Sunday, June 8, 2008

You just can't help some people.

This posting is obviously from one of Thud's "Kool Aid Krusaders". It was found on one of Thud's blog threads.

Anonymous said...
Thadd you are our hero. I can not believe that the news stations do not hear the cry of the public with this utility company..Mlgw must pay the news station to keep them out of the news. Thaddeus I have a new found respect for you. Again, you are the community hero.
7:21 AM

If there was EVER an image of Thud as a superhero, it would be this one.

A Fat Bastard waging war on GOOD. (Spiderman and Batman)

So am I reading this that there are people out there that actually believe Thud to be a HERO? WTF people?

Is it any coincidence that he has removed their clothing? I also though that the toilet plunger on his head was a nice touch.

Additionally, I would like to say that one of our avid fans of Anti-Thad caught Thud on film as he was enjoying Karoke at Tony's the other night. I'm sure he makes his daughter proud.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I have not laughed so hard in all my life!!!!

Anonymous said...

DAMN Anti,

You need to be a damn comedian.

As sad as this city is, you are RIGHT ON with this. It is a sad to say that some people believe this idiot and put him on the "proverbial" throne. This is why he believes himself to be a SUPERHERO.

I don't know what's in that Kool Aid, but I damn sure don't want any!

Anonymous said...

You ever notice how Thud's supporters come HERE and say how this blog is a failure, yet they can't explain why THEY are here posting on this failure of a blog?

FUCKING RETARDS don't even understand that they are promoting this blog by their very ignorance.
Good job guys, keep up the good work.

Hey Anti, did your photographer get that pic of Thud trying to pick up that 15 year old out in the parking lot of Tony's right before her dad showed up and threatened to put a foot in his ass? I was there and saw it first-hand. Thud said that he didn't realize she was 15 and tried to talk his way out of an ass beating. The girl told her dad that she told him she was 15 BECAUSE THUD ASKED HER. Eventually MPD was called and Thud left in a hurry DRIVING OFF WITH A SUSPENDED DRIVER'S LICENSE YET AGAIN.

So, this is yet ANOTHER verification that Thud is ALSO a pedophile WAITING to strike.

If you have children, DO NOT LET THEM NEAR THIS PERVERT!

Anonymous said...

I see Thud put his banner back up....What a joke!

Anonymous said...

6:02pm said:
Hey Anti, did your photographer get that pic of Thud trying to pick up that 15 year old out in the parking lot of Tony's right before her dad showed up and threatened to put a foot in his ass? I was there and saw it first-hand. Thud said that he didn't realize she was 15 and tried to talk his way out of an ass beating. The girl told her dad that she told him she was 15 BECAUSE THUD ASKED HER. Eventually MPD was called and Thud left in a hurry DRIVING OFF WITH A SUSPENDED DRIVER'S LICENSE YET AGAIN.

First off, this incident was verified, HOWEVER...I hate to say this, but in all fairness, Thud was not named SPECIFICALLY.
But what is interesting is that the father who could not name the suspect did give a description of a black male who fits the physical description of Thud TO A "T".

What's more interesting is that the father and 2 other witnesses claim that he left in a vehicle THAT MATCHES THUD'S POS.

Now this COULD BE a set-up, but on the other hand, it would not surprise me in the least for it to be true.

The Insider

Anti-Thad said...

Well, wouldn't that be a surprise to all? Looks like that psych profile on Thud a couple weeks ago hit it right on the head.

"Diagnostically speaking, Matthews is an emotionally unstable individual in need of psychological assistance and should be considered a medium to high threat of violent behavior towards women and/or children with regard to criminal sexual behavior. Although Matthews may have not committed any criminal acts by acting on these compulsive disorders, he is a high probable candidate to do so in the immediate future."

Does this guy sound like a superhero to you?

Anonymous said...

Anti why you wanna be Thad soooooo bad.why you so jealous,Thad loves it when you do what you do HATE HATE HATE---------HATER

Anti-Thad said...

June 8, 2008 9:34 PM,

Rest assured that Thud is the absolute LAST person on the planet that I would want to be.

And Anti just loves it when you come here and post...(even though it lacks intelligence) because you basically support this blog by your mere presence....

Think that one through there genius!

Anonymous said...


Go'on back to Thud's blog, go'on now, shooo.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for Thad you wouldn't have a thing to write about. I noticed that you didn't comment on his MLGW story,Oh that's right you only write about Thad and negatives boy does he have control of you.

Anonymous said...

Citizens Against Government

Pig Book 2008

John McCain - 0 earmarks - $0.00
Barack Obama - 53 earmaks - $97.4
Hillary Clinton - 281 earmarks - $296.2

Anonymous said...

"I don't know what's in that Kool Aid, but I damn sure don't want any!"


If you drink it, your sensibilities go out the window.

Anonymous said...

"Anti why you wanna be Thad soooooo bad."

Why do you believe that somebody wants to be Thaddeus? This blog has nothing to do with wanting to emulate him. It has everything to do with right and wrong. Thaddeus preaches from a pulpit about flaws in other people that he has yet to master. That is called being HYPOCRITICAL.

As he stays busy pointing out other people's flaws, so shall the naysayers stay busy pointing out his. He chose a public forum to do it in and Anti-Thad followed his lead. Quit being such a hater of other's right to free speech.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thadd you are our hero. I can not believe that the news stations do not hear the cry of the public with this utility company..Mlgw must pay the news station to keep them out of the news. Thaddeus I have a new found respect for you. Again, you are the community hero.
7:21 AM

These are the people who keep voting Willie back in.

