Friday, June 6, 2008

This poor guy has no idea!

First of all, I read this and was wondering WHY on earth would Thud admit to being wrong about ANYTHING. Obviously SOMETHING happened and I would hate to speculate at this point. The bigger issue here is that Kriner Cash, a MCS Superintendant candidate actually had contact with Thud. Thud writes that he talked with Mr. Cash and that he was wrong in what he wrote about him in his blog.
Now, like I said before, I hate to speculate about WHY Thud has changed his opinion of Mr. Cash, but SOMETHING HAPPENED in that conversation. Apparently NOBODY has warned Mr. Cash of Thud and how unstable of a turd he is. I am willing to bet Thud offered SOMETHING to Mr. Cash and he accepted. And you only THOUGHT the MCS system could not get any worse. Mark my words here, whatever Thud's agenda, it will become apparent in the next several weeks.

On Sunday I wrote that Kriner Cash may not be the best person to lead Memphis City Schools because in Dade County Florida he is not the Super,and in his tenure as the Super in Martha Vineyard he only had 6 schools and 2300 students to supervise. But after receiving an email from his son concerning his record and after listening to him on Thursday night, I must say that I was mistaken.
In a personal conversation with Cash after his community question and answer session he stated to me that he will not allow the politics of this city to interfere with the education of children. He also stated that students who have made up their minds to misbehave and cause other children not to learn will not be in MCS. His presentation before the audience was vibrant and exciting and it is my prediction that Kriner Cash will be selected by the board to become the new Super.


Anonymous said...

Kriner needs to understand that he is dealing with Memphis' #1 Societal Misfit.

Unknown said...

He does admit he's wrong at times, rarely but he does.

Anonymous said...

IRS files liens against John Ford for unpaid federal taxes

HAHAHAHAHA! You reap what you sow.

Anonymous said...

Is that a tattoo on the lady's arm?

How kool is that!

Anonymous said...

I think that is Thud in a dress...look at his face!

Anonymous said...

TJ21 is a whiny little bitch and loves sucking cock.

Anonymous said...

Well boys and girls I am out on the town tonight and first off, I am going to the bar at Summer and Whitten. ....AGAIN!....

I hope that at a later time none of you chip on the shoulder, cry in my beer wise guys, wants to show what a bad cop is and be nasty. If you do......I will hand your ass to you in your hat and send your shit to 12 or 9 for your goons up there to figure out who keeps punching drunk ass, over bearing cops asses out, when they want to pull their gun and badge and be a bad man.

To SCSO and MPD......don't drink and carry, and most of all, don't go fucking with people in nice bars.

Why do you people carry Sig 229R's? Takes to much time to figure out how to fire it. Your "shoot house" frag rounds are not meant for the street either, so quit stealing them.

No offense to you Anti....but some of these kids need to learn how to be cordial when they go drinking. If not.....leave the gun and the badge at home. Otherwise they will run into somebody like me who will take them away and send them back to 12 or 9 where they came from.

Can't speak for Paudert's crew as they are never visible.

Anonymous said...

Alan Keyes and Barack Obama debate, hosted by Illinois Radio Network
October 12, 2004

Anonymous said...

What is he talking about re: summer and whitten. Is he talking about that hangout in the Bass Pro parking lot? Is hollywood Raiford's still open on Vance?

Anonymous said...

The only time Thud will admit he is wrong is after somebody bitch slaps his stupid ass.

Anonymous said...

Dang 9:10, give us a litle more heads up where you're going. I couldn't get over there in time to lock your ass up.

Anonymous said...


We don't take offense to that. I agree that us po-po types need to talk to people a little better, HOWEVER, after years of the same BULLSHIT egos, attitudes, and disrespectfull fucksticks that we deal on a daily basis, we become somewhat withdrawn and begin to care less what people think when we talk to them. It's not that we hate people, we just have a harder time than others dealing with this THUGGISH mindset.

As far as calling cops out to meet you, that isn't the most intelligent thing to do. I know you will say that you aren't scared and you talk a good game, but in the end, I suspect it will be the same story as it is with Thud when the police approach him.

