Saturday, May 31, 2008

I believe this is more appropriate!

Thanks to an anonymous reader, I added this banner instead of the crappy one that I did.

This one is WAY better....and funny as hell too.

Seeing as how Thud has a new banner that shows his .20 cent Bling and his fat head, I thought I needed to clarify the meaning of the advertisement just a bit to show the TRUE meaning of KWAK and Thud's show. I believe the banner should have made reference to Thud being " Mr. Deviate deadbeat dad himself." But I didn't want to spend more than 5 minutes on this assclown's banner. I know, I should have made some reference to Thud hating any race that isn't black, (TRUE definition of a RACIST) but again, my time isn't worth this turd.

HOWEVER, I thought it entertaining to have everyone post what they think the caption should say.

Creativeness is key!


Anonymous said...

You nailed it Anti-Thad! Keep up the good reporting on this societal misfit.

Anonymous said...

This social misfit is the Grand Wizard of ignorance and racism. How can he scream about whites hating blacks when he promotes the very same thing on his website with a reversal?

I love how everyone of his crew comes over here and declares how many supporters that he has and how few responses you get, then I laugh when I look at your poll.

That makes my day!

Anonymous said...

Are those Mr Spock ears I see on Thud's egghead?

(Thud stuttering) "Join me as I I I I put down womenz, the POlice and white folk right here on this fantabulous radio station KWAK. Now dont think you gonna get me to talk off topic and if you think you gonna talk over me, you a fool. I I I I am the one and only Thaddapus Maffews".

Hecate RavenMoon said...


That's a good one--

Anonymous said...

This is what the graphic should REALLY look like...

Anonymous said...


This is the link I meant to post

Anonymous said...

Another post that will not make his site:


Quit being a chicken shit and post what I said.

Will you get these deputies wrong like you did the last one with Terry Bowens grandma?

Let me guess, Detective Bartlett there, right. You never apologized for that slander and death threats toward that officer. You are a coward,racist piece of crap.

Anti-Thad said...

Anonymous 9:41

I ABSOLUTELY HAD to put that banner you made up. It was way better....

And you hit it right on the money.

Anonymous said...

My brother showed me this a couple days ago. It's from youtube. I promise you look at this video you're laugh!!! Tell me what you think! Just cut and paste

Anti-Thad said...

I am thinking that I am going to submit the graphic to some friends of ours that make bumper stickers. As you know, there were some "other" bumper stickers that were produced over on Dirk Diggler's blog that gained ALOT of attention.
I am thinking if we can get these bumper stickers out and posted, the word could be spread...of course, advertising the ANTI THAD blogsite as

What do you all think?

Anonymous said...

Great idea Anit-Thad!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant "Anti-Thad". This damn cast makes me typo.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the youtube segment I posted at 10:55?

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

That is TOO COOL! You sure know what to say.

Just Say No 2 Thaddeus said...

Here's a thought, Anti,how about the banner saying:

'Poster Child for Birth Control'?

Maddeus Sagaustus Thatthews said...

Dat mane taddius make me sic!

By da way, we still meetin at KFC on Ehbis Preslee necks munday.

B dur....

Anonymous said...

Thaddeus does not talk nor use his words in the way that you people depict. The tone in his voice and the way he pronounce his words and syllables are that of one with a good radio voice. If you all don't like it then you laphood junkies need to get your own show and pronounce the words as you see best. Both of haters that all you are. It's midnite and you all must be some real bored people to be talking about him. Where is your life? Surely sound like you don't have one, these's no way on the planet you could. Yours Truly, Wendy Thomas

Maddeus Sagaustus Thatthews said...

Wendy, is u b fuckin taddeus?

Do u looks good? Do u gots a big booty?

Maddeus Sagaustus Thatthews said...


Anonymous said...

I have a copy of a tape Thaddeus secretly made of himself having sex with a prostitute. I will be posting it online soon.

This man is sick; his sexual addiction is sickening. He spends hours on internet sex site and chats with women online using Yahoo and AIM. I would not be surprised to see him on the next episode of "To Catch A Predator".

Anonymous said...

Did you know Thaddeuss would not even buy his kids some medicine after a Doctors visit for the flu.

Anonymous said...

i have abandoned even going to that assclown's site for good. it was good for a laugh and that's about it.
keep up the good work

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i have abandoned even going to that assclown's site for good. it was good for a laugh and that's about it.

Me too!

I appreciate Anti-Thad going over there and wading through the bullshit and culling through the sludge for items that we need to be concerned about with this fat fool racist named Thud.

Anonymous said...