Anonymous said...

So Thud's still driving on that suspended Dl, eh? Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

And you'll be able to find his car easily - it has bullet holes in it.

Anonymous said...

"Barak Obama can not help what his name is. He didn't name himself when he was born."

That isn't the name he was born with. His birth name is Barry Soetoro. He changed it to this Arab name at a later date.

Anonymous said...

Wendi Thomas said

"Over and over this past week, I've heard many black people say the same thing: "Never in my lifetime."
Never in their lifetime did they expect to see a black American get so close to the White House.

But the distinction of being the first nonwhite Democratic nominee will go to Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois."



What this ignorant woman wrote in her gossip rag is a lie. The man is part-black and part-white .

She may have well as said he is nonblack. Same as saying he is nonwhite.

FACT - Obama is biracial or mulatto.


Censor away at the Liberal Appeal all you wish. The TRUTH cannot be silenced!

Anonymous said...

Larry Godwin is a mullatto but people won't admit it. He was once labeled a QUADROON.

Research the one drop of blood theory. Outdated now and politically incorrect but it's there just the same.

Anonymous said...

There are thousands of biracial people. Making them choose on applications, etc. what they aren't (either black or white) is asinine in the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

Anti can I hire you because there are 3 people here in Memphis that I don't like and since you have idle time can you do a blog on them. They say an idle mind is the devil's workshop but in your case it's a clown's circus. Haha! Don't get mad I had to get that one on you but for real can you do the blogs. How much do you charge? .01cent an hour! Gotcha! How much seriously though?

Anti-Thad said...

I'm not for hire to do someone's work for them. I started this blog because of my sincere disgust for this fat, lying, snake in the grass, thug, deadbeat dad known as Thud.

He has so many people snowed into his belief system SOMEONE had to get the FACTS and THE TRUTH out, and EVERYONE should be able to comment on whatever Thud brings to the table. That bastard doesn't allow comments that make him look stupid and ignorant or any comments that go against him in any way.

Anonymous said...

ok ok got dam I see you can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Anti you don't have disgust for Thad,what you have is hate,you are a hater plain and simple.Thad didn't pay you any attention because you were a no body and that made you mad.Now you form a group of people to help you hate on all ways wanted to take his place but you were never good enough,you are just to slow and can never be now you are trying so hard to turn everybody against him,and to help you down him.You are a Thad wanna be,and it hurts you so bad.No body cares about being counted when we post on your blog,even if we posted five hundred times a day it could never out do Thad's blog.Stop hating and get you a real life you childlish piece of horse shit,hiding behind a horse's ass because it looks better than your face and smells better than than you.You can only fool a handful of dumb stupid people who would go for some shit like this...talking to a person that they can't even see a picture of,even one or two that post on your blog shows a picture.For all they know you could be Lemonjello taking them for a ride.COWARD/HATER

Anonymous said...

.....And you don't have shit to even talk about,you have to go on HIS blog just to steal something to drag over here on yours.If we are the Koolaid Krusaders then thats a lot better than being called the HATERS CLUB.You all are a bunch of broken hearted,lonely,jealous,hating cause you are not good,low ego ass people.

Hecate RavenMoon said...



THAT was a good one--


Anonymous said...

Putting it on your mind you said that SHIT. And you are so right!

Anonymous said...

And you don't have shit to even talk about,you have to go on HIS blog just to steal something to drag over here on yours

SORE LOSER!! It's okay for Thad to steal, pillage, and plunder from white folks but all of a sudden you got a problem with somebody stealing Thad's shit?

FUCK YOU and boo fucking hoo! Hahahahahahaha!

Keep up the good work Anti-Thad.

And thank you for stealing shit from Thad's site so we don't have to even go over there and have to be counted as part of his blog traffic.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bitter Bitches R us

Hecate RavenMoon said...

To anonymous at 4:14pm--

That is so true--at least over here we have:

#1--DECENT people
#3--Better comment discussions

If I have said it once--I have said it many times--there is a MUCH BETTER CLASS of PEOPLE on Anti-Thad's blog--even those who are TRYING SO HARD to be evil--mean--cruel--hateful--they are STILL BETTER than the Kool-aid Kid Krusaders on Thad's blog--

Hecate RavenMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That is a picture of Anti Thad's mammy,she use to be his pappy's maid until his pappy started humping her,and she got pregnant and had Anti.You just can't go around humping everything with a hole,you don't know what you diving off in.Look at what happen to poor Anti,he was in such a hurry to get out of that nasty shit,he just popped out and left his legs.Now he will be a legless son-of-a-bitch for the rest of his life,from his head down to his waist.Anti I know you are mad as hell at life,because it didn't take a little from you,it took HALF,and I don't want to give nobody half of nothing,not even my sandwich.I guess you can relate to that old saying,that you just use whatever life throws at you.Well looks like it throwed you some lemons,but you can't make no lemonaid...cause it didn't throw you no sugar.Don't worry about it scooter boy,just think...if the lemons fell on the ground you couldn't get them no way,cause guess already don't have no dam LEGS.

Anonymous said...

9:48 and 9:49 is the same person,none other than old legless Anti himself.Anti you should be so thankful that somebody is over here posting,so you wont have to type so much and be six people by yourself.I know that makes you so tired,and if you had some legs you would really feel it.Hi Scooter Boy...what size reams do you have on your chair.lollollolhahahaha OMG