxes, or if we committed some other violation of the IRS Code, we would be in some SERIOUS trouble, go through an exhausting audit, and end up having to repay thousands in penalties and back taxes.
So how does being the most outspoken (I would use the term "loud mouthed" but that's just me) Civil Rights Activist get you a "free pass" with the IRS and FBI? Was it because he ran for President at one time? Could you imagine THAT Presidential Cabinet?

What Thud won't tell you is that his "special guest" on KWAM a few months back, (coincidentally that didn't show up, yeah, big surprise there) is under 2 Federal investigations that are being conducted by the IRS as well as the FBI.
Now, from the outside looking in, I can see that if the good "Rev" is indicted for any one of the multitude of violations he is being investigated for, Thud and a HUGE support group will cry that the Government is setting him up, and it's "RACIAL".

ANYONE with common sense knows this.

I have outlined a section of this report in red, bold type that I find to be somewhat important and revealing about the good "Rev". Is this why Thud does what he does? Since Al can get away with jumping on a bullshit story, made up about cops, then I can do the same thing?

By DAVID B. CARUSO, Associated Press Writer Fri May 9, 7:35 PM ET
NEW YORK - Big corporations give him money. Presidential candidates seek his endorsement. He has influential friends in Congress and the governor's mansion. The Rev. Al Sharpton has emerged over the past decade as perhaps the nation's most prominent civil rights leader, a status that was demonstrated again this week when he led protests against police brutality that briefly shut down six of Manhattan's major bridges and tunnels.
But he still carries baggage from his early days as a fire-breathing agitator: Government records obtained by The Associated Press indicate that Sharpton and his business entities owe nearly $1.5 million in overdue taxes and associated penalties.
Now the U.S. attorney is investigating his nonprofit group, a probe that an undeterred Sharpton brushes off as the kind of annoyance that civil rights figures have come to expect from the government.
"Whatever retaliation they do on me, we never stop," he told the AP. "I think that that is why they try to intimidate us."
Over the past year, Sharpton's lawyers and the staff of his nonprofit group, the National Action Network, have been negotiating with the federal government over the size of his debt, which they dispute. The group has also been trying to pay off tens of thousands of dollars it owes for failing to properly maintain workers compensation and unemployment insurance.
Charlie King, the organization's interim executive director, said both Sharpton and the group he leads were unprepared for their rise in stature in recent years and had trouble dealing with big jumps in donations and income.
"The infrastructure was trying to keep up with that pace, and it was not a perfect fit," he told the AP on Friday. "The National Action Network may not have been perfect, but nothing was going on that was untoward."
He said the organization has new accountants and a new administrative team, and the group recently finally filed long-overdue tax returns.
Sharpton's own debts include $365,558 owed in New York City income tax and $931,397 in unpaid federal income tax, according to a lien filed by the Internal Revenue Service last spring. His for-profit company, Rev. Al Communications, owes the state another $175,962 in delinquent taxes.
As for Sharpton's personal tax debt, King said Sharpton has started paying it off but contends that faulty record-keeping by the National Action Network led the government to overestimate his tax liability.
Tax headaches are nothing new for Sharpton. The 53-year-old minister has been assailed over his career for running up big tax debts and failing to abide by rules governing his charities and election committees. He is perpetually being sued for failing to pay his bills.
In December, Sharpton revealed that as many as 10 of his associates had received grand jury subpoenas. A person familiar with the investigation told the AP that the FBI and IRS are probing whether Sharpton or his organization committed tax crimes or violations related to his 2004 presidential campaign, during which he was forced to return public matching funds for breaking fundraising rules.
If any of this worries Sharpton, you'd never know it. He is pressing ahead with his latest campaign — an effort to persuade the Justice Department to bring civil rights charges against New York City police detectives who fired 50 shots and killed an unarmed groom as he left his bachelor party.
Over the past few weeks, Sharpton has kept a high profile, promising to lead weekly demonstrations until new charges are brought against police detectives acquitted of manslaughter April 25 in the November 2006 death of Sean Bell.
"He is as focused as ever," said Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, a Queens Democrat who has also rallied for police reforms since the Bell case. "He is probably more effective now than he was in the past, than he has ever been."
Sharpton was arrested and spent a few hours in jail Wednesday for being among the marchers who blocked the Brooklyn Bridge to protest the verdict.
On Thursday, Sharpton said he may soon add another cause — the case of three shooting suspects who appeared to have been beaten and kicked by police during an arrest in Philadelphia.
Sharpton has been investigated before, and always walked away clean.
In 1990, he was acquitted of tax fraud and charges that he stole from one of his charities. He followed that up with what was essentially another victory in a tax case by pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of failing to file a state return.
In the latest probe, the official overseeing the investigation is U.S. Attorney Benton Campbell — the same Brooklyn-based prosecutor whom Sharpton is urging to file criminal charges in the Bell shooting. Campbell's office has said it is reviewing the case but declined to comment further.
Sharpton's reputation has undergone a remarkable renaissance since the Tawana Brawley days in 1987, when he was accused of helping create a hoax in which the 15-year-old girl claimed she had been kidnapped and raped by a gang of whites that included a police officer and a prosecutor. A grand jury concluded that Brawley made the story up.
Since the late 1990s, his civil rights group has grown from a small outfit, with a few hundred thousand dollars in annual revenue, to an organization that now routinely takes in $1 million to $2 million per year, thanks partly to corporate support.
Donors have included beer giant Anheuser-Busch, which gave more than $100,000 last year, and Forest City Ratner, a real estate development company that courted black leaders for support of a plan to build an NBA arena in Brooklyn. PepsiCo, for several years, gave Sharpton a compensated position on one of its advisory boards.
The group also enjoys financial support from the state's top politicians.
New York Gov. David Paterson has transferred at least $28,000 from his own re-election committee to the National Action Network since 2001. Rep. Charles Rangel, a top Democrat in Congress, has been another major backer, giving at least $83,000. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has given $10,000.
"Everybody who runs for office in the Democratic Party wants to meet with him," said former Mayor Ed Koch, who once battled Sharpton but

Anonymous said...

Not Black or White said...

Anyone who uses this term to describe Memphis is a blatant racist. And although most people using the term admit to being racist, some people try to deny it. It's obvious to anyone with over a 3rd grade education level that it is used to refer to how "black" Memphis is, in a disapproving racist way. If you use this word you need to wake up and join the rest of the country in 2008.

May 26, 2008 3:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Molly McButter said...
Anti-tackheadass. Let me say hell naw I ain't thaddeus you all love to say that like white folk loving Elvis and black folk loving to fight in the clubs. Or is it Anti-tickeyteetack or is it Anti-Tallyhoe or is it Anti-Toenail or is it Anti-tobaccospitter or it is Anti-ravenmoon or is it Anti-Tunaboy or is it Anti-Tummytucktime.

May 7, 2008 9:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Molly McButter said...
Anti-tackheadass. Let me say hell naw I ain't thaddeus you all love to say that like white folk loving Elvis and black folk loving to fight in the clubs. Or is it Anti-tickeyteetack or is it Anti-Tallyhoe or is it Anti-Toenail or is it Anti-tobaccospitter or it is Anti-ravenmoon or is it Anti-Tunaboy or is it Anti-Tummytucktime.

May 7, 2008 9:26 PM

Anonymous said...

Molly McButter said...
Anti-tackheadass. Let me say hell naw I ain't thaddeus you all love to say that like white folk loving Elvis and black folk loving to fight in the clubs. Or is it Anti-tickeyteetack or is it Anti-Tallyhoe or is it Anti-Toenail or is it Anti-tobaccospitter or it is Anti-ravenmoon or is it Anti-Tunaboy or is it Anti-Tummytucktime.

May 7, 2008 9:26 PM

Anonymous said...

A last ditch effort said...
Anti-Tack that's a funny picture you have posted but if that's a ploy for people to stop listening Thad and going on his site then it ain't working. We all know it's humor but you can't persuade me to stop listening to him. And before you dull fatbacks say I am Thaddeus I'M NOT. I notice that almost evertone who comes on this site that disagrees with you all you all can conclude is that that person is Thaddeus himself. You can't face the fact that you and maybe 10 other persons are the only one who don't like him. This blog is just sorry. But I understand if I had only 5 fans I'd resort to doing whatever I can. Another thing you need to be thanking Ravenmoon for posting on your site you need someone to help spark some dramas on your site because your site is like a 5 second fuck and that's bad.

May 7, 2008 7:50 AM

Anonymous said...

last ditch effort said...
Ravenmoon. First of all, you come over here on this broke down site talking about Thaddeus site not being on the up and up. Now listen to what you saying, now. Because you come back in a post addressed to saying that you are here to say and that Thad's has someone posing under"anonymous" posting a lot of racist comments. Now you over here trying to get cool wit Anti-Thad. Ok that's fine there but how is it that you say that most comments over there are racist well what in the hell do you think that over here is????? Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition. Don't try to front wit your crazy devil worshiping self. Girl you a trip and you're do anythang for someone to say something nice about you. Now drop dis shit on your weegie (sp?) board. And since you're a witch so they say will you please tell me when are our troops coming home??? Whatever

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anti-Tackheadass is now your official new name. I will spread it all around. I will comebehind your post and remind people that your name is Anti-Tackheadass and that you're dying to get your blog crunk. You are an extreme racist. I don't know why you just don't come out and call your site, "skinhead blogs "r" us".

May 7, 2008 10:12 AM

Anonymous said...

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...
Hmmmm. I have that same story on my blog Anti.

Of course, I just don't understand how Thug can dog someone out just because they qiote Scripture and pray. I mean that is what Christians do. Even if they are wrong and they realize it a little too late but hey, better late than never, right?
I mean that is just my take on it. I don't see where Mrs. Ford did anything wrong by praying for her husband, or quoting Scripture. But again, that is just my opinion.

May 18, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
I dont think anyone was dogging her out for quoting scripture. Thud wants everyone to believe that is what the Feds and the Prosecutors did AGAINST Mrs. Ford.

I for one don't buy it. ANYTHING that Thud says is a lie or a deceptive ploy to make one believe a falsity.

I agree with Anti on how someone mysteriously becomes religious when their ass is in a bind. It's the same principle in prision. EVERY prisoner becomes religious when they have a parole hearing to look forward to. It's nothing more than a show for a jury.

Ford is a criminal and Thud supports him like he does all other criminals.

May 18, 2008 1:19 PM

Anonymous said...
This is my posting that will more than likely NOT make it on Thaddeus' site.

I'm sure you won't post this but here ya go...its gonna wind up posted "elsewhere" anyway.

Ford (and his wife) "found" religion when it is convenient. She became religious when her husband's butt was caught in the wind. Just like a prisoner finding religion when that parole hearing is coming up, and not a minute before hand.

It is her ploy and a show for a jury and anyone who will stop by for a show.

That quote that she is repeating is kind of neat though. You might want to interpret that yourself Thad. Might show you some insight into the crap that you pull with regard to some of your stories.

May 18, 2008 1:24 PM

Anonymous said...
I see Thud is at it again by supporting crooks, criminals, thugs, deadbeats, politricans, convicts, rapists, murderers, pedophiles, slug attorneys, gang bangers, and other dregs of society INCLUDING the Ford Family.

What else can we expect from this disgrace to the Black Race (and yeah, I'm BLACK and PROUD)

He edited, actually totally disregarded, my comments and refused to post it.

May 18, 2008 1:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Chapter 1
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne;
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Chapter 2
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:
And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;
I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.
Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass;
I know thy works, and charity, and service

Anonymous said...

If that's what get you up said...
Well I be dam you are getting your own stories and your own identity. I guess that talk I have with you last night help. I just knew you could do it and that that scooter wasn't going to hold you back

June 12, 2008 9:54 PM

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance Recap said...
Medicare Insurance‬ computer bound bitch,I bet you can't walk,tell the truth you hide because you aint got no legs.Now you just mad as hell cause Thaddeus got TWO.LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE A NO LEG HATER. We are going to call you Scooter Boy.lollollolps....I know this shit aint funny,but it just cracks my ass up.He aint got no legs but he show got a cumputer..Hot Dam

June 13, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...

FBI aka Funky Bitches International said...
This blog is "the funky bitch international" express! And I am gonna stay on and have fun with you all. What's up?

June 11, 2008 7:06 PM

Anonymous said...

If that's what get it up said...
I say you need to get you a pretty fresh fine honey and stay out of Thad's business. Man you have got to have "the" most boring life to endure such time on anybody. Dam I can't stand those Ford's but does dogs ain't even worth my time. You must be handicap?? That's right Anti you handicap in a wheelchair like Christopher Reeves that's why you're able to blog 24/7 but hey I ain't mad at you..some of my best friends are wheelchair bound and stays in front of computers blogging and myspacing people in Japan and Asia. You have to do what makes you comfty and if this gets your dick up I'll drink to that!

June 11, 2008 9:56 PM

Anonymous said...

A cat raggedy blog said...
What is a Koolaid Krusader? A koolaid krusader is someone who agrees with Thaddeus A. Matthews even if you agree with him 1% out of 1000%. If this be the case you are indeed a "KAK". So I don't mind at all being a Krusader. You can taint, blap, insult or just whatever. But while I am a Kool Aid Krusader what shall I call you? After all one good name deserves another. In this case your name will be "Anti-Asswipes Posse". "AASP" on your cat raggedy blog

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance said...
Anti...."What you saying aint hitting on nothing"

why you go and put up that fake ass picture,I know that is not you.This picture shows a head,bitch I said LEGS,now where are your goddam aint got none do you,hell to the hell noll,you legless son of a bitch.Scooter Boy,you know i got your ass down packed,from the top of your head to the bottom of your...oh my bag i almost forgot,you aint got no legs to get to the bottom of your feet.Maybe if you take some Viagra it will grow your legs back,and make them real hard.Just a little tip because it grows other things.Anti have you looked at yourself butt naked,without any legs i bet your poor little tt worm is just hanging on a string.You better stop hating on Thaddeus before your arms fall off.I bet that would fuck your head up and you would lose your mind,just knowing you can't EVER use that keyboard again.You will have to blow bubbles through a straw just to write...well where there's a will there's a no legged way aint it.Medicare is now sending out new up graded Wheel Chairs,now your hands wont get those callouses all on them,from rolling around in that old fucked up chair with that hard ass seat......Oops! your insurance has been cancelled,you bought to much get high syrup on your card.
ps...Have you ever tried walking on your hands,it's better than not walking at all,don't you think?