BTW, Paudert has a few left on board over there that will DAMN SURE hand your ass to you. Most of the ass kickers have left when Sammis left, but their DTF will surely make your life hell if you get out of line.

And for the record, we don't need an invitation to find an asshole, they usually come to us and wind up at the Med should they become to much of a problem.

The Insider

Anonymous said...

No big deal, as most of the cops I know of go to a place and have a few drinks, cool off, and generally have a good time. They don't walk up to strangers and stuff and start being nasty. They don't pull the shirt up and show off the badge and gun and make it known they are going to do what they damn well want to do....including being rude and threatening.

As for "calling out"....go back and re-read the post. Drunk+ abusive+nasty ass attitude cops or anyone for that matter are not welcomed anywhere.

At least the gun and the badge were given back to the cops. Hopefully the cop got some help. Like I said no cop or anybody needs to be roaming around stoned drunk, armed, and nasty. Look what happened with that Jones guy.

I think other cops have better things to do than make calls on one of their own. Cops are human like every body else but it's that badge and that gun that make them more special than the rest of us. I admire that, I really do.

Anonymous said...


Crime report: Woman caps boyfriend after fight in Southeast Memfrica

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A colored woman/doe capped her live-in colored boyfriend after a fight in Southeast Memfrica Saturday morning.

According to Memfrica Felony Response, the two were physically fighting over a chicken wing around 4:30 at an apartment in the 3900 block of Willow, near Getwell and I-240.

The colored man/buck grabbed the chicken wing, left the apartment and was walking to his truck when the colored woman/doe capped him multiple times.

The 34-year-old victim colored man/Buck was taken to the Regional Monkey Center, where he is still in critical, low sick condition.

The 27-year-old negro doe suspect is in police custody for questioning but has not yet been charged. The Doe was caught after a fake welfare check was thrown into the back of a squad car as bait.

Call CRIMESTOPPERS AT 528-CASH with any info. You can be involved in the crime and still get the money and the free block of cheese.

What's black and white and roles off a pier?
A negro and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing!

Anonymous said...

Point taken...

Cops are required to conduct themselves in a respectful manner both on duty and off. Cops can go have drinks and socialize at clubs, bars, etc. But they SHOULD DO SO RESPONSIBLY. You are absolutely right, if they act like an ass, they deserve to have their asses handed to them, to knock them down a notch.
If they are tough enough to start it empty handed (NO-GUNS, or other weapons of the trade) then they should be tough enough to handle what is given to them when they get their asses kicked.

But to go off on ALL MPD, WMPD, and SCSO officers, ditchin on their pistols, insulting their intelligence, and bashing ALL OF THEM, categorizes them as ALL BEING CROOKED and irresponsible. That is enough to cause even the most soberest officer to put your ass down hard when they find you. It's RESPECT...and yes, it goes BOTH ways.

As for me, I frequent the night spots, bars, etc. and I have YET to have a problem with bar staff, bouncers, security, but have had to "invoke my will" upon a shitbag that I arrested that started in on me the second I walked through the door. I tried to leave it alone and walk to the other side, he followed, he ran his mouth, and he eventually pushed me. Shortly after he was awakened by EMT's by their Ammonia capsules outside the bar where he was led away by some friends of his. I could have had his ass locked down and charged with all kinds of things, I chose not to. So, does that make me TOUGH, BIG AND BAD, solely because I have a badge and gun.
And for the record, my gun and badge weren't even brought out, they remained in my truck.

POINT BEING....Not all of us react like Chris Jones. Not all of us are crooked, not all of us are intimidating until we absolutely NEED TO BE. But one thing is certain, we aren't going to take too much bullshit from people that run their mouths about "what they would do to us if we weren't wearing our badges or guns."
That is the reason I take mine off when I am out. That way, those people don't have an excuse to "feel intimidated" or "back down" from a Gun and Badge that isn't present.

The Insider

Anonymous said...

"What's black and white and..."

I know there is nothing I could ever say that would pull you away from this destructive hate, but in case no one has ever said this to you before, let me be the first. You are moving down a path that will consume the very best of you. Don't say you were never warned.