You all are just a sad case. No wonder Herenton got it for Mayor. The more haters you have the more popular you get and the more you succeed.

Anonymous said...

You all are just a sad case. No wonder Herenton got it for Mayor. The more haters you have the more popular you get and the more you succeed.

Anonymous said...

Playah Hater turn your head round. Lay on the ground you've been rob. Wake up wake up you stupid fool dwell in your drool you've been rob.

Anonymous said...

I thought this blog was about white, black, black, white, white, white, black. I site back and read these posts and each one as funnier than the other. Keep on when I come back next week I already white white black.

Anonymous said...

And again black white white black.

Anonymous said...

black white said...

And again black white white black.

Tell that shit to the Reverend Kenneth Whalum. He can stick his personal preferences up his ass. As a member of the School Board, he is not allowed to have a personal preference! What a super dumbass!!

We live in an integrated society and the EEOC (federal law) dictates what his preferences have to be - the person who gets the job will be the one best qualified.

He needs to get on board with the white people who have had to forgo their personal preferences and do what the LAW tells them they have to do...


Kenneth Whalum, if you want a black person only for the job, then go back to the Jim Crow days, you god damned F-O-O-L.

Anonymous said...

You all are just a sad case. No wonder Herenton got it for Mayor. The more haters you have the more popular you get and the more you succeed.

Popular because many black people LOVE sticking it to white people. It's called REVENGE and PAYBACK TIME. Even when it is to their detriment (voting incompetent corrupt black folk), they'll do it. Their continued poor judgment demonstrates their own hate and ignorance to others who are not like them.

Once white people understand the game that is being played, the better off they'll be.

Anonymous said...

Wendy Thomas is a true KoolAid Krusader.

Anonymous said...

Black people sticking it to White. You wish!! Let me tell you how you stuck it to your own white selves. When you didn't stand your ground to keep your communities that's when you stuck it to yourselves. You thought that you could just get away from blacks by moving out to Hickory Hill and G'town. But to your dismay blacks began catching up and where able to move next door, behind you and across the street from you. If blacks where so bad as you claim then your ass should have made an example out of them and ran them out. You need to keep it real because whites are sticking it to themselves. Black people aren't thinking about YOU! As far as Herenton I said no wonder he's popular. You stupo you don't even get it. The more you put people on pedestals like Thad (believe it or not that's what you're doing) the more people gravitate toward him and you get angrier. Get with the program get someone in office that'll fight for you and what you want instead of bitchin and looking upside the wall. Oprah said that she used to be obsess with making sure her ratings outdid Phil Donahue and each time she did that he would beat her in ratings but the day she said that she'd run the race and not look over at him that's when his ratings spiraled and her's exceled. Get a person who represents you and do a blog dedicated to them, get that word out and then the people you hate won't get into office. You crazy don't even have a clue!

Anonymous said...

Fool whatever I speak on true issues. Don't judge me or think I'm bitter. Numerous times in my articles I have spoken against Herenton. I don't care what race you are and that is why my column is so informative and on the up and up. You can put all type of words in my mouth but it's up to me to speak them. You don't speak for me in any sense. At least I am not anonymous, I am a real woman and I will stand toe to toe with you in a verbal (intelligent) debate I've went round for round with KKK supporters who couldn't stand toe to toe with me. You say whatever you want because as far as I'm concern YOUR WORDS, THOUGHTS and BELIEFS are as anonymous as YOU.

Anonymous said...

If blacks where so bad as you claim then your ass should have made an example out of them and ran them out.

Don't know if you're talking to me Fool, but you tell me where I said black people were bad?

You can't because I didn't say that. There are many black people out there that I love way more than some white people and would do ANYTHING for them.

Quit putting words into my mouth, idiot.

Anonymous said...

and I will stand toe to toe with you in a verbal (intelligent) debate I've went round for round with KKK supporters who couldn't stand toe to toe with me.

Clap, clap, clap! Here is your medal.

Anonymous said...

Tell me, why do black people fall all over themselves and onto the floor when somebody is talking shit about white folks? Do they realize how foolish they look, falling and rolling all over the place?

Anonymous said...

"Black people aren't thinking about YOU!"

I look at the congregation in the racist church of Obama's to see that you are indeed thinking about us and hating as well. Tell that to some other person you perceive as a fool. You ain't tricking me with your rolling on the floor selves.

Anonymous said...

But to your dismay blacks began catching up and where able to move next door, behind you and across the street from you.

To my dismay? Totally wrong! It is proof positive to me that you aren't the oppressed people you try and portray to the world.

This is solid proof that you are accepted into white society and they aren't the evil devils that your talking heads brainwash you with!