June 13, 2008 1:41 AM

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance said...
Anti Thad
Why you didn't post back,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Even though you would only feel hurt half way your body { cause you don't got no legs}.Do your wheelchair squeak,if so and i know it do,rub a little of that fried rat grease around the nuts and bolts,i hear that it works well.If there is a such thing as a second life,i know you wont forget to grab you some legs this time.I bet your life is hell just sitting there just you and that dam keyboard,hour after hour every dam legless day.I know you haven't had any sex,since you lost your legs,i can just see your legless ass on top of a woman,just humping away like a dam duck....Hot Dam getty up.Post a picture of you and not someone else you WISH you could be you fartless legless fuck.Anti if you want some legs that bad,all you have to do is clap your heels together and say I wish i had....all shit i forgot again,you can't clap your heels because you aint got no...what? That's right no dam legs,i'm gone have to sign you up with MAKE-A-WISH.Scotter Boy now you scote on in your room to bed,and stop bumping into that dam door. Look down...what do you see...NOTHING.

June 15, 2008 12:07 AM

Anonymous said...

Anti Thad
Why you didn't post back,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Even though you would only feel hurt half way your body { cause you don't got no legs}.Do your wheelchair squeak,if so and i know it do,rub a little of that fried rat grease around the nuts and bolts,i hear that it works well.If there is a such thing as a second life,i know you wont forget to grab you some legs this time.I bet your life is hell just sitting there just you and that dam keyboard,hour after hour every dam legless day.I know you haven't had any sex,since you lost your legs,i can just see your legless ass on top of a woman,just humping away like a dam duck....Hot Dam getty up.Post a picture of you and not someone else you WISH you could be you fartless legless fuck.Anti if you want some legs that bad,all you have to do is clap your heels together and say I wish i had....all shit i forgot again,you can't clap your heels because you aint got no...what? That's right no dam legs,i'm gone have to sign you up with MAKE-A-WISH.Scotter Boy now you scote on in your room to bed,and stop bumping into that dam door. Look down...what do you see...NOTHING.

June 15, 2008 12:07 AM

Anonymous said...


Please delete the last few posts; this troll's efforts of trying to flood the comments is somewhat annoying.

BTW, Gay Bailey likes the big black dingalings. Big floppy wet sweaty funky dingalings inside his bootyhole.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I heard Gay Bailey likes to some crack naked with Thaddeus Matthews on 3rd street...

Anonymous said...

not all blacks are big. I bet you are though

Anonymous said...

now that shit ain't even true about thad and bailey on 3rd street. you just coming up with some shit to post. That's like me saying Jerry Lawler goes on summer avenue after midnight on tuesday for oral sex. Come on now. Be for real

Anonymous said...

Molly McNutButter aka black faggot:

Shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

2:01 AKA


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance said...
Anti Thad
Why you didn't post back,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Even though you would only feel hurt half way your body { cause you don't got no legs}.Do your wheelchair squeak,if so and i know it do,rub a little of that fried rat grease around the nuts and bolts,i hear that it works well.If there is a such thing as a second life,i know you wont forget to grab you some legs this time.I bet your life is hell just sitting there just you and that dam keyboard,hour after hour every dam legless day.I know you haven't had any sex,since you lost your legs,i can just see your legless ass on top of a woman,just humping away like a dam duck....Hot Dam getty up.Post a picture of you and not someone else you WISH you could be you fartless legless fuck.Anti if you want some legs that bad,all you have to do is clap your heels together and say I wish i had....all shit i forgot again,you can't clap your heels because you aint got no...what? That's right no dam legs,i'm gone have to sign you up with MAKE-A-WISH.Scotter Boy now you scote on in your room to bed,and stop bumping into that dam door. Look down...what do you see...NOTHING.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Under Medicare guidelines one scooter will be bought per Medicare every 5 years. If Antique Thad's scooter breaks down during and/or before the allotted 5 yrs then Medicare suggests that he contacts the scooter/powerchair supplier and they would be required to fix the equipment. If there is no such coorperation then he would need to contact Medicare and file a claim. If 5 yrs have passed and the chair is not working Medicare will provide a new chair providing a doctor's order for such. Please contact or 1-800-Medicare. Medicare does not accept chairs with horse poop in it. Just giving you a head's up.

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance I think you need to slow your role. I don't take to kindly to blogger's talking about my best friend and buddy Anti-Tartball. Well the truth of matter is we used to be best friends that's up until he decided to get all fancy dancy in us by getting a scooter. He acts like he has forgotten about the times when he was in that manual wheelchair and I was the only one who woulf push him around for free. Everyone else would take his money leaving him with on 10.00 until he would get his next disability check. I was the one and only real friend that helped him. Whenever he needed a lift I'd drive him to Wal-Greens to get some depends or some rolaids. I'd push his around diligently and even take him to Wal-mart when he thought that cute cashier Sandy liked him. You see Sandy was always nice to us and Anti would always tell me at checkout "I wanna get in Sandy's line". Sandy was nice to the both of us but Anti thought that she liked him in another way but come to find out she was only being nice to him because she felt sorry for him. I could never muster up the nerve to tell Anti that Sandy had the hots for me. Anyway, when he got that dam scooter he thought he was hot shit around town. He felt like the all around man being able to roll down the street to Wal-greens without my assistance and oh I don't want to forget the time he went to the Krispy Kreme donuts by himself. He thought his ass was Brad Pitt or some fucking body. I still tried to call him and remain friends but no he had just forgotten about me. I'll never forget the time his head got so big that he thought he could scoot over the W. Memphis bridge to Memphis on his own. He was so dam happy about that chair that he forgot to check the battery and once he got halfway over the bridge his chair cut off. A passerbyer called 911 and they got him back home. I can imagine it had to be some embarrassing to be stuck on the bridge not in a vehicle but riding in a scooter in the hot August sun. That was the talk of the town for awhile. Rumor has it that Anti's sister cussed him out for old and new telling him that she was sick of him being so hard headed and why couldn't he just stay at home? After much consideration she sold some food stamps and cans and save up enough to get him a computer at the local pawn shop. Oh once again he thought he was the shit. Oh you could ask him something but you couldn't tell him anything. He acted like he had just won a 64" flat screen tv and this was just 2 yrs ago. When I told him that having a computer isn't anything and that everyone pretty much has one he got mad at me saying, "you just jealous it ain't enough that you took Sandy". I told him, "man Sandy didn't want your no legged ass she was just being nice to you". What did I say that for the lil motherfucker started a blog on me talking about me and crap. It wasn't until my mother talked with his mom about this and Anti's mom convinced him to stop blogging about me and that I was sorry for what I said. So he shut the hate blog about me down but I see he has started up another one. When I saw his sister in Walmart last May she told me that all he do now is sit on the computer, jack off, and that he has several friends over in Honduras and Australia that he has met online. I asked her if I could come by and visit my old pal and she said "no way let sleeping dogs lie because the lil miserable fuck will be at it again blogging you if you get him stirred up". I took her advice but I just want to say I miss you Anti-Tookie.

Anonymous said...

Niggers are living proof monkeys fucked skunks.

Anonymous said...

What is a Nigger? A Nigger is 9:07am. Stop talking about yourself this early in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I think I know where a noose is that will be just right for that niggers neck.....Out of control niggers need to be handled accordingly... Just call me the out of control nigger handler at your service...

Anonymous said...

Ok you're going to find your ass down at 201. You can be arrested for that. Stop acting like what you are. A bitter niggrah!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to another blog fuck all you untidy dimwits.

Anonymous said...

Jay's little brother, Bryant Bailey, is a homosexual. He is Judge Rita Stotts courtroom clerk.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

June 12, 2008 8:54 PM

Anonymous said...
He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

June 12, 2008 10:37 PM

Anonymous said...
me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

June 13, 2008 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

June 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

June 13, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous said...
"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


June 13, 2008 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

June 13, 2008 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

June 13, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

June 13, 2008 1:45 PM

News Diva said...
NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

June 13, 2008 3:22 PM

NewsDiva said...
R. Kelly at his best:

June 13, 2008 3:27 PM

NewsDiva said...

R. Kelly

June 13, 2008 3:33 PM

Ms Black said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

June 13, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

June 13, 2008 5:40 PM

MickeyWhite said...
Mike Flemming is no conservative

June 13, 2008 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

June 13, 2008 8:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

June 13, 2008 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

June 13, 2008 10:09 PM

Anti-Thad said...
And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

June 14, 2008 1:05 AM

mr white said...
So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

June 14, 2008 1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

June 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Javier Bailey said...
Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

June 14, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

June 14, 2008 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

June 14, 2008 8:19 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

June 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

June 14, 2008 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

June 14, 2008 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

June 14, 2008 11:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

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6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

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3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

June 12, 2008 8:54 PM

Anonymous said...
He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

June 12, 2008 10:37 PM

Anonymous said...
me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

June 13, 2008 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

June 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

June 13, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous said...
"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


June 13, 2008 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

June 13, 2008 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

June 13, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

June 13, 2008 1:45 PM

News Diva said...
NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

June 13, 2008 3:22 PM

NewsDiva said...
R. Kelly at his best:

June 13, 2008 3:27 PM

NewsDiva said...

R. Kelly

June 13, 2008 3:33 PM

Ms Black said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

June 13, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

June 13, 2008 5:40 PM

MickeyWhite said...
Mike Flemming is no conservative

June 13, 2008 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

June 13, 2008 8:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

June 13, 2008 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

June 13, 2008 10:09 PM

Anti-Thad said...
And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

June 14, 2008 1:05 AM

mr white said...
So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

June 14, 2008 1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

June 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Javier Bailey said...
Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

June 14, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

June 14, 2008 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

June 14, 2008 8:19 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

June 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

June 14, 2008 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

June 14, 2008 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

June 14, 2008 11:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

June 12, 2008 8:54 PM

Anonymous said...
He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

June 12, 2008 10:37 PM

Anonymous said...
me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

June 13, 2008 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

June 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

June 13, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous said...
"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


June 13, 2008 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

June 13, 2008 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

June 13, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

June 13, 2008 1:45 PM

News Diva said...
NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

June 13, 2008 3:22 PM

NewsDiva said...
R. Kelly at his best:

June 13, 2008 3:27 PM

NewsDiva said...

R. Kelly

June 13, 2008 3:33 PM

Ms Black said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

June 13, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

June 13, 2008 5:40 PM

MickeyWhite said...
Mike Flemming is no conservative

June 13, 2008 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

June 13, 2008 8:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

June 13, 2008 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

June 13, 2008 10:09 PM

Anti-Thad said...
And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

June 14, 2008 1:05 AM

mr white said...
So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

June 14, 2008 1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

June 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Javier Bailey said...
Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

June 14, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

June 14, 2008 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

June 14, 2008 8:19 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

June 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

June 14, 2008 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

June 14, 2008 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

June 14, 2008 11:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

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Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

June 12, 2008 8:54 PM

Anonymous said...
He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

June 12, 2008 10:37 PM

Anonymous said...
me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

June 13, 2008 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

June 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

June 13, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous said...
"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


June 13, 2008 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

June 13, 2008 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

June 13, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

June 13, 2008 1:45 PM

News Diva said...
NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

June 13, 2008 3:22 PM

NewsDiva said...
R. Kelly at his best:

June 13, 2008 3:27 PM

NewsDiva said...

R. Kelly

June 13, 2008 3:33 PM

Ms Black said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

June 13, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

June 13, 2008 5:40 PM

MickeyWhite said...
Mike Flemming is no conservative

June 13, 2008 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

June 13, 2008 8:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

June 13, 2008 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

June 13, 2008 10:09 PM

Anti-Thad said...
And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

June 14, 2008 1:05 AM

mr white said...
So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

June 14, 2008 1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

June 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Javier Bailey said...
Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

June 14, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

June 14, 2008 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

June 14, 2008 8:19 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

June 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

June 14, 2008 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

June 14, 2008 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

June 14, 2008 11:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Don't worry, with Bailey as his attorney, he will surely wind up in prison. Not a chance in Hell of winning...much like the rest of Bailey's work.

June 12, 2008 8:54 PM

Anonymous said...
He looks like a "mad at the world" thug.

June 12, 2008 10:37 PM

Anonymous said...
me baby be's good,larwd have mucery,he be's in the hous when this here shit take place.

June 13, 2008 12:41 AM

Anonymous said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.

June 13, 2008 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Herenton: No grand jury probe of sex plot case stinks of separate legal systems for blacks, whites

Hey Willie, shake dem haters off, lololol, you tall lanky stupid son of a bitch.

Why won't you tell the PEOPLE how much you cost the taxpayers when you sexually harassed that Iranian woman and settled the lawsuit so?

FUCK YOU, your penis, and the horse you rode in on, thug ass bitch.

June 13, 2008 1:36 PM

Anonymous said...
"In the June 6 letter to Baugh obtained by The Commercial Appeal, Herenton blasts the former Williamson County district attorney for not convening a grand jury, saying it fuels a perception of racial injustice in the legal system."


June 13, 2008 1:39 PM

Anonymous said...
Boo Hoo! Go to talk to Gleidich about the black discrimination against him.

You be free - move to another city or country if you don't like it Willie.

June 13, 2008 1:41 PM

Anonymous said...
Since January there have been strong indications that a criminal investigation is under way exploring Herenton’s relationship with city contractor Elvin Moon. That connection, now the focus of a federal grand jury probe, hinges on $50,000 that Moon paid Herenton in a 2005 real estate transaction. The payment came after the businessman landed no-bid city contracts valued at $702,000. Randle Catron, executive director of the Beale Street Development Corp., said Thursday that FBI agents interviewed him as recently as last week about Herenton, Moon and the Lee's Landing Garage near historic Beale Street.

Willie, just be sure to wipe that COKE off of your nose before you go in and talk to the feds about the corruption you pulled on the PEOPLE with the Moon transaction.

June 13, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Shank said

Well gosh, looks like that Ford feller must'a got hisself in the wrong legal system. Otherwise, he'd be wearing that stylish orange jumper with the snazzy stripes by now. Maybe Willie believes Ford snuck into the "white people's legal system".
So this clown Herentown sees himself getting closer to getting caught red-handed and what does the fair-minded mayor do? Attempts to discredit the same justice system that let Ford walk despite videotapes of him taking bribes....sorry, I mean undocumented order to try to get his political base up in arms about race again. All in an effort to save his corrupt self. This guy never cases to amaze me!!!!

June 13, 2008 1:45 PM

News Diva said...
NewsDIVA Headlines

Seven time grammy R & B recording artist R. Kelly was acquitted of all charges Friday after less than a day of deliberations in his child pornography trial, ending a six-year ordeal for the R&B superstar.