You can now follow up with a sarcastic remark.

Anonymous said...

Sarcastic Remark:

Why are there no sand boxes in the projects for the kids, and why was Thaddeus Matthews not allowed to play in one?

Because cats kept covering them up!

Anonymous said...


I don't know about you, but there isn't a cat big enough to cover up a turd the size of Thud.

Anonymous said...

You motherfuckers are in the cockpit of stupidity. I hope every stupid ass who has ever posted on this fake ass blog wake up in the morning with hemorraids out the got dam frame. You motherfuckers are some ole' skeezer bound need some wisdom pesticide sprayed all over your asses. This blog is strictly for losers, those who have 0 life, and 95% of you motherfuckers have 100 multiple personalities. Anti-Turpo look like a mf on the can of alpo. Hecave Raccoon is just some chick that wish she was one of those skinny bitches on WWF. You jerks post like you really make a contribution to society. You some bitter bitches. Bye bitter bitches.

Anonymous said...

I dont think Cash talked to Thud at all.Just like Thud refers to his sources which they dont exist either.

Cash wouldnt waste his time on a low life deadbeat like Thud.

The Mayors shoe shine boy (Thad) was in the hallway at city hall last week begging folks to listen to his kwap talk show.

Anonymous said...

I hope every stupid ass who has ever posted on this fake ass blog wake up in the morning with hemorraids out the got dam frame.

Hey there retard. Your wish came true! I woke up with 10 hemorrhoids. I cut them off, plated them, and now they're ready for you to feast on. Hope you enjoy your free meal, asshole!

Anonymous said...

Thuddeass Muffews is so desperate to be a community activist. The problem is, in his personal life, he has done nothing to show he is a responsible person. He's proud of his convicted felon status. He refuses to follow basic laws, is financially irresponsible, and has no comprehension of what it means to be a real man.

Anonymous said...

hey honkie who said i had to rape your white hoe,i believe she would be a willing honkies think the only white pussy a black man can get is by forcible rape,get real festus i believe she would love this big black for as the nieces and i dont have any but i bet your own children are afraid to be alone with your stubby dick ass being afraid you would rub it against do know white folks are born pedophiles.

Here's the deal. The world doesn't revolve around your dick. Your dick doesn't pay the bills. Your dick doesn't pick up the litter strewn in your yards. Your dick doesn't support all of the illegitimate children you're bringing into poverty. Your dick doesn't do anything for the peeling paint on your houses. Your dick doesn't teach your young men that it's not okay to commit crimes. Your dick isn't helping your kids pass high school.

Some free advice for you, Dickbreath...put your penis down because nobody gives a mother fuck about your penis and who it fucks. I'd bet it's infested with HIV/AIDS or some other STD.

Anonymous said...

Damn you folks don't realize that you play right into Thad's agenda of popularity by posting his pic at the top of your sight. You make him even more infamous

Anonymous said...

Ya'll getting too nasty on here so let's lighten things up:

Thaddeus Matthews walked into Tony's Bar with a duck on his shoulder.
Bartender asked "Where'd you get dat?"
The duck answered "Memfrica! They're walking all over the fucking place!"

What did Thaddeus' old pappy do all day when he was born?

Spent it throwing rocks at the stork in the zoo.

How could Thaddeus' mammy have fought crime?

By having abortions.
Where was Thaddeus baptized?


Anonymous said...

Dam....Dick sho don't do any of these things,but it sho nuf feels good.Wish I had me a biggum rat bout now.

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted about dick. I don't want your dick don't get me wrong I like it but I'd rather have a man that is financially secure because like the replied comment said your dick don't pay bills, your dick isn't powerful enough to make me stay in bed instead of going to work. so as you see your dick mesns nothing it feels like all the rest of them just a 2 minute thrill.

Anonymous said...

Bitter Bitches "R" US,

You have just solidified the argument for the need of retroactive abortion. You have fueled the fire for racism, anger, and the sincere hate for dumbass, ignorant, uneducated, coward bitches like yourself. You talk a big talk under the umbrella of a blog, but in real life you would cower down to the first hint of trouble. You would end up pissing your pants like a 4 year old and couldn't muster yourself to fight back. You are the TRUEST FORM OF A BITCH.