Anonymous said...

The more you put people on pedestals like Thad (believe it or not that's what you're doing) the more people gravitate toward him and you get angrier.

That's because many of you run on EMOTION and not logic.

Show me the pedestal that Thud has been placed upon here. It's pretty obvious that he at the bottom of the shit pile because that is where he is in his own pitiful life.

All you fools can see is white hating on black. What the truth is:

Anonymous said...

Running on emotions. Ok really have it twisted. I'm not in the least bit floored, emotionized, as you yourself are. I state the facts although I know you'd expect me to cuss, or call you fool, or idiot as you have called me. Huh huh.....if I was overwhelmed as you and like you then maybe I would. As far as muah seeing black vs. White nope baby I don't wear that coat. I see things for what they are and by you probing day and night the wrongs that you see him doing you should use that time to find a leader like I said. So you do put him on a pedestal. You give him the power, Herenton didn't win simply because of voters it was also those who stomped his name that he'll give credit to. They gave him and his supporters something call MOTIVATION. The statement about obama's church that is so irrevelant to blacks thinking about white. For the sake of an argument if that were true then that's only 1 incident. That church does not speak for all blacks although I know you wish it did. You think that and run with it. I don't perceive you as a fool just highly misinformed. You say, "why do black people fall all over themselves when someone is talking about whites"...personally to any that you need to pinpoint the situation (time, place) I don't decipher cryptics. So say what you mean and mean what you say. And as far as a medal for what I said no thank you sweetie I get my medal biweekly from my job that is why I'm there because I am good and they know it. I don't take medals from anonymous crazies just like I don't answer anonymous phone calls. Like I stated you're are as anonymous as your thoughts. You want to be heard, you think you are right then email me with a legit email address. I might even do you a favor by posting your views, and thoughts in the Commercial Appeal-NOT! I have articles to perfect you all are where you need to be right here in this cubby hole blog with no plans to be your situation. Talking about Thaddeus Matthews if that's what you like fine I have no problem with that. If you want change then make someone who views allign with your put them in the spotlight. Proceed on with your cheap antics and name calling. I know who I am and millions know me because I make a difference you need to think outside the box and think of ways you can. If the 10 of you on this blog believe in making a change then do it. I would have mad respect for you but here you're as stuck as Memphis is with the pyramid and looking dumbfound about what to do with it. Good evening.

Anonymous said...

go wendy!!! Baltimore misses you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy watch them chop your comments up into 20 pieces. You will be worser than the Scarlet Letter. Do your thing babygirl. I'm not anonymous I'm "MWE" from the party last week.

Anonymous said...

"They gave him and his supporters something call MOTIVATION."

He ordered and you obeyed...shake dem haters the good little sheeple you are. He's still as incompetent as always no matter how motivated you are!! We'll keep exercising our right to our opinion no matter how much it motivates you! If it pushes you to him, so be it. The final results are on your asses and you'll also live and face, along with us, the consequences.

Sorry it offends you to see white people tell the truth about some of your people. We won't stay quite just from keeping your feelings from being hurt.

Obama quit his church and disowned that crazy uncle of his and all of the hating people in it!!! Good for him! A step in the right direction but still not enough.

Anonymous said...


Thad is getting THIS attention because he put HIMSELF on his SELF PROCLAIMED pedestal.

Nobody wants this fool around, and that includes 80% of the BLACK community.
Unfortunately, there is 20% that listen to his words of black racism, hate, and social irresponsibility and they are out spreading as much filth as they can muster. They don't like it when we fight back and stand up to Thaddeus with this blog. We do so, because like Anti Thad has said all along, Thaddeus REFUSES to post truth and opinions that do not go hand in hand with his. He spreads lies and deceptions about numerous topics which seem to be Law Enforcement related.
Of course, people are going to want their opinions heard on the matters he brings forth, yet he refuses to be outdone. (which isn't hard to do)

Black and White issues are just the tip of the iceberg here. I am a white man, but live peacefully with my black neighbors and have NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER. I want it that way. I want peace and harmony amongst white and black people, but Thaddeus has 10 times the racists on his blog than Anti Thad does...NOT TO MENTION ANTI THAD ALLOWS EVERY COMMENT, OPINION, AND POST TO BE POSTED. NO CENSORSHIP.
Which means that the occassional assclown will make their way over here and post RACIST bullshit, song lyrics, and other ramblings in an effort to invoke comment moderation.