Kelly dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict -- not guilty on all 14 counts -- was read. The Grammy award-winning singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
R. Kelly's attorney has admitted that R. Kelly has admired the likes of Jerry Lewis & Elvis Presley in that they adored young girls. R. Kelly said next time he'll be more slicker in getting underage groupies onto his tour bus.

After the verdict was R. Kelly surrounded by bodyguards, left the courthouse without comment. Dozens of fans screamed and cheered as he climbed into a waiting SUV.

June 13, 2008 3:22 PM

NewsDiva said...
R. Kelly at his best:

June 13, 2008 3:27 PM

NewsDiva said...

R. Kelly

June 13, 2008 3:33 PM

Ms Black said...
What a mess. It sounds like this man has an anger problem.June 13, 2008 9:09 AM. ___________well that is what he has a serious anger problem. Whenever you feel that you have to fight to control someone else then you're crazy.

June 13, 2008 5:34 PM

Anonymous said...
Is it true that Javier Bailey is a known homosexual and illegal drug user?

Is it true that he and his brother often have traded identities to fool the courts at times?

June 13, 2008 5:40 PM

MickeyWhite said...
Mike Flemming is no conservative

June 13, 2008 6:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is no Democrat.

June 13, 2008 8:16 PM

Anonymous said...
Here are some more SHITBAGS up to no good stealing things that don't belong to them and hurting innocent people. These types swagger around acting like they're too good to work like the rest of us. These lazy mother fuckers deserve to live in cages.

They remind me of cockroaches and rats scurrying around dropping their little turds everywhere they go. If you happen to run across any of these sorts of SHITBAGS messing with your family or property, step on them and squash the holy shit out of them.

They don't deserve to live amongst the civilized.
(Germantown, TN 6/13/2008) Memphis police have charged six men in Thursday's Germantown home invasion and subsequent police chase.

Jeremy J. Munson, Curtis E. Hayes, Jeremiah Hoskins, Robert L. Gilliam, Calvin White and Cameron White, 31, are all from Memphis.

All are charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and evading arrest in connection with the June 12 home invasion in the Bedford Plantation neighborhood.

June 13, 2008 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...
Because there have been no charges, the mayor says this investigation into the sex plot will continue to confirm, "the existence of sinister forces in this community hell-bent on destroying the confidence of citizens in African American leadership and the public manipulation of elections."

Because the city of Memphis isn't Willie's personal fiefdom and he will never get away with running it like it's his dictatorship. It just ain't happening...not in this democratic society. There are plenty of countries being ran under this kind of oppressive system and he is more than welcome to take a fast jet to it. He can take his cronies with him.

The only confidence being lost is in Willie, the man, himself. There are hundreds of other black men in this city who are shining stars. Unfortunately, it's the dark clouds (like Willie) that keep them from shining through and leading this city forward. Willie is a fourth rate leader and he proved it all by himself with no help from those white men he has been laying in bed with and getting rich off of.

He promised unity in 1991 but nothing has changed. He has engaged in the same tactics that he accuses white people of doing. This man is way overdone. It's way past time to ignore this rattling, old fogey.

June 13, 2008 10:09 PM

Anti-Thad said...
And Hack "likes" this guy!

(Memphis, TN -- 6/13/2008) For the third time in less than a year, the former Beale Street Security Guard is the charged in another violent crime.

As we were the first to tell you, Dray Davis turned himself in today after what was described as a road rage incident on Jackson Avenue Wednesday night.

Police say he struck two people with his car. Attorney Javier Bailey defends Davis.

"I don't want to get into if his actions are justified but he had reason to be in fear and I think the police know that," said Bailey.

The police took Davis' statement Friday and charged him with two counts of attempted second degree murder. Investigators say while the two victims got out of the car expecting a fist fight, Dray Davis, used his car.

"The door opens up. The door shuts and then the car races toward them. They of course are trying to get out of the way. He just hits both of them," said Lt. Nathan Berryman.

This of course is a costly add on for Davis. He is set to stand trial later this year for nearly beating a man to death on Beale Street while working security last summer. Then our cameras caught Davis resisting yet another arrest after a brief court appearance at the CJC.

"The past with him, it just looked like things got out of hand. But now with this, you may start thinking this person has issues, definitely anger management issues," said Berryman.

Issues and a record that now include two new charges of attempted second degree murder. Charges that will not help in setting his bond or in his upcoming trial.

June 14, 2008 1:05 AM

mr white said...
So what are you people going to do about the continous voting for the rogue, black politicians in this city? When will you vote for the best one running, instead of the one with the darkest skin? One of my black colleagues told me during the last mayoral election that the elders of his family were voting for Herenton because he was black, and that they had just gotten used to him and his crap. This colleague, black himself, acknowledged that Herenton had done nothing for the black community, and merely stated "that's Memphis." I interpreted that statement as him saying "that's Memphis and the majority are black and ignorant." Of course all you have to do is look around, deal with most city employees these days, and the ignorance is very obvious. And then you have a rare individual in this city like Ms Black, that you run across on a blog like this, an wish that the rest of the black community could be as wise as she and her family...I'm still with ya on here girl!!

June 14, 2008 1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual?

June 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Javier Bailey said...
Javier Michael Bailey
Licensed to Practice Law in Tennessee - 1990

October 23, 1992 - Public Censure
He was found in contempt of court by the Court of Criminal Appeals for failing to pursue an appeal and for failure to abide by the previous orders of the Court.

June 07, 1995 - License Suspended for 60 Days and Probation for 2 Years 10 Months
Suspended for three (3) years, with all time suspended and Bailey being on probation, except for sixty (60) days of actual suspension, upon his compliance with certain conditions, by order entered June 7, 1995. He submitted a conditional guilty plea in exchange for the stated form of discipline.

The suspension specified that he shall enter a treatment center for drug addition and/or psychiatric problems and comply with whatever treatment and aftercare are recommended; shall enter a 3 year contract with Lawyers Helping Lawyers; shall have a monitor who will make quarterly reports for 3 years about Bailey's compliance and who will notify Bailey of random drug screens, making quarterly reports also about the results of those drug tests and his compliance with Lawyers Helping Lawyers.

September 20, 1995 - License Suspended for 2 Years 10 Months
Failed to comply with the conditions in the June 7, 1995 order and the three (3) year suspension was reinstated with credit for the sixty (60) days actually served.

June 01, 2001 – License to Practice Law Reinstated
Reinstated his license to practice, with conditions, by order entered June 1, 2001.

January 2, 2004 – License Suspended for 1 Month

February 2, 2004 – On Probation for 4 Years 11 Months
Entered into an Agreed Order and Conditional Guilty Plea which was entered by the Tennessee Supreme Court on May 27, 2004, effective January 2, 2004. The Agreed Order placed Javier Michael Bailey on probation for a period of four (4) years and eleven (11) months after serving an actual suspension of thirty (30) days, which Bailey served beginning January 2, 2004 through February 2, 2004, during all of which Bailey shall continue to be monitored by the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) as set forth in the TLAP Monitoring Advocacy Agreement. Bailey’s failure to comply with any of the conditions of probation shall constitute grounds for summary suspension and revocation of probation. At the expiration of five (5) years of compliance with the terms and conditions of probation, Bailey shall be reinstated by order without petition.

November 16, 2007 – Public Censure
The censure was issued by the Board pursuant to Rule 9, Section 8 of the Rules of the Tennessee Supreme Court. Bailey did not request a hearing on the matter. Respondent committed violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct in four matters.

In one, the Respondent never listed or acknowledged the Complainant’s status as a client, did not keep the client informed about the status of the litigation, and did not respond to the Complainant’s demand for a refund of fees. The Respondent did subsequently make a refund.

In another matter, the client’s suit was dismissed because Respondent had not properly effected service of process, and the Respondent failed to appear or to notify the Court of his absence at a required scheduling conference. A second suit was dismissed with prejudice because Respondent had not timely filed same.

In another matter, the Respondent did not purchase or file the transcript, pay the proper fee, or file the form of appearance in the client’s case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the dismissal of the client’s appeal for failure to prosecute. The Respondent did not notify his client between January through May of 2006 that the appeal had been dismissed. The Respondent filed a motion to reinstate the appeal. The motion was granted and substitute counsel was appointed to handle the appeal. In an unrelated matter, the Respondent failed to respond to the written discovery or to a motion to compel, resulting in the striking of this client’s answer, the entry of default judgment, and the setting of a hearing on a writ of inquiry to determine damages. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing on the writ of inquiry.

In another matter, the Respondent improperly endorsed the Bank’s two party check made payable to a contractor and his clients, and instructed his client to deposit it without the endorsement of the contractor. By his conduct the Respondent violated RPCs 1.3, 1.4(a)(b), 1.15(b) and 8.4(a)(c)(d) by his actions in the four captioned files.

June 14, 2008 3:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Your Honor, I request that you direct the witness to respond only to the questions posed:

Is Javier "Jay or Gay" Bailey a known homosexual and deviant?

Is it true he was caught in the Rebel Motel a few years back with another known homosexual engaged in the act of Boogery?

A simple yes or no will suffice!

June 14, 2008 6:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Does the WMPD know about this tryst at the Rebel Motel by Bailey? If not, they surely need details....

As do we!

June 14, 2008 8:19 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
What! What! You must be a prejudiced cracker!

April 27, 2008 12:03 AM

June 14, 2008 11:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Now What All ya'll just some sorry trash said...
I bet you won't.

I came hear to put your sorry ridiculous ass on blast. I know this is the real deal that you wouldn't dream about posting. For every 1 person that doesn't like Mr. Matthews there are exactly 30 that do. Look at your sorry blog. No one comes here to post. You have a sprinkle here & there but Thadd have comments pouring like raindrops in April. You've got the perfect picture up I guess it looks alot like you and most important it represents that shit that your blog is oh soo soo full of. Get a life you trick ass because Thaddeus in in the house.
Now you can thank me later maybe this blog will wake your dead ass 2blog up that only 2 people visit; which is you & me now that I've made this post. But I won't be visiting again and believe me if I do & I see that you've posted something behind me don't worry trick I always get the last word. And if by chance you post something behind my comments and I don't reply don't only means I never came back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!

P.S. I'm too busy entertaining over on Thaddeus site.
Dumb Ass Sucker. OH by the way I'll be listening to the show today. Does that make you sick....Hon!

April 29, 2008 10:59 PM

June 14, 2008 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a dam fool/ thad is ok you are playa hating/idiot/you have the right photo for you alright/an ass hold/raise the tail and show the ass hold

June 14, 2008 11:49 PM

Anonymous said...
CAN ANYBODY SPELL J-E-A-L-O-U-S up in this camp. That's all it is.

April 29, 2008 11:00 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
FYI you dumb shit. I'm not Thaddeus Matthews. I knew you'd say that.

I'm a female you bunch of "no life" morons.

This is for you 10:47...let your mama choke on it w/ your pappa because he's an ape. She's an orangutan looking slack head slut!

April 30, 2008 1:13 PM

June 14, 2008 11:51 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be Told said...
Oh let me do you all a last favor of bringing excitement to your dull (yawning) site.....don't worry I'll make it short because I have other things to do; I just felt so sorry for you guys it's sort of like going to a nursing home seeing the senior adults looking out the windows all lonely trying to make the best of their days. OK I just enjoy making you pitiful backalley trash bound suckers uneasy. One last time enjoy it because I won't be you honestly think Thaddeus would entertain this blog. Let me hip you to something you freaks post more on his site so much to the point that that's the reason you all have nothing on this site ooopphs!!! Except what I have posted and once you see that I'm not replying anymore on this blip it'll be soooooo quiet I think you're be hearing crickets or maybe a roll of hay will flow across the computer screen. I mean it's so dull that one might began hallucinating. Why don't you fellows go do something real constructive (that's on your level like) flying a kite, go watch Elmo, or go to SUPER WALMART and count the goldfish in the pet department, go take your woman out to eat....I know you sapsuckers know nothing about nice restaurants so you el cheapos will pass going to Burger King for a date. I be damn you have no dates because no lady would be caught dead w/ you, excuse me "yaall". Hope this wakes your site up and I honestly hope it does because once again for every saaaay 3 that anti Mr. Matthews there are 30 that love listening to him, it doesn't mean they have to agree with him but he's the fire and sadly you sad folk aren't. Remember I always get the last word and by chance there is no reply don't worry it means that I never came back to this sodgy crap and thence you all can hate on Thaddeus amongst your dumb selves. Some advice: what will you be doing at 4pm????? Hahaaaaahahaahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 30, 2008 1:52 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Truth Be told said...
11:13 please know your what you're talking about because first I don't have any children, so those apes that you're speaking upon is kinda foul......because your ancestors screwed them and now they're running round your house smelling like dog. And as far as a ghetto hoe....don't talk about your shotgun house living mother, aren't you rude. You said I know Thaddeus and you cite that he pays my bills yo silly pot belly bastard Thaddeus won't know me if he saw me. Now go tame those apes that are sitting on bed. And ghetto Oooookkkaaaayyyy well I guess harbor town is ghetto. I know one thing it's better than that where you live which is in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "ZOO". My cars are paid for ANTTT!!! your perception is so jacked up. Hahahahaha!

April 30, 2008 2:24 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
To the boring federation of america no it TBT said...
Correction previous comment is for you all however it's specifically for 11:31

April 30, 2008 2:31 PM

June 14, 2008 11:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Not Black or White said...
Are you people seriously with a straight face using the words "negroes" and "colored" on here? LOL You really are stuck in the 50's huh? What a joke.

May 26, 2008 2:51 PM

June 14, 2008 11:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you are a sick person/i do believe you like my boy thad in the wrong way..i was told that you go go both ways

May 5, 2008 3:40 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you putting his address up like you're in love w/ him or something. Dam are you gay? That some old catty shit. Man up & just address the issues. Hell gas is so dam high that the only thing most of us can afford to do is go to work, grocery store, gas station, & home. I could careless if he lives on 1011 Buzzard Drive. You just plain petty. I don't even care what's your address let known his, what you think people are gonna do go visit his house like his Graceland? What good would it do me, you posting his address like somebody is going to go up in his place and kick ass. I'm not going to 201 poplar for you or nobody. If I can help it.