You make comments about how low lifes WE all are for coming to this blog and posting...WELL NUMBNUTS, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN YOU AND YOUR POSTS?

You make comments about all of us not having lives for coming to the blog and posting...AGAIN, SAME QUESTION DICKWEED?

You are pathetic and the reason that racism exists. People OF ALL RACES, are so sick and tired of people like you REPRESENTING the race which you are a part of. BLACK or WHITE, every race has LOSERS that happen to run their mouths, fuel the hate, and end up making their respective races look like a bunch of retarded spider monkeys smoking crack and trying to act respectful.

Get off of your mammy's computer before you get caught and punished. Leave the ADULTS alone in their conversation before you get bitch slapped again and made to look even more ignorant that I just made you look right here.

You Jackass!


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here just shaking in my boots. Get off the white man's computer? This is my computer. Your ass sound like a scratch record saying that same shit, "white man's computer". I stole this computer and it wasn't from no white man it was from somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

MS-13 Laquente los del Taquos

Anonymous said...


Hecate RavenMoon said...

To 12:54am--

Those hoes on WWE SUCK--you hear what I am saying???--

THEY S-U-C-K!!!--Those hoes are just that--hoes--They are not REAL WRESTLERS and they would not last here in the Dirty South in the ring--

I don't want to look nothing like them hoes--they look malnurished and anorexic--FUCK that SHIT!!--

That's why during my bodybuilding workouts--I take BCAA Fuel and Myoplex Plus--hell--I keep GNC in business--got the GNC Gold Card--

WWE Divas aint nothing but a bunch of over-rated hoochie mommas TRYING to be wrestlers--but all they really do is 'cat-fight'--

It is a waste--


Anonymous said...

Shut up hellcat you know fighting is just a phony. They should call you Hellcat dog in honor of junkyard dog. If I want to see a fight all I got to do is throw a can out beer even if it's empty out on 3rd street and watch those niggas come out like them motherfuckers in will smith movie "I am Legend"

Anonymous said...

Hefacate....Those WWE Divas don't want you to sat your BIG wide funky ass on them.Look at yourself,I bet you don't even want to trip and fall your dam self.Don't forget to brush your teeth,because people can tell where a niggar has been.lollollolhahahahahahahah!!!!!!!
Dick Breath OMG OMG O-M-G

Hecate RavenMoon said...

Good morning 8:05 am--

Hahaha--that's a good one--

It is so funny that you "think" you know me so well--


I know the REAL reason why you people will not meet me in person--

Because you know that once you do--you will see just how WRONG you have been about me--

You are afraid to be WRONG--

So--go ahead and say whatever you want about me--because you DO NOT KNOW ME--

when the time comes--you will one day see me in person--and when you do--I am going to laugh in your faces--

But that's ok--it does not bother me one way or the other--

Love you guys--have a great weekend and stay safe--


Hecate RavenMoon said...

To 10:55pm--

Well--duh--everyone knows that wrestling is fake--however--UNLESS it is a 'hardcore match' (like we have with the X.I.W. Promotions)--then it is a different matter--

Also--'Hellcat' is the 'ringname' of my tag team partner--she was with the R.S.W.F. from Olive Branch, MS--but she is with X.I.W. now--

Now--Junkyard Dog was a damn good wrestler back in the day--other than Andre the Giant--Junkyard Dog was one of my favorites--

Was that a good movie?--I heard it was--and I also heard that it sucked--just wanted to know--

Have a great day--


Anonymous said...

Anti- At lease he is somebody,what are you...a half of a clone.

Anonymous said...

Hefacate...Shut your fake as up,nobody wants to know you,what else is there to know,you have told every story about your whole life,you even told us that the doctor took your pu**y out...OMG. Now you on this blog trying to get Anti to screw you,I bet that would be a sight to see,his legless ass flopping around in your big empty ass hole,looking for something that is not there.Like a duck trying to swim in a pond with no water.You need to close that Grand Canyon up because it is out of business.