It's just life as we know it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if it offends white people to tell the truth about your people.__________________________ I am not offended because "my" people also tell the truth about you. You are really stupid because my people are my mother, my father, and my siblings. Black people do tell the truth about you as well. So kill that. "My people", "your people", "Their people" you so stupid. Honey it takes a lot more than some anonymous posts to get me upset. I don't consider your, my, theirs,......if you have morals and you are just and you treat people the way you want to be treated then you are my people. REAL Racist in anonymous form.

Anonymous said...

What makes him think he's telling the truth in the first place. That's the fucked up part about it. We get mad when you tell the truth about "our" people. Mad please, my mine is on these high ass gas prices, finding a higher paying job, paying my car note, my children's safety in school, and our troops still fighting in this so-cal war. Hell, mad about that shit you talking about races been talking about each other since the day I was born, so what else is new. I'm not mad at that shit at all and if I do get mad at that then I'm a weak ass. You want me to be offended I tell you what fool break into my house, hurt my children, steal from me and I will show you offended. You see 1 thing like old girl said and stereotype that to everybody. Offended my ass, yeah offended at these dam gas prices and high ass cellphone bills and mortgages!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Sorry if it offends white people to tell the truth about your people."

Yes, that's all we have been talking about for the last hundred or so years (what whites have done wrong). Now we are also speaking the truth about your behaviors. Let it all hang out together.

Anonymous said...

7:15 and 7:17 I would love to post your thoughts. All those posts with the name calling I can't stoop on that level. The first time you step to me with that name calling I won't listen to anything you say. You want us to listen to one another then you talk to me and I will talk/comment to you and with that millions can hear you and THaT's when you get results. It doesn't have to be my point of view or that I have to agree with you. That makes the best articles when you point out other views besides your own. It's my column and if I feel others should hear you then talk intelligently and get your opinions heard and that's when millions will read what you have to say. Think people!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya girl.

Anonymous said...

7:45 you know nothing about me while you are talking about "your behavior". So I guess I just need to say since I know of some white people that do meth in that case all of them do or since I know some whites who are ignorant in that case all of them are. I know that's your kind of thinking. Now keep in mind I know not all whites are an asshole like you so I won't say "yeah that's all of them and that's their behavior". Oh you so stupid. See 1 that's all; oh you just as lost as I don't know what!

Anonymous said...

okay yeh whatever.

Anonymous said...

We gone get through this people. We have got to. If I see a man needing help I don't care what race he is. I'm going to help and I don't look to him for repayment. Repayment comes from my Lord. There is hurt, shame, good and bad in all race history and I know today I can't look to the bad. The best advice I give to any man with bitter, hate, or just confusion in his hearrt is to pray. Pointing fingers ain't gone change a thing. We've been pointing since the beginning of all time but while we complaining think about our children, we gone be relying on them tomorrow and I just hope they can move forward or else they gone be up excuse shit creek without a paddle.

Anonymous said...

8:11 ???????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Live from new york it's the tonight show starring johnny carson with special guest Thaddeus Matthews, Anti-Thad, Bette Midler and the Three 6 Mafia performing "riding spinners". And heeeeeeeeeerrrrreeee's Johnny!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!(Rolling my eyes) That shit is lame what you want me to do laugh. Johnny Carson was around with my grandparents!

Anonymous said...

Thad took his bling bling pic down and the banner.

But he dont look at this site.


Anonymous said...

Also another great laugh

Thads profile says he is in "Accounting"

Anonymous said...

Well, we know it isn't counting CALORIES!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I’ll tell it to the hot; I’ll tell it to the cold; I’ll tell it to the young; I’ll tell it to the old. I don’t want no laughin’, I don’t want no cryin’, and most of all, no signifyin’. -- Petey Greene

Anonymous said...

Too Funny!!!!! Get your laugh now!!!‬ said...My brother showed me this a couple days ago. It's from youtube. I promise you look at this video you're laugh!!! Tell me what you think! Just cut and past.

Anonymous said...

Did Thad get busted at Overton Park woods today.Saw the police there at his favorite pickup spot?

Anonymous said...

Are you really Wendi Thomas? I doubt it. If you are, then you need to go back & review some of Thud’s articles. His spelling, content and format stinks. How could anyone look at his information as credible? In short, he is a racist, cop-hating piece of trash. Ms. Thomas, if it were not for the editors at the CA I am sure your articles would be just as bad. Your articles always have hints of “racial overtones” and the liberal paper lets you get away with it. The most positive police/fire article I have read was recently concerning the families of police & fire. Now with that said, it appears that this is only a “whites hate blacks & visa versa” web page. How about some information dispelling the lies that Thud tells. We all know what a racially hostile environment Memphis is. I still believe vehemently that the majority of officers black, white or whatever are truly supporting each other and do not involve themselves with this trash!