May 1, 2008 9:50 PM

June 14, 2008 11:57 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James BITCH said...
Black, white. White, black. Ooohweee!!! Why don't ya'll put a dam sock in it. Ya'll focusing on this silly shit. Just shut the fuck up. This ain't nothing but a racist blog. You can say what you want. Can't you all just talk about something else. Hell talk about where the cheapest gas is at or how to lose weigh. I bet half of ya'll on hear are so dam big that if someone told you to haul ass out the building you'd have to make 2 trips. You keep calling this Thaddeus man out. If I didn't know any better I'd think he's some kind of celebrity and ya'll just mad becuz he didn't sign an autograph. Ya'll talking about how he's fat but dam the main ones talking probably are the ones with a face only a mother could love. 1 more thing this man has got it going on for the simple fact that he's not hiding behind a horse's ass and plus he's all over town. This Anti-Thad fellow could be the Avon lady down the street or a mexican 15yr old kid. Anti-T. you hide behind that photo which in my world is a sign of fear. You try and sound like you big and bag but you don't get my respect because I don't hide behind some pics. Also wit Ravenmoon she shows her real picture that tells me that she is true. She shows her photo and post her opinions knowing that some will or will not like them. That's a real woman and ya'll got the soggy balls to say she was a Thaddeus flunkie blog poster. When the main ones aiming at this woman is "anonymous" that shows me right there you just full of it. I hope you go to sleep tonight and wakeup wit a bed full of skunks looking you dead in your face. All I hear is monkey, ape, bitch, and lawd knows what else. You people act like you crazy. I don't care bout you coming back posting your thoughts after I post because one thing about it....hold on let me talk in the only language ya'll understand. Ok ya'll just a bunch of poor white honkies and and some jive talkin niggers. In the words of Ophelia Ford, "what you sayin' ain't hiting on nothing". Now talk about real issues like who are the real folk on here, let's take off these dam "anonymous" masks you where. Now that's when it gets good and hell to the naw I ain't Thaddeus. Since you love to say that but I'm Nelson W. Ross and I'm 25 year biracial (black and white) so whatever name you call me you ain't doing nothing but talkin about yourself. Bunch of stupid freak-a-zoids.

May 11, 2008 9:07 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quadroon @ 9:07, I humbly submit the following for you to use and follow as needed. Pass them on to your friends and relatives.

12 Things The Negro Must Do For Himself by Nannie Helen Burroughs
(Circa Early 1900's)

1. The Negro Must Learn To Put First Things First. The First Things Are: Education; Development of Character Traits; A Trade and Home Ownership.

The Negro puts too much of his earning in clothes, in food, in show and in having what he calls "a good time." The Dr. Kelly Miller said, "The Negro buys what he WANTS and begs for what he Needs." Too true!

2. The Negro Must Stop Expecting God and White Folk To Do For Him What He Can Do For Himself.

It is the "Divine Plan" that the strong shall help the weak, but even God does not do for man what man can do for himself. The Negro will have to do exactly what Jesus told the man (in John 5:8) to do--Carry his own load--"Take up your bed and walk."

3. The Negro Must Keep Himself, His Children And His Home Clean And Make The Surroundings In Which He Lives Comfortable and Attractive.

He must learn to "run his community up"--not down. We can segregate by law, we integrate only by living. Civilization is not a matter of race, it is a matter of standards. Believe it or not--some day, some race is going to outdo the Anglo-Saxon, completely. It can be the Negro race, if the Negro gets sense enough. Civilization goes up and down that way.

4. The Negro Must Learn To Dress More Appropriately For Work And For Leisure.

Knowing what to wear--how to wear it--when to wear it and where to wear it, are earmarks of common sense, culture and also an index to character.

5. The Negro Must Make His Religion An Everyday Practice And Not Just A Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Emotional Affair.

6. The Negro Must Highly Resolve To Wipe Out Mass Ignorance.

The leaders of the race must teach and inspire the masses to become eager and determined to improve mentally, morally and spiritually, and to meet the basic requirements of good citizenship.

We should initiate an intensive literacy campaign in America, as well as in Africa. Ignorance--satisfied ignorance--is a millstone abut the neck of the race. It is democracy's greatest burden.

Social integration is a relationship attained as a result of the cultivation of kindred social ideals, interests and standards.

It is a blending process that requires time, understanding and kindred purposes to achieve. Likes alone and not laws can do it.

7. The Negro Must Stop Charging His Failures Up To His "Color" And To White People's Attitude.

The truth of the matter is that good service and conduct will make senseless race prejudice fade like mist before the rising sun.

God never intended that a man's color shall be anything other than a badge of distinction. It is high time that all races were learning that fact. The Negro must first QUALIFY for whatever position he wants. Purpose, initiative, ingenuity and industry are the keys that all men use to get what they want. The Negro will have to do the same. He must make himself a workman who is too skilled not to be wanted, and too DEPENDABLE not to be on the job, according to promise or plan. He will never become a vital factor in industry until he learns to put into his work the vitalizing force of initiative, skill and dependability. He has gone "RIGHTS" mad and "DUTY" dumb.

8. The Negro Must Overcome His Bad Job Habits.

He must make a brand new reputation for himself in the world of labor. His bad job habits are absenteeism, funerals to attend, or a little business to look after. The Negro runs an off and on business. He also has a bad reputation for conduct on the job--such as petty quarrelling with other help, incessant loud talking about nothing; loafing, carelessness, due to lack of job pride; insolence, gum chewing and--too often--liquor drinking. Just plain bad job habits!

9. He Must Improve His Conduct In Public Places.

Taken as a whole, he is entirely too loud and too ill-mannered.

There is much talk about wiping out racial segregation and also much talk about achieving integration.

Segregation is a physical arrangement by which people are separated in various services.

It is definitely up to the Negro to wipe out the apparent justification or excuse for segregation.

The only effective way to do it is to clean up and keep clean. By practice, cleanliness will become a habit and habit becomes character.

10. The Negro Must Learn How To Operate Business For People--Not For Negro People, Only.

To do business, he will have to remove all typical "earmarks," business principles; measure up to accepted standards and meet stimulating competition, graciously--in fact, he must learn to welcome competition.

11. The Average So-Called Educated Negro Will Have To Come Down Out Of The Air. He Is Too Inflated Over Nothing. He Needs An Experience Similar To The One That Ezekiel Had--(Ezekiel 3:14-19). And He Must Do What Ezekiel Did

Otherwise, through indifference, as to the plight of the masses, the Negro, who thinks that he has escaped, will lose his own soul. It will do all leaders good to read Hebrew 13:3, and the first Thirty-seven Chapters of Ezekiel.

A race transformation itself through its own leaders and its sensible "common people." A race rises on its own wings, or is held down by its own weight. True leaders are never "things apart from the people." They are the masses. They simply got to the front ahead of them. Their only business at the front is to inspire to masses by hard work and noble example and challenge them to "Come on!" Dante stated a fact when he said, "Show the people the light and they will find the way!"

There must arise within the Negro race a leadership that is not out hunting bargains for itself. A noble example is found in the men and women of the Negro race, who, in the early days, laid down their lives for the people. Their invaluable contributions have not been appraised by the "latter-day leaders." In many cases, their names would never be recorded, among the unsung heroes of the world, but for the fact that white friends have written them there.

"Lord, God of Hosts, Be with us yet."

The Negro of today does not realize that, but, for these exhibits A's, that certainly show the innate possibilities of members of their own race, white people would not have been moved to make such princely investments in lives and money, as they have made, for the establishment of schools and for the on-going of the race.

12. The Negro Must Stop Forgetting His Friends. "Remember."

Read Deuteronomy 24:18. Deuteronomy rings the big bell of gratitude. Why? Because an ingrate is an abomination in the sight of God. God is constantly telling us that "I the Lord thy God delivered you"--through human instrumentalities.

The American Negro has had and still has friends--in the North and in the South. These friends not only pray, speak, write, influence others, but make unbelievable, unpublished sacrifices and contributions for the advancement of the race--for their brothers in bonds.

The noblest thing that the Negro can do is to so live and labor that these benefactors will not have given in vain. The Negro must make his heart warm with gratitude, his lips sweet with thanks and his heart and mind resolute with purpose to justify the sacrifices and stand on his feet and go forward--"God is no respector of persons. In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is" sure to win out. Get to work! That's the answer to everything that hurts us. We talk too much about nothing instead of redeeming the time by working.


In spite of race prejudice, America is brim full of opportunities. Go after them!

May 11, 2008 9:21 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To " I'm Rick James BITCH"--

DAMN baby!!!


I don't know who you are--but you are TOO COOL!!

Thank you.


May 11, 2008 9:23 PM

Anonymous said...

Memfrica Police have identified the colored man found with his ticket punched in front of Fire Station 14 at 980 McLemore as Teric "Retardius" Jones, 23.

Officers found Jones just after 1:32 a.m. Saturday. Police believe he was walking in front of the station when someone shot at him.

Shell casings and banana peels were found across the street and several shots struck the fire station, said Lt. Don Crowe of Memfrica Felony Response. The station was also struck several times, but no fire personnel were injured. If this man had been at home in bed like normal people, instead of prowling the streets in the dead of night, he wouldn't have been shot.

Police have no one in custody in the killing. Police also have no witnesses as when they arrived, someone waved a job application and the crowd instantly dispersed into the night.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers at 528-CASH. Free money and you can be the shooter too and get it!

May 11, 2008 9:32 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:33 PM

Such misinformed folk said...
2sense and Powerpeople66 I'm just going to tell you the truth you 2 sound like somebody put a dam micky in your drinks. Dr. Martin L. King was always for peace and non-violence he marched for equal rights. He never ever went for violence and retaliations. Black people back then marched for rights that they didn't have like voting, and wanting to go to schools of there choice. Where is violence in his speech when he said, "I have a dream" (go find it on the web and let me know). He never said "well we negroes need to kill the white man, steal, and rob". Anti-thad now you know I'm right and I want you to reply to these fools. You said you weren't around during that time BUT DAM I wasn't around when Hitler killed many Jews so since I wasn't there does that mean I don't know what happen. Now back to 2sense and 66 the only person whose theory was fight fire wit' fire was Malcolm X, his goals where the same as King but his way of going about them where, "by any means necessary" and even he and King butted heads because King was doing marches peacefully and not an eye for an eye, as this was Malcolm's way. It's really sad that your thought process thinks like it does. I'm going to pray for you both because you harbor a hate-spirit and you are very misinformed to the hilt. Anti-Thad I'll be waiting for your reply and I'm confident that you're agree wit me.

May 11, 2008 9:35 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To I'm Riock James--

By the way-- so far, the cheapest gas price I have seen so far is on the corner of Summer & Hollywood going toward downtown--the BP is (or was at 6:30pm this evening) $3.49 per gallon.

Now at one point--the Pure Express Lane--on the corner of Summer & Sevier--it 'was' $3.39 per gallon--but I think it went up to $3.49 yesterday.


May 11, 2008 9:54 PM

I'm Rick James Bitch said...
To: Newshound. You post news but you not fooling nobody. You be trying to make that shit funny on the sly with you posting "his ticket punched in" and there were "shells and banana peels" on the ground. You ain't nothing but a comedian. On the flip side I guess you where trying to be funny about the 12 things the black race needs to do. But you know what I ain't even mad at yah' my race do need to get their houses in order. Once the house is in order everything else down will come together in accordance. I've just come to terms that ya'll gone talk about blacks, white, whites, blacks, and then blacks and white until the cows come home. I've never seem nothing like this before in my life. Judgement day would have come and done and there ya'll asses go down in hell talking that same mumbo jumbo "black white white black". I just don't know what to say. No wonder my generation is so bad look who my friends and I had for parents you all. While ya'll where in the kitchen talking about black white white black we where out getting pregnant, drinking, drugging and running call girl and acting a fool. You all will be in trouble when you get old because you raised us to be fools because you are. While you where talkin your mind shiuld have been on us and I'm talking about my white side to.Take ya'll shit starting tails to bed goodnight!!!!!

May 11, 2008 10:04 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I will be honest with you here bro...I can't agree OR disagree with you. Don't know what MLK's agenda was or how he went about it. I don't know too much about Malcolm X other than he preaches alot of hatred and violence to meet his goals.

Rick James...You are the proof of ignorance. You can't even write an intelligent post that doesn't require deciphering. Thud doesn't have a thing going on other than a 54 inch belt line and a massive child support debt.

If you don't like the fire we speak about Thud, it's quite easy...DON'T COME HERE ANYMORE. That's beauty of FREEDOM. FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
We CHOOSE to rip on him, and you CHOOSE to come here to read it and you CHOOSE to post, in some unintelligent rant, your opinion.

That is cool with me. Here lies the problem, with everything you write on here, gives the other readers AMPLE oppurtunity to take advantage of the same FREEDOMS that you have and respond and rip on you.

If you don't like the fact that we rip on Thud, then don't come here. That is what this blog is about in the first place.

Isn't it funny how Thud and his folks can go for so long on his blog talking smack about people, but when we decide to do the same thing, and give it back to them they get all worked up and defensive about it. Is Thud sending you all over here to fight his fights for him?

What's next Thud? Are you going
to run and tell the teacher on me? Are you going to bait me into a fight after school at the swing set? Are you going to sick your big bad brother on me when I leave the house?

Rick James huh? Figures you would use a name of a crackheaded freak to HIDE BEHIND.

The horse's ass by the way is my fitting tribute to the man we all know as Thaddeus Augustus Matthews Sr.

I am trying to find a pony picture and photoshop some jail bars over it and we will consider that one Thaddeus Jr. (also known as Thadpole)

May 11, 2008 10:09 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Memphis (TN only) Regular Mid Premium Diesel
Current $3.551 $3.758 $3.938 $4.178
Yesterday $3.525 $3.731 $3.909 $4.146
Month Ago $3.199 $3.386 $3.548 $3.932
Year Ago $2.827 $2.993 $3.136 $2.810

Highest Recorded Price:

Regular Unl. $3.551 5/11/2008
Dsl. $4.178 5/11/2008

May 11, 2008 10:10 PM

Anti-Thad said...

Girl that is some funny shiznit!

May 11, 2008 10:12 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...


May 11, 2008 10:13 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Hey--ask and you shall recieve.

He asked about the gas prices--so I posted the gas prices.

May 11, 2008 10:15 PM

Anti-Thad said...
I saw that, I totally understood it when it popped up. I laughed myself out of the chair.

And to think that I was pondering the same

May 11, 2008 10:17 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anti--that just goes to show you that great minds think alike!


May 11, 2008 10:20 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
Actually here is a list of stations with gas prices--




1:15 PM

2431 N Germantown Pkwy & I-40 E


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

3271 E Shelby Dr & Tchulahoma Rd


Memphis - South
5:49 AM

4251 Winchester Rd & S Goodlett St

Express Gas

Memphis - NE
5:49 AM

Winchester Goodlett


Memphis - South
1:30 PM

3371 Lamar & American Way


Memphis - SE
3:52 PM

Knight Arnold & Ridgeway

Express Gas

Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2980 N Thomas St near Northgate St


Memphis - South
5:48 AM

3825 E Shelby Dr & Getwell Rd


Memphis - North
7:15 AM

2864 N Thomas St


Memphis - SE
6:23 PM

3775 Hacks Cross Rd & Winchester Rd


Memphis - SE
7:48 AM

6566 Winchester Rd & Kirby Pkwy


11:45 PM

6505 Memphis Arlington Rd & Altruria Rd (-3 cents with card)

Murphy USA

6:15 PM
, <, U>

545 N Germantown Pkwy & Friars Point Ln


Memphis - SE
3:53 PM

6193 Mt Moriah Rd Ext & Ridgeway Rd


Memphis - North
3:45 PM

3240 N Thomas St near Cindy

May 11, 2008 10:46 PM

Such Misinformed said...
Thad this is the So Misinformed, I can't believe you said that you don't know MLK's agenda. You mean to tell me you didn't know of his efforts for equality. That's real messed up for you to go out like that. You not wanting to upset your white viewers so you say you don't know what MLK was trying to do. Like hell you don't know...........what do you think he was trying to do open a hot dog stand on Madison Ave. Of course you know but I see what time it is wit you. You'd rather satisfy than tell the truth. Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda. Man, I usually visit your blog but man I've lost mad respect. You lost some major cool points with me. You talk from time to time about the bs of others but you've earned the ranks of KingBS this time. I can't even believe you gone say you don't know the agenda of MLK. You don't remember anything good on him but you sure in the hell can recall the bad on Malcolm. I'd expect you to say that about Malcolm because it is true however you know MLK.always said that he had a dream that man would be judge not by the color of his skin but by his character. Instead "I don't know his agenda". I say if we have any blacks or minorities on this site that you take heed to Anti-Thad's way of responding to me in the prior post. I'm out of here for good. Good riddens and I'll be praying for you to. You talk about how lump sided Thaddeus Matthews but you are no better than him. I'm not asking you to agree just state the facts. I was real mistaken about you. You've lost a good supporter

May 11, 2008 10:48 PM

I'm Elvis Presley bitch said...
Raven thanks for the prices. Now that's more interesting than this other stuff. As for you Anti-toastee You so silly it ain't even funny. You are like proof in the pudding of how embarrass I am to be half-white. Reading your views along with all this other black white white black sometimes I just wish I was a dam Mexican or Asian. That way none of the crap you guys put on this blog would matter. If you got to code crack or decipher what I typed then carry your butt back to the school house. You know dam well what I'm talking about. You are a living substance consume wit waste from the toilet. Who in the hell got the time to sit up all day and all night wit their mind fixated on the actions and thought process of someone else. That's like me starting a blog on someone I don't like. My life is too filled with living, listening, and learning for my future to waste it consuming on someone else's views. I won't give a dam because I pay my own bills and I come home to me at night not my enemy. As far as code crackin I've deciphered as you put it that you just a nobody with no kind of business, you can't possibly have a sex life when you spend more time posting here than the troops fighting in Iraq. So don't try to talk about me because you just a strange horse butt fool. Why don't you put your photo up I mean after all this is your blog and if your views are so mounted with substance and you stand behind them and you believe in them well let us see you. Who are you the elephant man or something. Oh and I changed my name now to Elvis so what am I doing hiding as you say "hiding behind a Narcotic Prescriptiondrug freak."

May 11, 2008 11:17 PM

Anonymous said...
I'm Rick James you too funny but you are right on the bucks. This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get. How bold we are when we are unknown we can reveil our inner most hatred thoughts that are carried within us from day to day with no repercussions.

May 11, 2008 11:31 PM

i'm Rick James Bitch said...
Clarification I don't go on to Thaddeus Matthews blog for your information. You real quick to say people come his site to yours only when you don't like what they're saying. You sound like an broken record. I don't put any man on a pedestal or give him credit as you do so very much. Everybody who disagrees with you don't necessarily mean they come from over there. I know you wish that was true but it's not. Oh you'd love that. Ya'll can proceed on wit the black white white black black white topic of the minute.

May 11, 2008 11:39 PM

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Anyway--has anyone over here been to see 'Iron Man' yet?

We went to see it last night. It is a good movie.

There is supposedly already talk of an 'Iron Man 2' in the works.

May 11, 2008 11:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Naw I went to see Debbie Does Dallas. And tomorrow night I'm going to see "wish I was a taco"

May 12, 2008 12:15 AM

Anonymous said...
anti-thad says... I do know that Sharpton is a lying fraud who jumps on the first racial train he can find and goes against every shred of authority that is NOT held by a black member of society.


May 12, 2008 5:58 AM

the lyin king said...
Anytime you want to know what King was all about just click the link.

May 12, 2008 7:25 AM

Anonymous said...
you all are so blinded. It's as if you are like Pharoah. MLK was alive during a different day and time. Black people back then where indeed more humble and simply wanted for the most part to make a decent living. I say that to say that MLK was NOT trying to jump on any race bandwagon. Do you not understand ignorant people that back then blacks couldn't vote, black women who worked long days had to sit on the back of the bus even if there where empty seats in the front, churchs where being bombed by the KKK this is just a glimpse of what blacks went through back then. MLK march for equal rights. "Such misinformed folk" said that his marchs where strictly non violence and they where. A lot of times he was arrested for marching not fighting and need I remind you while marching a lot of times he was spit on and hit upside the head by angry white southerners. MLK turned the other cheek. You people who are posting malicious comments about MLK are just sic. And last but not least Anti-Thad you claiming you are so informed. Ha you're only informed about those things that you want to be informed about and not the things you need to be informed up on. I don't mind you talking about whomever but I sure as hell can't let you stand by and trash Martin Luther King simply because of your ignorance.

May 12, 2008 7:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This place is nothing but a HATRED SHRINE. There is nothing here for the intelligent person who simply want to be in the know objectively. It's just a bunch of people griping and pointing their rusty fingers every chance they get.

It's ok to hate criminals and thugs. They hate society and they hate whites so why shouldn't good peole hate them back? The only reason we point our fingers at blacks is that they won't point them at themselves. It's so easy for blacks to dismiss our feelings about them as racist so they don't have to take responsibility for the way they act.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

Anonymous said...
That "Lyin King" piece is really outstanding I've read it before. How many times did King have to have a peace march that ended in a riot before he figured it out? Was he evil or stupid? Either way he doesn't rate a holiday.

May 12, 2008 7:57 AM

g-man said...
Even if you didn't know (which is just ludicris) seems as if you can find info about these other folk fought (famous and not) then you would surf your web right quick and find some info on MLK's agenda.

Surfing the web only gives you a popularized version of MLK. I'm sure you avoid the ones talking about his homo relationships with Ralph Abernathy and others keepin it on the down low. I don't need to surf to see that King's message was false, because we have the results. Ever since his civil rights ideas got put in place things have gotten worse for blacks and whites and America. I don't need to surf to know this I can watch the news.

Blacks don't know about King and they sure don't live up to his words. he's becoming a fictional character. he was a man and he wan't very smart but he was clever and he knew how to play the game against whites. He turned his back on the ideas of his mentor Vernon Johns and worked to integrate Negroes rather then getting them to make it on their own. He was wrong and if he hadn't been killed none of that Affirmative Action stuff would have been made law and everyone would be better off. You need to go study what King was about and what he was about and give up your idea of him as black Jesus.

May 12, 2008 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Hecate RavenMoon said...


I love that pic!

I thought I recognized this article.


May 11, 2008 8:23 PM

Hey Raven, what pic? what article??

May 12, 2008 8:03 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:03am--

I was talking about this article--it is on my blog as well)

And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

May 12, 2008 8:29 AM

Anonymous said...
now 14 hours since Thad refreshed his board.

May 12, 2008 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...
Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 8:46 AM

Hecate RavenMoon said...
To 8:38am--

And this surprises you?

May 12, 2008 8:50 AM

Anonymous said...
And I was talking about the funny pic of Al with the word/name 'tawana' on his stomache.

Perfect picture - Fat Albert KNEW that Tawana scrawled that shit on her own stomach but that didn't stop him from going on a WITCH HUNT against white police officers - the truth be damned.

This is why his organization NAN (National Association of Naggers) have absolutely NO credibility. They are out to HANG white people for $$$$$$ and don't care about the facts.

Anybody who is associated with this group are racial rabble rousers.

May 12, 2008 10:44 AM

Anonymous said...
I am hearing that Janis Fulloshit was arrested earlier in the year for something else. Does anybody know what crime it is that she committed?

Also, why in the hell did the black majority vote this DRUNK into office?
They all know she is an alcoholic. Is it because of name recognition and her black skin?

May 12, 2008 10:47 AM

Anonymous said...
And Anti-T you condone this crap on your sight. Gasoline andtar.

May 12, 2008 10:48 AM

Sun kiss Chick said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave. You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views. Yeah you all stay right here and throw lies amongst yourselves for cheap laughs. Talking about gasoline and tar. That is so out of order, the one who posted that has got to be a dumb ass concocted dick brain w/ a hatred mentality. Since you spoke on gasoline don't stop....why are you talking in codes. Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh. Whip some black women and punch them in the stomach. That's the only thing you understand. Whoever your moderator is he/she is needs his ass kicked for not putting a lid on this. I'll leave so you fools can do what you do best Talk Falsified Shit because this is the only place you'd do it. Fortunately!

May 12, 2008 11:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Police are trying to figure out the circumstances of a shooting in which the victim was dumped out at Saint Francis Animal Hospital at 2 a.m. today.

The person who brought the 28-year-old colored victim to the hospital left immediately after they were handed a job application.

The victim was airlifted to the Regional Monkey Center at Memfrica, where he remains in low sick, capped out, critical condition.

Memfrica police are questioning family members, the dog, the cat and a few "field hand" negroes in hopes of uncovering the reason for the attack.

Anyone with information is urged to call Crime Stoppers at 528 CASH. The shooter can collect on the dough too!

May 12, 2008 11:21 AM

people-power66 said...
Sun kiss Chick said...
You dingbats aren't even speaking on facts as it pertains to King but instead you mix in your deepest hatred thoughts and views.

What is facts do you know about Dr. King that you haven't learned from propaganda? have you ever researched his life and his platform and the people he surrounded himself with? Have you ever evaluated the negative effect his programs have had on blacks? Or do you just cry when they play his 3 taglines over and over again?

All the posts didn't call him names they spoke about his policies. You may think King was for peace, but his record doesn't show it. This is the ignorance we face from blacks and liberals. To say that Dr. King is no better than a scammer like Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and Farrakahn does not make anyone a racist. It's a disagreement of policy.

Being a racist means you go out and attack blacks because they're black. This isn't the case here. Disagreeing with King doesn't make someone a racist. Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

pro anti-newshound said...

May 12, 2008 11:27 AM

Anonymous said...
Something old Thad and Al should remember,both being half wit preachers,they both think the lord calls you when he's wants you home.It don't matter whether you in a airplane or bus or in dodges store.Before you blame the police maybe the lord call him home.
I'am a bit pissed the way janice fullishit was watered down story but everyone else's story was harsh.
hey Ravenmoon made the switch,good to hear from you.

May 12, 2008 11:28 AM

Sun Kiss chick said...
To: people power 666

Get a life. You aren't even on my level w/ your evil dogmatic self. I won't even converse w/ one of such hatred.

May 12, 2008 11:55 AM

Let us then speak to the issue with logic rather than ignorance.

Since there are so many that take Negroes to task for all the negativity they represent and have the audacity to hold them responsible for their actions without excusing them by reason of mitigating factors, let's facilitate some positive conversation about our Negro cohabitants.

So without labeling and name calling, please intelligently bring to our attention the ONE positive contribution made by the Negro race in America . . . we know there have been none in Africa.

BTW-Playing the slave card doesn't count.

As a bonus, please inform us if you know of a SINGLE SOLITARY neighborhood that became more peaceful and prosperous after Negroes moved in . . . once again there are none in Africa. is there

The floor is open and I'm very interested to see if someone can find some positive trait of Negro culture, because I have searched and found none. Jews and Whites have law, medicine, science, big business, inventors; the Asians and Arabs have small businesses; Hispanics represent the labor force . . . for Negroes I have violent crime, Welfare mamas, illiteracy, rolling stone dads and neighborhoods that are worse than prisons.

If I have overlooked a positive quality or contribution of Negro culture please enlighten me, so I can share it with others, because no one I know can find ONE either.

How do the Negroes make the world a better place; how does anyone benefit from their presence?

Here's a hint: Calling me a racist for asking this question is not the answer.

Your participation is appreciated.

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Sun kiss chick said...
Calling people names you disagree with does make you ignorant.

May 12, 2008 11:24 AM

written by power people disaster 666
___________________________________ Now you come posted earlier yesterday power disaster 666 the following:
"There is no denying what King did and that he was a plagerist and a crook and a thug."
Sun kissed chick says you are full of BS. You simply said you calling people out there name is ignorant. WeLL you IGNORANT! To the 1000th power!

May 12, 2008 11:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
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10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Year: 1964 Nobel Peace Prize

Cause: Symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure.


One of the most visible advocates of nonviolence and direct action as methods of social change, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta on 15 January 1929. As the grandson of the Rev. A.D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor, King's roots were in the African-American Baptist church. After attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, King went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and Boston University, where he deepened his understanding of theological scholarship and explored Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent strategy for social change. King married Coretta Scott in 1953, and the following year he accepted the pastorate at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. King received his Ph.D. in systematic theology in 1955.

Dr. King's exposure to non-violent civil disobedience was shaped by Thoreau's Essay on Civil Disobedience, Walter Rauschenbush's Christianity and the Social Crisis, Dr. Mordecai Johnson's sermon on the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi and his personal feelings about right and wrong.

Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians. Dr. King believed that the United States involvement in Vietnam was also a factor and that the war poisoned the atmosphere of the whole country and made the solution of local problems of human relations unrealistic

This caused friction between King and the African-American leaders who felt that their problems deserved priority and that the African-American leadership should concentrate on fighting racial injustice at home. But by early 1967 Dr. King had become associated with the antiwar movement

Dr. King continued his campaign for world peace. He traveled across America to support and speak out about civil rights and the rights of the underprivileged

In April 1968 Dr. King went to Memphis, Tennessee to help the sanitation workers who were on strike. The following day, April 4 1968, as he was leaving his motel room Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed.


1957 - Time - One of the Most Outstanding Personalities
1957 - Who's Who in America - Listed
1957 - NAACP - Spingarn Medal
1957 - National Newspaper Publishers - The Russwurm Award
1958 - Guardian Association of the Police Department of New York - The Second Annual Achievement Award
1959 - Link Magazine of New Delhi - one of sixteen world leaders who had contributed most to the advancement of freedom during that year
1963 - Time - Man of the Year
1963 - Laundry, Dry Cleaning, and Die Workers International Union - American of the Decade
1964 - United Federation of Teachers - John Dewey Award
1964 - Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago - John F. Kennedy Award
1964 - Nobel Foundation - Nobel Peace Prize
1968 - Jamaican Government - Marcus Garvey Prize for Human Rights
1968 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference - Rosa L. Parks Award

May 12, 2008 12:03 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
a martyr for peace

May 12, 2008 12:05 PM

Propoganda whatever! Just stubborn. said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

May 12, 2008 12:07 PM

Anonymous said...
ya whitey sho loved giving King awards. wonder why that was???

May 12, 2008 12:17 PM

anti king said...
"Edifying" is not the first word that comes to mind in this context. However, one must face the facts.

Considering how he was vilified while he was alive, Martin Luther King, Jr. has gotten off easy since his death, despite some embarrassing posthumous revelations. Partly that's because he's been embraced by conservatives, who now point to him as a symbol of moderation and self-reliance, in contrast to the likes of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. Still, as you say, certain questions arise.

Was he a communist? No, but the sustained effort by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI to portray King as a Bolshevik wasn't purely a product of cold war paranoia. A number of King's associates were former communists, notably New York lawyer Stanley Levison, who had been active in the Communist Party USA as late as 1956. Levison was one of King's most trusted confidants and helped write some of his speeches. King's political views can safely be described as left of center--among other things he vociferously opposed the Vietnam war. But the available evidence suggests he was neither a communist nor unduly influenced by Marxist ideas.

Did he spend donated money on prostitutes? The most sordid charges about MLK's sex life, this one included, come from the FBI and can't necessarily be trusted. But there's no doubt about what one biographer calls King's "compulsive sexual athleticism." King's attitude toward women was chauvinist and often exploitative. In his 1989 autobiography, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, King's close friend and fellow civil rights leader Ralph Abernathy writes that on the night before he died, King gave a rousing speech, had dinner with a woman afterward and remained with her till 1 AM, then came back to his motel to spend the night with a second woman. In the early morning hours a third woman came looking for King and became angry when she found the bed in the room he shared with Abernathy unoccupied. When King reappeared, he argued with woman #3 and wound up knocking her across the bed.

In his 1991 memoir, Breaking Barriers, journalist Carl Rowan writes that in 1964 congressman John Rooney told him that he and his congressional committee had heard J. Edgar Hoover play an audiotape of an apparent orgy held in King's Washington hotel suite. Over the sounds of a couple having intercourse in the background, according to Rooney, King could be heard saying to a man identified as Abernathy, "Come on over here, you big black motherfucker, and let me suck your dick." Horrors, King was gay! (Rowan thinks this was just ribald repartee.) In his account of the same episode, civil rights historian Taylor Branch attributes a couple more quotes to King: "I'm fucking for God!" and "I'm not a Negro tonight!" The FBI anonymously sent King (or, according to some accounts, King's wife, Coretta) a tape of compromising material recorded in his hotel rooms. The tape was either accompanied or followed up by a note suggesting that King should commit suicide if he wished to avoid exposure.

Did he plagiarize most of his writings? He plagiarized a lot of them. An investigation conducted by Boston University, where King got his Ph.D. in theology, determined that he had appropriated roughly a third of his doctoral thesis from a dissertation written three years earlier by another graduate student. Curiously, the same faculty member had been "first reader" of both theses, leading some to wonder whether King's faculty advisers at BU were incompetent or just guilty white liberals who gave a promising young black leader a pass. King also "borrowed" portions of many other writings and speeches, including the famous "I have a dream" speech he gave at the 1963 civil rights rally in Washington.

As every reasonable observer has commented, neither King's sexual wanderings nor his scholarly misdeeds detract from his core achievement. By continually publicizing black grievances while putting a palatable, nonviolent face on resistance to jim crow, King paved the way for the landmark civil rights legislation of the 1960s and a major turnaround in public attitudes about race. But there's no getting around the fact that he was a complex and deeply flawed man. Was he a great American? No argument here. Was he a fraud and a hypocrite? He was that, too.

May 12, 2008 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...
Martin Luther King Jr. - A True Historical Examination
The truth about Martin Luther King: Includes historical trivia, articles and pictures. A valuable resource for teachers and students alike.

Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther King, Jr. ( January 15 , 1929 – April 4 , 1968 ) was one of the pivotal leaders of the American civil rights movement . King was a Baptist minister, one of the few ...

See all search results in
Windows Live® Search ResultsMartin Luther King, Jr.
Encyclopedia Article
Find | Print | E-mail | Blog It

10 items
Article Outline
Introduction; Education and Early Life; The Montgomery Bus Boycott; Civil Rights Leadership; SCLC Protest Campaigns; “I Have a Dream”; Selma Marches; Black Power; Assassination
I Introduction

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Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner, one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and a prominent advocate of nonviolent protest. King’s challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s helped convince many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice.

II Education and Early Life

Print this section
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta, Georgia, the eldest son of Martin Luther King, Sr., a Baptist minister, and Alberta Williams King. His father served as pastor of a large Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, which had been founded by Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, maternal grandfather. King, Jr., was ordained as a Baptist minister at age 18.

King attended local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology in 1948. After graduating with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951, he went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955.

King’s public-speaking abilities—which would become renowned as his stature grew in the civil rights movement—developed slowly during his collegiate years. He won a second-place prize in a speech contest while an undergraduate at Morehouse, but received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. By the end of his third year at Crozer, however, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions.

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Throughout his education, King was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples. At Morehouse, Crozer, and Boston University, he studied the teachings on nonviolent protest of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi. King also read and heard the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. Benjamin E. Mays, president of Morehouse and a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen, was especially important in shaping King’s theological development.

While in Boston, King met Coretta Scott, a music student and native of Alabama. They were married in 1953 and would have four children. In 1954 King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, a church with a well-educated congregation that had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation.

III The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Print this section
Montgomery’s black community had long-standing grievances about the mistreatment of blacks on city buses. Many white bus drivers treated blacks rudely, often cursing them and humiliating them by enforcing the city’s segregation laws, which forced black riders to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to white passengers on crowded buses. By the early 1950s Montgomery’s blacks had discussed boycotting the buses in an effort to gain better treatment—but not necessarily to end segregation.

On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was ordered by a bus driver to give up her seat to a white passenger. When she refused, she was arrested and taken to jail. Local leaders of the NAACP, especially Edgar D. Nixon, recognized that the arrest of the popular and highly respected Parks was the event that could rally local blacks to a bus protest.

Nixon also believed that a citywide protest should be led by someone who could unify the community. Unlike Nixon and other leaders in Montgomery’s black community, the recently arrived King had no enemies. Furthermore, Nixon saw King’s public-speaking gifts as great assets in the battle for black civil rights in Montgomery. King was soon chosen as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), the organization that directed the bus boycott.

The Montgomery bus boycott lasted for more than a year, demonstrating a new spirit of protest among Southern blacks. King’s serious demeanor and consistent appeal to Christian brotherhood and American idealism made a positive impression on whites outside the South. Incidents of violence against black protesters, including the bombing of King’s home, focused media attention on Montgomery. In February 1956 an attorney for the MIA filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ruled in favor of the MIA, ordering the city’s buses to be desegregated, but the city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court. By the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was a national figure. His memoir of the bus boycott, Stride Toward Freedom (1958), provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence.

May 12, 2008 12:35 PM

Anonymous said...
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

BUZZZZZZZZZZ...wrong answer. The prejudice cave can be found at that black racist named Thad Fatthews blog.

You seem to have an issue with the OTHER SIDE being able to speak their opinion about the black racism and bullshit that has been perpetrated by many racial rabblers over the last 20 - 30 years.

WE (hardworking blacks and whites) ARE FED UP WITH THE LIES, EXCUSES, BLAME for other people's failures and shortcomings.


May 12, 2008 12:42 PM

KingPin you've been officially enlightened. said...
KingPin you want it you got it!
Oh & FYI: You look but you do not find because you wish not to find!

1. Elijah McCoy
Elijah McCoy (1843–1929) invented an oil-dripping cup for trains.

Fast Fact: Other inventors tried to copy McCoy's oil-dripping cup. But none of the other cups worked as well as his, so customers started asking for "the real McCoy." That's where the expression comes from.

2. Lewis Latimer
Lewis Latimer (1848–1928) invented an important part of the light bulb — the carbon filament.

Fast Fact: Latimer worked in the laboratories of both Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Jan Ernst Matzeliger (1852–1889) invented a shoemaking machine that increased shoemaking speed by 900%!

Fast Fact: In 1992, the U.S. made a postage stamp in honor of Matzeliger.

4. Granville T. Woods (1856–1910) invented a train-to-station communication system

5. George Washington Carver (1860–1943) invented peanut butter and 400 plant products!

6. Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919) invented a hair-growing lotion.

Fast Fact: Walker grew up poor. But she became the first female African- American millionaire.

7. Garrett Morgan (1877–1963) invented the gas mask.

Fast Fact: Morgan also invented the first traffic signal.

8. Otis Boykin (1920–1982) invented the electronic control devices for guided missiles, IBM computers, and the pacemaker.

Fast Fact: Boykin invented 28 different electronic devices.
He is responsible for inventing the electrical device used in all guided missiles and IBM computers, plus 26 other electronic devices including a control unit for an artificial heart stimulator (pacemaker).

Some of his other inventions included a variable resistor used in guided missiles and small component thick-film resistors for computers. The innovations in resistor design reduced the cost of producing electronic controls for radio and television, for both military and commercial applications. Other inventions by Otis Boykin also included a burglarproof cash register and chemical air filter. He worked as a private consultant for several American firms and three Paris firms, from 1964 to 1982.

9. Dr. Patricia E. Bath
Dr. Patricia. E. Bath (1949–) invented a method of eye surgery that has helped many blind people to see.

Fast Fact: Dr. Bath has been nominated to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.

10. Lonnie G. Johnson (1949–) invented the world-famous watergun, the Supersoaker.

Fast Fact: Johnson's company just came out with a new Nerf ball toy gun.

May 12, 2008 12:43 PM

Do your homework Kingpin said...
Now Kingpin your bonus would be to visit the following sites:

You've got some homework to do. Now if you look you'll get a cookie. Nice boy!

May 12, 2008 12:46 PM

Anonymous said...
Go ahead and say what you will do with it; like perhaps burn some black babies say around 2-3 months. Burn 'em to a crisp huh.

The ONLY burning going on was that burning over in east Tennessee when that group of black thug punks burned the young white couple after raping the girl and brutally tortuing and killing both of them.

The same burning that didn't get the media attention and that the RACIAL RAPERS named Al Sharpton and Thad Assthews didn't care to comment on.



May 12, 2008 12:47 PM

Anonymous said...
Baldwin Hills is a district in southwestern Los Angeles, California, in South Los Angeles. It is located on the central hills overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, and in the flats immediately to their north. Baldwin Hills and other surrounding geography are named for the famous 19th century horse racing pioneer, Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin. Baldwin Hills Estates is one of the wealthiest majority-African American areas in the United States. Baldwin Hills is known as the African American Beverly Hills.

Baldwin hills even has it's own show.

May 12, 2008 12:49 PM

Sun kiss chick said...
To: 12:42pm

and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.
All of these recent post is just a bunch of BS. You all are in the place you need to be in and this is it; a big fat prejudice cave.

Futhermore AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNT!!!! Good answer good answer!

May 12, 2008 12:52 PM

BONUS ROUNDS!!!! said...
Bonus rounds: Go to




May 12, 2008 12:56 PM

Sun kiss Chick said...
to 12: 47

You stupid dip shit. I'm talking about the post at 8:46am

Yo Raven Goon the only thing that gets out tar stains is gasoline and matches.

May 12, 2008 12:59 PM

Anonymous said...
and I ain't putting up with your slack head ass shit either. If you want to go their this white chick can. Don't think I can't.

Fuck you.

May 12, 2008 1:08 PM

Anonymous said...
That's what you get when you learn black history from black blogs.

In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson . . . it was a White man named John Hanson. In fact there were eight men who held the post for one year, and functioned in the role of Chief Executive, before Washington took office and solidified the position of Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive, creating the Presidency as we define it today under the Articles of Confederation. In 1971, Humorist Dick Gregory spun the tale that the first President was a Black dude, because Hanson's father was an indentured servant, which is something different than a slave. This nonsense then took on a life of its own when a photograph of John Hanson circulated, which clearly illustrated he was indeed a very Black man, making our first President Black, or a Moor, and exposing how White conspiracies obscure prominent Negroes at every turn. The only problem with this evidence is that there were no photos of anyone from 1780, because the camera wasn't invented until 1839. The Black John Hanson in the photo, was a Liberian senator in the 1890s who wanted Negroes to return to Africa, which made him a popular Black politician . . . among Whites. A painting of the Colonial Hanson shows him to be a lily-White man. SEE FOR YOURSELVES

In 1893, a Negro named Dr. Daniel Hale Williams did not perform the first open heart surgery . . . in fact he never performed an open heart surgery at all. Dr. Williams skillfully repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This is the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr Henry Dalton. Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the 19th Century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey. The first successful intracardiac correction of a congenital heart defect was performed by Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis at the University of Minnesota on September 2, 1952. The following year, Soviet surgeon Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vishnevskiy conducted the first cardiac surgery under local anesthesia. For the factual history of the first open heart surgery visit

The myth that Dr. Charles R. Drew, a Negro who researched the field of blood transfusions, was left to die after being denied a blood transfusion at a White hospital is a complete fabrication. Drew died on April 1, 1950, after a car accident in rural North Carolina. He received immediate medical attention, in part from the other doctors who were in the car accident with him but were less severely injured. Dr. Drew was admitted to a mixed-race hospital, but died after being treated for massive internal injuries.
Also, Dr. Drew did not create the blood bank in 1940. During World War I, (1914-1918) Dr. Oswald H. Robertson of the US Army preserved blood in a citrate-glucose solution and stored it in cooled containers for later transfusion. This was the first use of "banked" blood. By the mid-1930s the Russians had set up a national network of facilities for the collection, typing, and storage of blood. Bernard Fantus, influenced by the Russian program, established the first hospital blood bank in the United States at Chicago's Cook County Hospital in 1937. It was Fantus who coined the term "blood bank." See highlights of transfusion history from the American Association of Blood Banks.
Furthermore, in 1940 Dr. Drew did not "discover" that plasma could be separated and stored apart from the rest of the blood, thereby revolutionizing transfusion medicine. The possibility of using blood plasma for transfusion purposes was known at least since 1918, when English physician Gordon R. Ward suggested it in a medical journal. In the mid-1930s, John Elliott advanced the idea, emphasizing plasma's advantages in shelf life and donor-recipient compatibility, and in 1939 he and two colleagues reported having used stored plasma in 191 transfusions before Drew attempted it once.
In reality the distinguished Charles Drew was not responsible for any breakthrough scientific or medical discovery; his main career achievement lay in supervising or co-supervising major programs for the collection and shipment of blood and plasma. Yet because of the Black propaganda movement, a U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1981 to honor Dr. Drew rather than far more qualified and important men of many colors.

In 1971, a Negro named Henry T. Sampson did not invent the cell phone. On July 6, 1971, Sampson and co-inventor George Miley received a patent on a "gamma electric cell" that converted a gamma ray input into an electrical output. The first to do that was Bernhard Gross, US patent #3122640, 1964. What, you ask, does gamma radiation have to do with cellular communications technology? The answer: nothing. Some multi-culturalist pseudo-historian must have seen the words "electric" and "cell" and thought "cell phone." The father of the cell phone is Martin Cooper who first demonstrated the technology in 1973.

In 1888, a Negro named Granville Woods did not invent the electric trolley car, the overhead wire that powers it, or the "troller" wheel that makes contact with the trolley wire. Dr. Werner von Siemens demonstrated his electric trolleybus, the Elektromote, near Berlin on April 29, 1882. The vehicle's two electric motors collected power through contact wheels rolling atop a pair of overhead wires. The earliest patentee of an electric trolley in the United States appears to be Eugene Cowles (#252193 in 1881), followed by Dr. Joseph R. Finney (#268476 in 1882) who operated an experimental trolley car near Pittsburgh, PA in the summer of 1882. In early 1885, John C. Henry established in Kansas City, MO, the first overhead-wire electric transit system to enter regular service in the United States. Belgian-born Charles van Depoele, who earned 240+ patents in electric railway technology and other fields, set up trolley lines in several North American cities by 1887. In February 1888, a trolley system designed by Frank Sprague began operating in Richmond, Virginia. Sprague's system became the lasting prototype for electric street railways in the US.

In 1923, a Negro named Garrett A. Morgan did not invent the traffic light. The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920. Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light. For details see Inventing History: Garrett Morgan and the Traffic Signal.
Nor did Garrett Morgan invent the gas mask in 1914. The invention of the gas mask predates Morgan's breathing device by several decades. Early versions were constructed by the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse in 1854 and the physicist John Tyndall in the 1870s, among many other inventors prior to World War I. See The Invention of the Gas Mask.

George Washington Carver, who began his peanut research in 1903, did not invent peanut butter. Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment."
In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."
Nor did Carver "Discover" hundreds of new and important uses for the peanut as he fathered the peanut industry and revolutionized southern US agriculture. Most of Carver's peanut and sweet potato creations were either unoriginal, impractical, or of uncertain effectiveness. No product born in his laboratory was widely adopted. The boom years for Southern peanut production came prior to, and not as a result of, Carver's promotion of the crop. Carver's work to improve regional farming practices was not of pioneering scientific importance and had little demonstrable impact.
To see how Carver gained "a popular reputation far transcending the significance of his accomplishments," read Mackintosh's excellent article George Washington Carver: The Making of a Myth.

May 12, 2008 1:10 PM

Anonymous said...
Whoever is posting all of this Michael King shit needs to stop already. He is dead and gone. It's obvious that most black people today don't even follow his philosophy. They are too eaten up with hate, bitterness and revenge.

May 12, 2008 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Dr. King believed that poverty caused much of the unrest in America. Not only poverty for African-Americans, but poor whites, Hispanics and Asians.

Yet the poorest people in the nation are whites in West Virginia and it's also the least crime? How do you explain that? Look at all the poor white counties in Miss. There's no crime there because they're white people there.

May 12, 2008 1:20 PM

Anonymous said...

May 12, 2008 1:38 PM

Oh yes he did! said...

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856 - August 4, 1931) was an African American surgeon.[1] Williams is known today for performing an early surgery on the pericardium, repairing a knife wound with the use of sutures. He performed this surgery at Provident Hospital, Chicago, on July 10, 1893. He is sometimes credited as the first surgeon to perform a fully successful open heart surgery. Others had performed similar procedures, after which patients sometimes recovered, but did not survive long-term.

Daniel Hale Williams was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, to Daniel and Sarah Price Williams. In 1883, Williams graduated from the Chicago Medical College, known today as Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine and began his medical career in the office of Surgeon General Henry Palmer in Janesville, Wisconsin.

In 1893 Dr. Williams repaired the torn pericardium of James Cornish, who had suffered a knife wound to the heart. This was the second repair of a wound to the pericardium on record, the first having been performed by Dr. Henry Dalton.[2] Even earlier successful pericardial surgeries were performed in the early 19th century by Francisco Romero, a Spanish surgeon, and Napoleon's physician, Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey.[3]

During the administration of President Grover Cleveland, Dr. Williams was appointed as Surgeon-in-Chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to organizing the hospital, Dr. Williams also established a training school for African-American nurses at the facility.

Dr. Williams was a teacher of Clinical Surgery at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee and was an attending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He worked hard to create more hospitals for African Americans. In 1895 he co-founded the National Medical Association for black doctors, and in 1913 he became a charter member and the only black in the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Williams died of a stroke on August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, Michigan.

In 1898, Dr. Williams married Alice Johnson, daughter of the sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel and a maid. [4].

Williams was honoured, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song Black Man, from the album Songs in the Key of Life.[1]

[edit] References
^ Williams, Daniel Hale
^ Shumacker, Harris B. (1992). The Evolution of Cardiac Surgery. Indiana University Press, page 12. Retrieved on 2007-05-12.
^ Daniel Hale Williams: first successful heart surgery?
^ The Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol.9, page 396, Nov. 1907, U. of Illinois Press
Beatty, William K., Williams, Daniel Hale, American National Biography Online Feb. 2000.
Yenser, Thomas (editor), Who's Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, Who's Who in Colored America, Brooklyn, New York, 1930-1931-1932 (Third Edition)
Harlan, et al (editors), Booker T. Washington Papers, Vol. 9, p.396
Daniel Hale Williams article from Encyclopedia Britannica

May 12, 2008 1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
In 1780, the first President of the United States was not a Black man named John Hanson .

No one even said he was president in the first place. This is some crap you put up. Where is it posted that we said he was President. Please show me.

May 12, 2008 1:41 PM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Garrett Morgan)• Ten things you may not know about Wikipedia •Jump to: navigation, search
Garrett A. Morgan

Born March 4, 1877(1877-03-04)
Paris, Kentucky
Died July 27, 1963
Cleveland, Ohio
Known for Inventions
Garrett Augustus Morgan, Sr. (1877 – 1963) was an African American inventor who originated a respiratory protective hood (similar to the modern gas masks), invented a hair-straightening preparation, and patented a type of traffic signal. He is renowned for a heroic rescue in which he used his hood to save workers trapped in a tunnel system filled with fumes. He is credited as the first African-American in Cleveland to own an automobile

May 12, 2008 1:43 PM

Anonymous said...
Granville Woods
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Born April 23, 1856
Columbus, Ohio
Died January 30, 1910
New York
Nationality African American
Occupation inventor
Granville T. Woods (April 23, 1856 – January 30, 1910), was an African American inventor. He was born in Columbus, Ohio and died in New York.

Woods dedicated his life to developing a variety of improvements relating to the railroad industry.

Granville T. Woods literally learned his skills on the job. Attending school in Columbus until age 10

Anonymous said...

Drowning at vacant house claims youth in Hickory Hill

Puleezeeeeeeeeee, teach your children how to swim. I'm tired of reading the newspaper everyday of a new drowning.

"Nearly 60 percent of African-American children can't swim, almost twice the figure for white children, according to a first-of-its-kind survey which USA Swimming hopes will strengthen its efforts to lower minority drowning rates and draw more blacks into the sport."

Anonymous said...

The people at the New York Times obviously feel sorry for the members of Obama’s former Church.

How awful for those people to have the media watch them being whipped up into an orgasmic frenzy of hatred for white people, Americans, and Jews! Shame on the media for reporting their orgies of hatred! (Snort!)

Anonymous said...

Black leaders, overwhelmingly liberal, have utterly failed black Americans. Can anyone who looks at inner-city black communities, or at black crime and illegitimacy rates, or at any other measure of black well-being over the past 30 years believe otherwise? The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson thinks it is time for a change.

"I think that people recognize the failure of the liberal policies but they are afraid to discuss it," said Peterson in a recent interview. "White Americans are afraid to discuss it because they are afraid of being called racist. Black people won't discuss it because most of them believe America is against them and have anger against white Americans."

Peterson said that America's liberal establishment has a very simple formula for destroying people, one that it has used on most black communities and is now deploying on everybody else: "Get rid of the father, destroy the family, and bring in the government. And keep people angry."

Peterson has written a new book, called Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (WND Books, 2003). "The threat of being labeled a 'racist' causes whites to cower to the wishes of blacks and hold their tongues when they see things amiss in the black community," he announced in a statement heralding the book on October 24. "Civil rights 'leaders' and elite liberal Democrats are much at fault for the poor condition of the black community, not so-called white racists. . . . As fear escalated in the beginning of the civil rights movement, whites became afraid and refused to speak against the movement as it veered from its original intent."

As America moves further away from the ideal of free speech into a politically correct age, race is one of the loci of censorship and thought control. "I've never seen a time when white people were more afraid to speak out for fear of being called racists," said Peterson.

Not so long ago, Peterson said, he was caught in the spell of fear and anger that causes so many politically correct "victim" groups to blame others for their problems instead of working to solve them themselves. Blacks in thrall to black leaders' propaganda "believe that the Republicans want to take everything away from them and set them back," he said. "I believed that myself until I took control of my own life 14 years ago."

The key to dominating black America, said Peterson, has been socialism (BARACK OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST). That took ruining the character of black men and destroying the family unit in a process that is rapidly spreading to all sectors of American society, in the classic pattern of how modern statist elites achieve tyranny. Instead of having individual men responsible for and in charge of their families, "the government became the provider and these so-called leaders took control of the people," he said.

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance said...
Anti Thad
Why you didn't post back,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Even though you would only feel hurt half way your body { cause you don't got no legs}.Do your wheelchair squeak,if so and i know it do,rub a little of that fried rat grease around the nuts and bolts,i hear that it works well.If there is a such thing as a second life,i know you wont forget to grab you some legs this time.I bet your life is hell just sitting there just you and that dam keyboard,hour after hour every dam legless day.I know you haven't had any sex,since you lost your legs,i can just see your legless ass on top of a woman,just humping away like a dam duck....Hot Dam getty up.Post a picture of you and not someone else you WISH you could be you fartless legless fuck.Anti if you want some legs that bad,all you have to do is clap your heels together and say I wish i had....all shit i forgot again,you can't clap your heels because you aint got no...what? That's right no dam legs,i'm gone have to sign you up with MAKE-A-WISH.Scotter Boy now you scote on in your room to bed,and stop bumping into that dam door. Look down...what do you see...NOTHING.

June 15, 2008 2:09 AM

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance I think you need to slow your role. I don't take to kindly to blogger's talking about my best friend and buddy Anti-Tartball. Well the truth of matter is we used to be best friends that's up until he decided to get all fancy dancy in us by getting a scooter. He acts like he has forgotten about the times when he was in that manual wheelchair and I was the only one who woulf push him around for free. Everyone else would take his money leaving him with on 10.00 until he would get his next disability check. I was the one and only real friend that helped him. Whenever he needed a lift I'd drive him to Wal-Greens to get some depends or some rolaids. I'd push his around diligently and even take him to Wal-mart when he thought that cute cashier Sandy liked him. You see Sandy was always nice to us and Anti would always tell me at checkout "I wanna get in Sandy's line". Sandy was nice to the both of us but Anti thought that she liked him in another way but come to find out she was only being nice to him because she felt sorry for him. I could never muster up the nerve to tell Anti that Sandy had the hots for me. Anyway, when he got that dam scooter he thought he was hot shit around town. He felt like the all around man being able to roll down the street to Wal-greens without my assistance and oh I don't want to forget the time he went to the Krispy Kreme donuts by himself. He thought his ass was Brad Pitt or some fucking body. I still tried to call him and remain friends but no he had just forgotten about me. I'll never forget the time his head got so big that he thought he could scoot over the W. Memphis bridge to Memphis on his own. He was so dam happy about that chair that he forgot to check the battery and once he got halfway over the bridge his chair cut off. A passerbyer called 911 and they got him back home. I can imagine it had to be some embarrassing to be stuck on the bridge not in a vehicle but riding in a scooter in the hot August sun. That was the talk of the town for awhile. Rumor has it that Anti's sister cussed him out for old and new telling him that she was sick of him being so hard headed and why couldn't he just stay at home? After much consideration she sold some food stamps and cans and save up enough to get him a computer at the local pawn shop. Oh once again he thought he was the shit. Oh you could ask him something but you couldn't tell him anything. He acted like he had just won a 64" flat screen tv and this was just 2 yrs ago. When I told him that having a computer isn't anything and that everyone pretty much has one he got mad at me saying, "you just jealous it ain't enough that you took Sandy". I told him, "man Sandy didn't want your no legged ass she was just being nice to you". What did I say that for the lil motherfucker started a blog on me talking about me and crap. It wasn't until my mother talked with his mom about this and Anti's mom convinced him to stop blogging about me and that I was sorry for what I said. So he shut the hate blog about me down but I see he has started up another one. When I saw his sister in Walmart last May she told me that all he do now is sit on the computer, jack off, and that he has several friends over in Honduras and Australia that he has met online. I asked her if I could come by and visit my old pal and she said "no way let sleeping dogs lie because the lil miserable fuck will be at it again blogging you if you get him stirred up". I took her advice but I just want to say I miss you Anti-Tookie.

June 15, 2008 4:28 AM

Anonymous said...

Medicare, Welfare, Smellfare, whatever!!! We know you don't like hearing the TRUTH!

Yes, the problem in the black community began back in the 60's when the Democrats told you that you are permanent American victims and started handing out the free cheese. Once the momma started receiving the free cheese, all she needed was the donated sperm from the male to get more free cheese. It worked out for the momma (more babies and more free money) and it worked out for the daddy (free pussy with no obligations). What you all failed to figure into the equation was the impact it had on your children...gang life, stealing, robbing, entrenched in poverty, low morals and values, no rules, urban decay and blight, low educational standards, high imprisonment rates, etc.

Yet many of you still want to blame it on the white man. I say stop hating on whitey and start loving yourselves and getting your shit together if you want to see REAL CHANGE. The only thing Barry Obama is going to do for is placate you some more and keep you a victim thereby keeping the government as MASTER over you. You are dependent upon a new master but your hatred blinds you from seeing the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Medicare Insurance said...
Anti Thad
Why you didn't post back,I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Even though you would only feel hurt half way your body { cause you don't got no legs}.Do your wheelchair squeak,if so and i know it do,rub a little of that fried rat grease around the nuts and bolts,i hear that it works well.If there is a such thing as a second life,i know you wont forget to grab you some legs this time.I bet your life is hell just sitting there just you and that dam keyboard,hour after hour every dam legless day.I know you haven't had any sex,since you lost your legs,i can just see your legless ass on top of a woman,just humping away like a dam duck....Hot Dam getty up.Post a picture of you and not someone else you WISH you could be you fartless legless fuck.Anti if you want some legs that bad,all you have to do is clap your heels together and say I wish i had....all shit i forgot again,you can't clap your heels because you aint got no...what? That's right no dam legs,i'm gone have to sign you up with MAKE-A-WISH.Scotter Boy now you scote on in your room to bed,and stop bumping into that dam door. Look down...what do you see...NOTHING.

June 15, 2008 2:09 AM

June 16, 2008 11:47 AM

Anti pal through Thick and Thin said...
Medicare Insurance I think you need to slow your role. I don't take to kindly to blogger's talking about my best friend and buddy Anti-Tartball. Well the truth of matter is we used to be best friends that's up until he decided to get all fancy dancy in us by getting a scooter. He acts like he has forgotten about the times when he was in that manual wheelchair and I was the only one who woulf push him around for free. Everyone else would take his money leaving him with on 10.00 until he would get his next disability check. I was the one and only real friend that helped him. Whenever he needed a lift I'd drive him to Wal-Greens to get some depends or some rolaids. I'd push his around diligently and even take him to Wal-mart when he thought that cute cashier Sandy liked him. You see Sandy was always nice to us and Anti would always tell me at checkout "I wanna get in Sandy's line". Sandy was nice to the both of us but Anti thought that she liked him in another way but come to find out she was only being nice to him because she felt sorry for him. I could never muster up the nerve to tell Anti that Sandy had the hots for me. Anyway, when he got that dam scooter he thought he was hot shit around town. He felt like the all around man being able to roll down the street to Wal-greens without my assistance and oh I don't want to forget the time he went to the Krispy Kreme donuts by himself. He thought his ass was Brad Pitt or some fucking body. I still tried to call him and remain friends but no he had just forgotten about me. I'll never forget the time his head got so big that he thought he could scoot over the W. Memphis bridge to Memphis on his own. He was so dam happy about that chair that he forgot to check the battery and once he got halfway over the bridge his chair cut off. A passerbyer called 911 and they got him back home. I can imagine it had to be some embarrassing to be stuck on the bridge not in a vehicle but riding in a scooter in the hot August sun. That was the talk of the town for awhile. Rumor has it that Anti's sister cussed him out for old and new telling him that she was sick of him being so hard headed and why couldn't he just stay at home? After much consideration she sold some food stamps and cans and save up enough to get him a computer at the local pawn shop. Oh once again he thought he was the shit. Oh you could ask him something but you couldn't tell him anything. He acted like he had just won a 64" flat screen tv and this was just 2 yrs ago. When I told him that having a computer isn't anything and that everyone pretty much has one he got mad at me saying, "you just jealous it ain't enough that you took Sandy". I told him, "man Sandy didn't want your no legged ass she was just being nice to you". What did I say that for the lil motherfucker started a blog on me talking about me and crap. It wasn't until my mother talked with his mom about this and Anti's mom convinced him to stop blogging about me and that I was sorry for what I said. So he shut the hate blog about me down but I see he has started up another one. When I saw his sister in Walmart last May she told me that all he do now is sit on the computer, jack off, and that he has several friends over in Honduras and Australia that he has met online. I asked her if I could come by and visit my old pal and she said "no way let sleeping dogs lie because the lil miserable fuck will be at it again blogging you if you get him stirred up". I took her advice but I just want to say I miss you Anti-Tookie.

June 15, 2008 4:28 AM

June 16, 2008 11:49 AM

Anonymous said...

12:24 you know alot about cheese. I bet you're fat as hell. This is for you

Your butt is wide, well mine is too
Just watch your mouth or Ill sit on you
The word is out, better treat me right
cause Im the king of cellulite
Ham on, ham on, ham on whole wheat, all right

My zippers bust, my buckles break
Im too much man for you to take
The pavement cracks when I fall down
Ive got more chins than chinatown

Well, Ive never used a phone booth
And Ive never seen my toes
When Im goin to the movies
I take up seven rows

Because Im fat, Im fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, come on you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
Dontcha call me pudgy, portly or stout
Just now tell me once again whos fat

When I walk out to get my mail
It measures on the richter scale
Down at the beach Im a lucky man
Im the only one who gets a tan
If I have one more pie a la mode
Im gonna need my own zip code

When youre only having seconds
Im having twenty-thirds
When I go to get my shoes shined
I gotta take their word

Because Im fat, Im fat, sha mone
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And my shadow weighs forty-two pounds
Lemme tell you once again whos fat

If you see me comin your way
Better give me plenty space
If I tell you that Im hungry
Then wont you feed my face

Because Im fat, Im fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it, you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
Woo woo woo, when I sit around the house
I really sit around the house

You know Im fat, Im fat, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know, you know, you know, come on
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And you know all by myself Im a crowd
Lemme tell you once again

You know Im huge, Im fat, you know it
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, you know, hoo
(fat, fat, really really fat)
You know Im fat, Im fat, you know it, you know
(fat, fat, really really fat)
And the whole world knows Im fat and Im proud
Just tell me once again whos fat

Anonymous said...

BRUHAWHAWHAW! 12:24 put the niggro back in it's place!

Shamed that ass out!

Anonymous said...

Black leaders, overwhelmingly liberal, have utterly failed black Americans. Can anyone who looks at inner-city black communities, or at black crime and illegitimacy rates, or at any other measure of black well-being over the past 30 years believe otherwise? The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson thinks it is time for a change.

"I think that people recognize the failure of the liberal policies but they are afraid to discuss it," said Peterson in a recent interview. "White Americans are afraid to discuss it because they are afraid of being called racist. Black people won't discuss it because most of them believe America is against them and have anger against white Americans."

Peterson said that America's liberal establishment has a very simple formula for destroying people, one that it has used on most black communities and is now deploying on everybody else: "Get rid of the father, destroy the family, and bring in the government. And keep people angry."

Peterson has written a new book, called Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (WND Books, 2003). "The threat of being labeled a 'racist' causes whites to cower to the wishes of blacks and hold their tongues when they see things amiss in the black community," he announced in a statement heralding the book on October 24. "Civil rights 'leaders' and elite liberal Democrats are much at fault for the poor condition of the black community, not so-called white racists. . . . As fear escalated in the beginning of the civil rights movement, whites became afraid and refused to speak against the movement as it veered from its original intent."

As America moves further away from the ideal of free speech into a politically correct age, race is one of the loci of censorship and thought control. "I've never seen a time when white people were more afraid to speak out for fear of being called racists," said Peterson.

Not so long ago, Peterson said, he was caught in the spell of fear and anger that causes so many politically correct "victim" groups to blame others for their problems instead of working to solve them themselves. Blacks in thrall to black leaders' propaganda "believe that the Republicans want to take everything away from them and set them back," he said. "I believed that myself until I took control of my own life 14 years ago."

The key to dominating black America, said Peterson, has been socialism (BARACK OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST). That took ruining the character of black men and destroying the family unit in a process that is rapidly spreading to all sectors of American society, in the classic pattern of how modern statist elites achieve tyranny. Instead of having individual men responsible for and in charge of their families, "the government became the provider and these so-called leaders took control of the people," he said.

Anonymous said...

Say Thaddeus, who were the Hyneman boys who had you by the throat in the parking lot at Tony's the other night. We have noticed yu haven't brought him up in a while. What's up with that? Don't tell us you scared of this little white boy.
By the way where's his picture? Where's Thompson's?

Don't worry. I'll copy and paste to the Anti-Thad's page.

As the little red hen said: Buck-Buck-Buck!

Anonymous said...

Jay said (and we called him gay back then)...

I had been a part of several student organizations and quite a campus student leader. Many of my fellow students looked to me for answers and some sense of direction on how to perceive the actions

Hey Gay,

I was with you back then. Nobody that I remember thought of you as
"quite the campus leader". We all wondered how you were going to graduate and pass the bar. Remember the Rebel Motel and what went down there on more than one occasion? Remember the Coach and Four?


Anonymous said...

All posts within the 8 o'clock hour (pm) are just a lie. Anybody can tell that you are making up stuff on both Thaddeus and Attorney Bailey. Really you are letting your jealousy and obsession get the best of you and tonight it shows brightly.

Anonymous said...

Well then 8:55, acquiesce to the truth or the lie and provide a response.

The information I provide is only a touch of the full scale deposition under oath.

Remember the old saw: The best defense against a lie is the truth.

Is Javier Bailey a homosexual or not?

Has he ever been to the Rebel Motel or the Coach and Four and caught in a comproming position with a minor?

Has Thaddeus Matthews ever been caught in a comproming position with a minor?

Has he ever been to a situation where there have been minor female children unescorted?
Your Move!

Anti-Thad said...

Hey Medicare,

I didn't post back because I had more important things to do like nail your sister on YOUR bed.



Thanks for the support. This is what Thud hates....his Peeps coming to my blog.

Anonymous said...

Has he ever been to a situation where there have been minor female children unescorted?
Your Move!

June 16, 2008 9:58 PM


Don't try & even trick me into talking with you about the lies that you're making up. You ass!

Anonymous said...

Hey Medicare,

I didn't post back because I had more important things to do like nail your sister on YOUR bed.



Thanks for the support. This is what Thud hates....his Peeps coming to my blog.

June 17, 2008 6:05 AM


No you didn't nail Medicare Insurance's sister it was me you where nailing. I hope you don't call me anymore about hooking up with you because it's hard having sex with someone who don't have any legs. You need to take that advice I gave you & get you a blow up doll but if that doesn't work you can keep giving me your disability check. If you go out today make sure your battery on your chair is charged up.

Anonymous said...

why you go and put up that fake ass picture,I know that is not you.This picture shows a head,bitch I said LEGS,now where are your goddam aint got none do you,hell to the hell noll,you legless son of a bitch.Scooter Boy,you know i got your ass down packed,from the top of your head to the bottom of your...oh my bag i almost forgot,you aint got no legs to get to the bottom of your feet.Maybe if you take some Viagra it will grow your legs back,and make them real hard.Just a little tip because it grows other things.Anti have you looked at yourself butt naked,without any legs i bet your poor little tt worm is just hanging on a string.You better stop hating on Thaddeus before your arms fall off.I bet that would fuck your head up and you would lose your mind,just knowing you can't EVER use that keyboard again.You will have to blow bubbles through a straw just to write...well where there's a will there's a no legged way aint it.Medicare is now sending out new up graded Wheel Chairs,now your hands wont get those callouses all on them,from rolling around in that old fucked up chair with that hard ass seat......Oops! your insurance has been cancelled,you bought to much get high syrup on your card.
ps...Have you ever tried walking on your hands,it's better than not walking at all,don't you think?

June 13, 2008 1:41 AM

Anonymous said...

"why you go and put up that fake ass picture"

Why don't you get a trash bag and give it to your able bodied people who sit around on their stoops all day amid the trash in their dirt yards. The ones who sit all day and wait for their govment cheese to come in.

Anonymous said...

your able bodied people

My associates friends and family all work at the Medicare office.

Anonymous said...

does willie herenton really sniffs blow?

Anonymous said...

Anti...Now you have done it!Oh yeah you done fucked up now.I told you about diving your funky ass up on every piece of pu**y you see,now you done went and put your little tt worm in my sister.Scooter Boy,there is something you really need to see,my sister you fucked is really my brother,my mom had five boys and she wanted a girl so bad,that this last one she brought home she told everyone that he was a girl.He was raised as a girl all his life and moma was so proud of her daughter,then she started acting all fast tailed,and going out with all kinds of men.Moma told her something bad would happen to her if she didn't stop,but she liked all the money she was getting because she only dated disabled men.Now guess what...she has full blown AIDS and the sad thing is that you are IT.Yes Scooter your ass is infected to the max,what the hell is this gone look like now,you with no legs and fucked up with aids.Didn't your mammy ever tell you that everything that looks good to you,may not be good for you.I feel sorry for your sorry ass,look at you,now you telling everybody that you are on vacation...yea got your little tt worm over there at the health department trying to see what they can give you for it.I hate to boust your bubble baby,but it's not in your tt worm,it's in your BLOOD.Now your no legged ass will have to get your blood cleaned seven days a week.Ooooooowe I bet that is going to be a sight to see,a head,chest,and a waist sitting in a dialysis chair,day after day but I bet you will have that computer...Hot Dam.Your no legged ass will think twice before you go humping on another piece,now you enjoy the few months you have,before your tt worm falls off.Wonder what name I will have to put on your medical form...Scooter Boy Less Worm LOLlollollolhahaha OMG YES!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't try and warn him Medicare because he is a hard headed motherfucker. I tried to get him a job out of town at the Scooter Store he didn't even want it. Instead he wants to do his own thang on a blog & buy hoes all night. I'm reporting him to the Health Department. OOOOH CLETTUS!!!!

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Medicare Insurance your post is on the top of the new post today.

Anonymous said...


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